NaslovnaPritužbeFortuneJack Casino - Igrač se bori da završi verifikaciju naloga.
FortuneJack Casino - Igrač se bori da završi verifikaciju naloga.
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FortuneJack Casino
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Zajedno sa našom metodologijom recenzija, mi smo izračunali Sigurnosni indeks kazina baziran na više od 20 faktora, uključujući finansije, fer Uslove i pravila, prigovore igrača i drugo. Što je viši Sigurnosni indeks, veće su šanse da vam vaši dobici budu isplaćeni.
Slučaj je zatvoren : 09/02/2023
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The player from Bangladesh has been accused of using someone else's ID to verify her account. The casino was unable to share evidence of the use of another person's ID, but it came to light that the player had created more than one account and claimed multiple bonuses on each. Consequently, the complaint was rejected.
Igračica iz Bangladeša je optužena da je koristila tuđu ličnu kartu za verifikaciju svog naloga. Kazino nije mogao da podeli dokaze o korišćenju lične karte druge osobe, ali se pokazalo da je igrač napravio više od jednog naloga i zatražio više bonusa na svakom. Shodno tome, žalba je odbijena.
Zdravo, igrao sam ovde od 2019. deponovan je povukao u prošlosti bez ikakvih problema danas sam osvojio 300$ i zatražio da se povučem, a onda su zatražili verifikaciju moje lične karte da sam verifikovan od strane njihovog sistema. Nakon toga su mi poslali mejl da koristim ličnu kartu druge osobe. Da sam koristio drugu osobu, označio bih kako to mogu da proverim licem i kako je to odobrio njihov dobavljač verifikacije
Hi I was playing here since 2019 . deposited withdrew in past without any problem today I won 300$ and requested to withdraw then they requested my ID verification that I was verified by their system . After that they sent me email saying I used another person ID card . If I used another person I'd card how could I verify that with face and how their verification provider approved that
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu. Žao mi je što čujem za vaš problem.
Imajte na umu da je KIC veoma važan i suštinski proces, tokom kojeg kazino osigurava da se novac pošalje pravom vlasniku. Kako nemaju luksuz da fizički vide sve igrače i provere njihove identifikacione i dokumente, to je jedini način na koji kockarske ustanove mogu da završe procedure verifikacije. Nijedan od ozbiljnih i licenciranih kazina ne shvata olako KIC.
Možete li ovde da potvrdite da ste zaista koristili svoju ličnu kartu? Da li imate neki drugi dokument koji bi mogao da potvrdi vaš identitet kao što je vozačka dozvola ili pasoš?
Pored toga, ako postoji bilo kakva druga relevantna komunikacija između vas i kazina, prosledite je na KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Alternativno, možete ga objaviti ovde.
Nadam se da ćemo moći da vam pomognemo da rešite ovaj problem što je pre moguće. Hvala unapred na odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rityraj,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
Please understand that KYC is a very important and essential process, during which the casino makes sure that the money is sent to the rightful owner. As they don't have the luxury of being able to physically see all of the players and check their identification and documents, this is the only way gambling establishments are able to complete the verification procedures. None of the serious and licensed casinos takes KYC lightly.
Could you please confirm here that you truly used your own ID? Do you have any other document that could confirm your identity such as a driver's license or passport?
Additionally, if there is any other relevant communication between you and the casino, please forward it to Alternatively, you can post it here.
I hope we will be able to help you to resolve this issue as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your reply.
Zdravo, poslao sam vam nekoliko mejlova između mene i kazina. Oni koriste automatizovani sistem verifikacije treće strane. Gde su me zamolili da koristim trenutnu fotografiju lične karte i video snimak mog životnog lica. Sve što sam uradio i uspešno sam verifikovan. Njihova namera je da neće platiti. Nakon što sam im poslao e-poštu rekavši da sam uspešno verifikovan. Rekli su da će ponovo proveriti i obavestiti me. Onda su posle nekoliko sati rekli da su me blokirali zbog višestrukog računovodstva. I jasno sam im rekao da nikada nisam koristio višestruki nalog i nikada nisam koristio bilo koju njihovu promociju ili bonus ili depozit ili povlačenje koristeći bilo koji drugi račun osim ovog. Onda su mi pre sat vremena poslali sledeću e-poštu.
