Samo da vas obavestim, imam sličan slučaj protiv drugog kazina i moj advokat će im poslati zahtev. Čim se taj slučaj reši prelazimo na FAIRSPIN slučaj. Kontaktirao sam regulatora iu drugom slučaju bez većeg uspeha, tako da je pomalo beskorisno i poslaćemo pismo zahteva FAIRSPIN-u čim dođe njihov red.
Takođe sam poslao svoj konačni predlog kazinu 27. novembra 2023. putem e-pošte na koju nije bilo odgovora. Dole pronađite kopiju (google translate sa ruskog, izvinite zbog mogućih gramatičkih grešaka):
Dobar dan
6. juna 2023. blokirali ste moj nalog kr**** r200@mail.ru , povučena su sredstva u iznosu od približno 13.700 USD, od čega su 9.500 USD depoziti od 19. maja 2023. godine, a nagrada za pobedu na turniru u iznosu od 500 USD nije dodeljena
Ova neprijateljska akcija izvedena je protiv mnogih igrača iz Rusije i Belorusije, što naglašava rasistički prizvuk ove akcije i nema nikakve veze sa takozvanim „kršenjem pravila".
U kontaktu sam sa više igrača i jedan od njih je izrazio želju da bude sutužilac u ovom slučaju.
Dug vašeg kazina ovom igraču je oko 7.000 USD.
Planiramo da pravo potraživanja vašeg duga prema nama prenesemo na advokatsku kancelariju na Kurasau koja se bavi sličnim slučajevima i koja je prilično uspešna. Što se mene tiče i mog stila igre, slične optužbe iz drugih kazina i odbijanja novca su mi već isplaćene iz jednog kazina, a drugi je u procesu potpisivanja ugovora. Tako je već mnogo puta potvrđeno da moj stil igre ne krši nikakva pravila kazina. Sada planiram da potpišem sporazum o vašem slučaju. Nakon potpisivanja, biće mi uskraćena mogućnost da vodim bilo kakve pregovore sa vama i pravo na potraživanje duga će pripasti ovoj kompaniji.
Pozivam vas da preispitate svoju odluku o nezakonitom povlačenju sredstava sa računa igrača. Spreman sam da odustanem od LEGALNIH dobitaka od približno 4200 USD, kao i od obaveze da platim novčanu nagradu za turnir, i zatražim da dobijem iznos mojih depozita u iznosu od 9500 USD
Igrač koji tužilac zahteva povraćaj celokupnog bilansa od približno 6.000 USD (pošto je ceo saldo zbir njegovih prethodnih depozita) i takođe se odriče svojih zahteva za dobijanje dobitaka sa turnira u iznosu od 1.000 USD.
Ova ponuda ima za cilj isključivo da ubrza proceduru i izbegne nepotrebne troškove sa vaše strane. Prihvatanje ove ponude će uštedeti vašu reputaciju i novac. Tražimo samo vraćanje onoga što nam pripada. Rešenje koje odgovara svim stranama (u ovoj ili onoj meri).
Očekujemo da nas obavestite o deblokadi naših naloga i dozvolite povlačenje sredstava pod gore opisanim uslovima. Ukoliko ne odgovorite ili donesete negativnu odluku, biće naplaćen ukupan iznos duga za korišćenje sredstava od momenta blokade računa, kao i naknada za pravne usluge za 2 osobe, što će ukupno iznositi oko 3000-3500 USD povrh iznosa glavnice, uključujući novčanu nagradu i Možda naknadu za bonuse "kriptovalute" koja iznosi otprilike 21.000 USD.
Donesite informisanu odluku i vodite posao na civilizovan način!
Srdačan pozdrav
Sergej S*****v
Just to inform you, I have similar case against another casino and my lawyer is about to send letter of demand to them. As soon as that case is resolved we proceed to FAIRSPIN case. I did contact regulator on another case as well with no major success, so it's kinda useless and we will send letter of demand to FAIRSPIN as soon their turn comes.
Also I sent my final proposal to casino on 27th November, 2023 via email that was left with no answer. Please find copy below (google translate from Russian, sorry for possible grammar mistakes):
Good afternoon
On June 6, 2023, you blocked my account kr****r200@mail.ru, funds in the amount of approximately 13,700 USD were withdrawn, of which 9,500 USD were deposits from May 19, 2023, and the prize for winning the tournament in the amount of 500 USD was not awarded
This unfriendly action was carried out against many players from Russia and Belarus, which emphasizes the racist overtones of this action and has nothing to do with the so-called "violations of the rules."
I am in contact with a number of players and one of them has expressed a desire to act as a co-plaintiff in this case.
The debt of your casino to this player is about 7,000 USD.
We plan to transfer the right to claim your debt to us to a law firm in Curacao that deals with similar cases and is quite successful. Regarding me and my style of play, similar accusations from other casinos and refusal to pay money have already been paid to me from one casino and the second is in the process of signing an agreement. Thus, it has already been confirmed many times that my playing style does not violate any casino rules. I am now planning to sign an agreement on your case. After signing, I will be deprived of the opportunity to conduct any negotiations with you and the right to claim the debt will go to this company.
I urge you to reconsider your decision to illegally withdraw funds from players' accounts. I am ready to give up LEGAL winnings of approximately 4200 USD, as well as the requirement to pay prize money for the tournament, and claim to receive the amount of my deposits in the amount of 9500 USD
The co-plaintiff player demands the return of the entire balance of approximately 6,000 USD (since the entire balance is the sum of his previous deposits) and also renounces his claims to receive winnings from the tournament in the amount of 1,000 USD.
This offer is aimed solely at speeding up the procedure and avoiding unnecessary costs on your part. Accepting this offer will save your reputation and your money. We are only asking for the return of what belongs to us. A solution that suits all parties (to one degree or another).
We expect you to notify us of the unblocking of our accounts and allow withdrawal of funds under the conditions described above. If you do not respond or make a negative decision, the total amount of debt will be charged for the use of funds from the moment the accounts are blocked, as well as a fee for legal services for 2 people, which in total will be about 3000-3500 USD on top of the principal amount, including prize money and Perhaps the fee for "cryptocurrency" bonuses that is approximately totalling 21,000 USD.
Make an informed decision and conduct business in a civilized manner!
Best regards
Sergey S*****v
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