„ Obavještavamo vas da je ovo konačna odluka Kazina, nalog je suspendovan
zbog kršenja T&C- višestruko računovodstvo, nije prošao KIC.
Ljubazan podsetnik za vas: ukupan iznos depozita počevši od registracije je jednak 630,74 USD,
ukupno potvrđeno povlačenje u istom vremenskom okviru 741,81 USD"
Kada sam uspešno verifikovan. Ranije sam deponovao povukao ono što je sada problem sa KIC-om. Imam samo NID da mogu da verifikujem preko bilo kog sistema po vašem izboru da pokažem da sam legitiman i da ne koristim ID bilo koje druge osobe
Hi I have sent you several email between me and the casino . They are using a automated and third party verification system . Where I was asked to use a current photo of ID card and my life face video . All I did and I was verified successfully. Their intention is they are not going to pay out. After I sent them email saying I was verified successfully. They told that they will recheck and let me know . Then after few hours they said they have blocked me for multi accounting . And I stated them clearly that I never used multi account and I never used any of their promo or bonus or deposit or withdraw using any account other than this . Then one hour ago they sent me the following email .
" Please be informed that this is final decision of Casino, account has been suspended
due to violation of T&C- multiple accounting , not passed KYC.
Kind reminder for you : total deposit amount starting from registration is equal to 630.74 USD,
total confirmed withdrawal during the same time frame 741.81 USD"
When I was verified successfully. I past deposited withdrew what's problem now with the KYC . I have NID only that i can verify through any system of your choice to show that i am legitimate and not using any other person ID
Hvala vam puno, ritiraj, na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu svom kolegi Adamu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na usluzi. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će problem biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo u bliskoj budućnosti.
Thank you very much, rityraj, for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Adam ( who will be at your service. I wish you the best of luck and hope the problem will be resolved to your satisfaction in the near future.
Pregledao sam vaš slučaj i kontaktiraću kazino da vidim da li mogu da pomognem.
Želeli bismo da pozovemo FortuneJack Casino da se pridruži razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi FortuneJack Casino,
Možete li nam dati dodatne detalje u vezi sa blokiranjem naloga igrača? Da li je to bilo zbog neuspele verifikacije, više naloga ili oboje? Molimo vas da dostavite bilo koji dokaz na moju e-poštu, KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk .
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello rityraj,
I have reviewed your case and will contact the casino to see if I can help.
We would like to invite FortuneJack Casino to join the conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear FortuneJack Casino,
Can you please provide further details regarding the blocking of the player's account? Was it due to failed verification, multiple accounts, or both? Please provide any supporting evidence to my e-mail,
Pre razgovora o detaljima koje je korisnik naveo u okviru ove žalbe. Želeli bismo da navedemo da je OP prekršio 2.5 TC (Da biste pročitali, pogledajte priloženu sliku) koji ograničava osobu da registruje ili/i upravlja više naloga. Prilažemo sliku koja pokazuje da postoje dva naloga na istom uređaju. Imajte na umu činjenicu da korisnička imena imaju isti obrazac imenovanja.
Što se tiče upita o žalbi:
Naše odeljenje bezbednosti je zatražilo standardni KIC zahtev (Upoznaj svog kupca) prema 8.3 (Da biste pročitali, pogledajte priloženu sliku).
Korisnik je bio upoznat sa svim uputstvima kako da završi proceduru verifikacije. Da bi to uradio, revmob111 je trebao da otpremi selfi i identifikacioni dokument (Identiti document). Prilikom prvog pokušaja, sistem je automatski identifikovao da se slika osobe na ličnom dokumentu razlikuje od selfija. Čim je OP shvatio da je platforma odbila ulazak, revmob111 je pokušao da otpremi odgovarajući ID na selfi kako bi imao priliku da završi proceduru verifikacije. Međutim, naše odeljenje za prevare i prevenciju je u skladu sa tim proverilo sve unose (za prvi pokušaj, OP je koristio mušku ličnu kartu, ali u poslednjem, ženski, koja je ona prikazana na selfiju) i ukinula nalog prema 8.9 (Da pročitate , pogledajte priloženu sliku), koja jasno objašnjava da ukoliko korisnik ne poštuje odgovarajuće KIC i/ili CDD zahteve, imamo zakonsko pravo da ukinemo nalog i konfiskujemo sva sredstva dodeljena nezakonitim aktivnostima.
Odluka je konačna i neće se menjati jer se jasno vidi nezakonita radnja preduzeta protiv kompanije. Što je najvažnije, mi se bavimo kriminalnim aktivnostima, a ne samo standardnim kršenjem TC, i mi kao kompanija ne možemo i nećemo dozvoliti da se to dešava u našim digitalnim entitetima.
Before discussing the details that the user mentioned within this complaint. We would love to state that the OP violated 2.5 TC (To read, please see the attached image) which restricts a person from registering or/ and operating multiple accounts. We're attaching the image that showcases that there are two accounts on the same device. Note to say the fact that the usernames do have the same naming pattern.
As for the complaint inquiry:
Our security department requested the standard KYC (Know Your Customer) request as per 8.3 (To read, please see the attached image).
The user was aware of all the instructions on how to complete the verification procedure. To do so, revmob111 needed to upload a selfie and the ID (Identity document). Onto the first attempt, the system automatically identified that the person's image on the ID was different from the selfie. As soon as the OP realized that the platform denied the entry, revmob111 tried to upload the corresponding ID to the selfie for the chance to complete the verification procedure. However, our Fraud and Prevention department checked all the entries accordingly (For the first try, OP used a male ID but onto the last one, the female which is the one shown in the selfie) and terminated the account as per 8.9 (To read, please see the attached image), which clearly explains that if the user does not comply with the respective KYC and/or CDD requirements, we have the legal right to terminate the account and confiscate all the funds allocated through the illegal activities.
The decision is final and will not be changed as we can clearly see the illegal action taken against the company. Most importantly, we're dealing with criminal activity, not just the standard TC violation, and we as a company cannot and will not allow it to be happening across our digital entities.
Nikada ne pokazuju dokaz o korišćenju bilo koje druge osobe koju bih označio. Oni koriste dobavljača za verifikaciju treće strane ako sam uradio nešto pogrešno tokom verifikacije provajder ne bi trebalo da me verifikuje. Nisam uradio ništa sa više naloga i to potvrđujem. Zato molim vas pomozite mi. Ne mogu da uzmu novac kockaru kao što je ovaj govoreći da samo ona ima višestruki račun. Kada ga nikada nisam imao i nikada se nisam prijavio koristeći bilo koji drugi nalog osim ritiraj . Ako su toliko ozbiljni u tome zašto nemaju sistem za blokiranje duplih naloga dok neko pokušava da otvori više naloga. 0,014 btc ekvivalentno 300 USD dolara, to je sve što tražim od njih da pošalju u moj novčanik.
They never show the proof of using any other person I'd card. They are using third party verification provider if I did something wrong while verification the provider shouldn't verify me . I did nothing with any multi accounts and I confirm this . So please help me . They can not take a gambler money like this saying just her has a multi account . When I never had one and I never ever login using any other account other than rityraj . If they are so much serious about this why don't they have a system for duplicate account blocking while some one try to open more than one account. 0.014 btc equivalent to 300 USD DOllars that's all I am asking them to send to my wallet.
Hvala na odgovoru. Da li možete da nam pružite prateće dokaze o korišćenju različitih ličnih dokumenata? Može se poslati na moju e-poštu, KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk .
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear FortuneJack Casino,
Thank you for your response. Are you able to provide us with supporting evidence of the use of different IDs? It can be sent to my e-mail,
Ne možemo zakonski da otkrijemo ID-ove naših korisničkih imena jer smo odgovorni prema licenci za kockanje da ih čuvamo privatnim, bez obzira na sve.
Zamolite svoj tim da još jednom proveri da li uređaj odgovara gore navedenim korisničkim imenima, jer to jasno ukazuje na kršenje TC. OP nije pružio nikakav dokaz i nastavlja da priča bez ikakvih dokaza. Mislimo da i ovo treba uzeti u obzir.
U svakom slučaju, ako vam nešto treba od nas, obavezno nas obavestite.
Hello Adam,
We cannot legally disclose the IDs of our usernames as we're accountable as per gambling license to keep them private, no matter what.
Kindly ask your team to double-check that the device matches the usernames mentioned above, as it clearly indicates the TC violation. OP has not provided any proof, whatsoever and keeps on talking without any evidence. We think this should be taken into consideration too.
In any way, if there's anything you need from us, be sure to let us know.
U redu, mogu li da pokažu da je korisničko ime iznad zaista bilo prijavljeno koliko puta. I šta je pogrešno urađeno sa mog uređaja. Takođe ponovo kažem da koriste sistem verifikacije treće strane. Kažu da koristim ID druge osobe. Nikada to nisam uradio i nikada nisam uradio ništa loše ni sa jednim drugim nalogom.
Okay can they show that the username above has really been logged in how many times . And what has been done wrong from my device . Also I am again saying they are using third party verification system . They are saying I am using another person ID . I never did so and I never done anything wrong with any other account .
Upravo sam uputio zahtev našem Odeljenju za prevare da dobijem istoriju prijavljivanja na alternativni nalog koji OP ima i čim budemo imali dokaze, trebalo bi da možemo da ih pošaljemo ovde.
Dear Casino Guru representative,
I've just made the request to our Fraud Department to get the log-in history of the alternative account that OP has and as soon as we have the proofs, we should be able to send them here.
Prema FortuneJack-ovom pravnom timu, nije nam dozvoljeno da javno objavljujemo istoriju dnevnika gore navedenih naloga, uključujući glavne i alternativne.
Međutim, već smo poslali sve dokaze na Adamovu e-poštu, pokazujući tačne datume kada su oba naloga bila prijavljena na FortuneJack-ovu platformu, što ukazuje na kršenje TC.
Odluka sa naše strane je konačna i neće se ni na koji način menjati jer smatramo da svi korisnici moraju imati isto i pošteno okruženje za kockanje.
Dear Casino Guru representative,
As per FortuneJack's legal team, we're not allowed to publicly post the log history of the above-mentioned accounts, including the main and the alternative ones.
However, we've already sent all the proofs to Adam's email, showcasing the exact dates when both of the accounts were logged in to FortuneJack's platform indicating the TC violation.
The decision on our end is final and will not be altered in any way as we think all the users must have the same and fair gambling environment.
Pregledao sam dostavljene dokaze, ali nisam siguran da su oni dovoljni kao razlog za oduzimanje sredstava.
Kada posmatramo slučajeve više naloga, radije procenjujemo svaki pojedinačno, jer može biti mnogo razloga zbog kojih je nalog kreiran slučajno/nenamerno.
Zbog toga možda nije uvek pošteno konfiskovati dobitke. Imajući to na umu, želeo bih da pitam:
Vidim da postoji samo stanje na jednom računu, da li je drugi ikada korišćen (depoziti, opklade)?
Da li je registracijom ovog drugog naloga stečena neka nepravedna prednost?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello FortuneJack Casino,
I have reviewed the evidence provided, but I am not sure that it is sufficient as a reason for confiscating funds.
When we look at multiple accounts cases, we prefer to assess each one individually, as there can be many reasons an account has been created accidentally/unintentionally.
It may not always be fair to confiscate winnings due to this. With that in mind, I would like to ask:
I can see there is only a balance on one account, has the other one ever been used (deposits, wagers)?
Has any unfair advantage been gained by registering this other account?
Hvala Adame, slažem se sa tvojom tačkom gledišta. Nikada nisu pružili ono što je uradio višestruki nalog. Nikada nisam uradio ništa loše ni sa jednim višestrukim nalogom. Sve što želim da mi pošalju mojih 0,014 BTC što je ekvivalentno 300 dolara jer je moj ID uspešno verifikovan od strane njihovog KIC provajdera i nisam uradio ništa loše ni sa jednim višestrukim nalogom.
Thanks Adam I agree with your point of view . They never provided what was done by a multi account . I never did anything wrong with any multi account. All I want them to send me my 0.014 BTC equivalent to $300 because my ID was verified successfully by their KYC provider and I did nothing wrong with any multi account.
Mislimo da ovo ne bi trebalo da bude tema za našu diskusiju ni pod kakvim uslovima jer, od trenutka kada korisnik završi registraciju, on ili ona automatski prihvataju opšte uslove i odredbe FortuneJack-a. Bez obzira na sve, čim dođe do kršenja nekog od ovih odeljaka, posebno govorimo o 2.5 odeljka „Vaš nalog:
„Dozvoljeno vam je da registrujete samo jedan nalog. Registrovanje i upravljanje više naloga (više od jednog) je strogo zabranjeno. Kompanija zadržava pravo da kvalifikuje nalog(e) registrovane na bilo kome iz Vaše porodice, domaćinstva, rođaka, prijatelja ili inače povezana osoba da bude Vaš drugi nalog i, na taj način, odlučite da imate više naloga. U slučaju višestrukih Računa, zadržavamo pravo da odmah blokiramo i ukinemo sve takve naloge i konfiskujemo sva novčana sredstva dostupna na tim računima."
Imamo pravo da ukinemo sve račune i konfiskujemo raspoloživa sredstva na njima jer je radnja preduzeta protiv kompanije strogo nezakonita. Mislimo da nema šta da se doda u pogledu dokaza jer su gore pomenuti nalozi povezani i njima se upravlja/prijavljuje sa istog uređaja (svi dokazi slike su poslati).
Štaviše, naše odeljenje bezbednosti je zatražilo standardni KIC zahtev (Upoznaj svog klijenta) prema klauzuli 8.3 Uputstava i uslova za kazino. Korisnik je bio dobro upoznat sa svim uputstvima kako da završi proceduru verifikacije. Da bi to uradio, Ritiraj je morao da učita selfi i identifikacioni dokument (dokument). Prilikom prvog pokušaja, sistem je automatski identifikovao da se slika osobe na ličnom dokumentu razlikuje od selfija. Čim je Korisnik shvatio da je platforma odbila ulazak, Ritiraj je pokušao da prenese odgovarajući ID na selfi kako bi imao priliku da završi proceduru verifikacije. Međutim, naše odeljenje za prevare i prevenciju je u skladu sa tim proverilo sve unose (u prvom pokušaju, korisnik je koristio muški ID, ali u poslednjem, ženski, koji je prikazan na selfiju) i ukinuo nalog u skladu sa klauzulom 8.9. Kazino T&C, koji jasno objašnjava da ako korisnik ne poštuje odgovarajuće KIC i/ili CDD zahteve, imamo zakonsko pravo da ukinemo nalog i konfiskujemo sva sredstva dodeljena nezakonitim aktivnostima.
Gorenavedena odluka je konačna jer su nezakonite aktivnosti jasno demonstrirane od strane korisnika, što FortuneJack ne može i neće tolerisati.
We think this should not be a topic for us to discuss by any terms because, from the time the user completes the registration, he or she automatically accepts the general Terms and Conditions of FortuneJack. No matter what, as soon as there's a violation of any of those sections, particularly we're talking about 2.5 of the 'Your Account section:
"You are allowed to register only one Account. Registering and operating multiple Accounts (more than one) is strictly prohibited. The Company reserves the right to qualify the account(s) registered on anyone from Your family, household, relative, friend, or otherwise connected person to be Your other Account and, thus, decide that You have multiple Accounts. In case of multiple Accounting, We reserve the right to immediately block and terminate all such Accounts and confiscate all monetary funds available on such Accounts."
We have the right to terminate all the accounts and confiscate funds available on those as the action taken against the company is strictly illegal. We don't think there's anything to be added in terms of the proofs as the accounts mentioned above are linked and being operated/logged in from the same device (all the image proofs have been submitted).
Moreover, our security department requested the standard KYC (Know Your Customer) request as per Clause 8.3 of the Casino T&C. The User was well aware of all the instructions on how to complete the verification procedure. To do so, Rityraj needed to upload a selfie and the ID (Identity document). Onto the first attempt, the system automatically identified that the person's image on the ID was different from the selfie. As soon as the User realized that the platform denied the entry, Rityraj tried to upload the corresponding ID to the selfie for the chance to complete the verification procedure. However, our Fraud and Prevention department checked all the entries accordingly (For the first try, the User used a male ID but onto the last one, the female which is the one shown in the selfie) and terminated the account as per Clause 8.9 of the Casino T&C, which clearly explains that if the user does not comply with the respective KYC and/or CDD requirements, we have a legal right to terminate the account and confiscate all the funds allocated through the illegal activities.
The above decision is final as the illegal activities are clearly demonstrated by the user, which cannot and will not be tolerated by FortuneJack.
Oni nikada ne mogu da pokažu ili podnesu nijedan dokaz da su uradili bilo šta pogrešno. Sve što govore da mi neće dati moj dobitak ni po koju cenu. Da li mogu da pokažu bilo koji nalog koji je dva puta prijavljen sa mog IP-a ili uređaja ili je ikada koristio bilo koju promociju ili bilo šta založio sa bilo kojim višestrukim nalogom.
U vezi sa sertifikacijom ID-a Uspešno sam verifikovan kod njihovog dobavljača treće strane. Ako sam uradio bilo šta pogrešno zašto je njihov dobavljač verifikacije odobrio moj KIC.
Oni bar mogu da vam pokažu dokaz Adam kao što su rekli
Poštovani predstavnike Casino Gurua,
Upravo sam uputio zahtev našem Odeljenju za prevare da dobijem istoriju prijavljivanja na alternativni nalog koji OP ima i čim budemo imali dokaze, trebalo bi da možemo da ih pošaljemo ovde.
Ali oni to ne rade jer nemaju šta da pokažu protiv mene.
They never can show or submit a single proof of doing anything wrong . All they are saying that they will not give me my winning in any cost . Can they show any account that is logged in from my IP or device twice or ever used any promotion or wagered anything with any multi account .
About the ID cerification I was successfully verified with their third party provider . If I did anything wrong why their verification provider approved my KYC .
They can at least show you the proof Adam as they told
Dear Casino Guru representative,
I've just made the request to our Fraud Department to get the log-in history of the alternative account that OP has and as soon as we have the proofs, we should be able to send them here.
But they are not doing so because they have nothing to show against me .
Moramo jasno staviti do znanja Casino Guruu da OP pokušava da sakrije neke informacije. Da podvučemo, ritiraj je uplatio svoj poslednji depozit 2021. godine, koji je odigran u to vreme i završen je gubitkom. Od tada, nalog je aktivirao besplatne bonuse koji su se mogli videti na FortuneJack-ovim društvenim medijima, uključujući Telegram, Discord i Tvitter. U poslednjih nekoliko godina na račun nije uplaćen nijedan depozit. Dakle, činjenica da na neki način oduzimamo korisnikova sredstva nema smisla jer su svi dobici na nalogu dolazili od besplatnih okretaja i besplatnih opklada koje smo vratili korisniku. Zamolite predstavnika Casino Gurua da pogleda snimke ekrana kako biste videli detalje. Svi bonusi označeni kao 'Istekli' su oni kojima je bio potreban depozit za kompilaciju i korisnik nije imao interesa da to uradi jer je namerno pokušavao da osvoji sredstva iz besplatnih resursa dok su oni 'Završeni' od kampanje koje smo objavili u našim digitalnim entitetima i koje uopšte nisu zahtevale depozite/klađenja.
Da sumiramo, prekršaji na više računa sa dokazima da se njima upravlja pod istim uređajem i neuspeh KIC procedure zbog učitavanja različitih ličnih dokumenata je dovoljno da smatramo da je ovaj slučaj zatvoren, jer mislimo da nema šta da bude dodato od nas.
Povrh svega, korisnik nije pružio nijedan od dokaza ili podataka koji podržavaju sopstveni argument i nastavlja da deli nasumične misli koje ni na koji način nisu potkrijepljene dokazima.
We have to make it clear to Casino Guru that the OP is trying to hide out some of the information. To underline, rityraj made its final deposit in 2021 which was played at that time and ended with a loss. Since then, the account has been activating the free bonuses that could be seen across FortuneJack's social media, including Telegram, Discord, and Twitter. No deposits have been made to the account for the past couple of years. So the fact that we're somehow confiscating the user's funds does not make sense as all the wins within the account were coming from the free spins and free bets we issued back to the user. Kindly ask the Casino Guru representative to take a look at the screenshots to see the details. All the bonuses marked as 'Expired' are the ones that needed a deposit for the compilation and the user had no interest to do so as he/she was intentionally trying to win the funds from the free resources while the 'Completed' ones are from the campaigns that we published across our digital entities and required no deposits/wagerings at all.
To sum it up, multi-accounting violations with the proofs of operating them under the same device and failure of the KYC procedure due to uploading different IDs is enough for us to consider this case closed, as we don't think there's anything to be added from us.
On top of it, the user has not provided any of the evidence or the data supporting the argument of his/her own and keeps on sharing random thoughts that are not in any way backed with the proofs.
Nagradna igra koju sam osvojio na Tviteru. To nije vaš nasumični bonus. Osvojio sam retveet darivanje. Igrao sam i pobedio od toga. Da li Fortunejack vodi ovu nagradnu igru uzalud. Da li su lažni? Sada kažete da nisam položio depozit. Zašto bih ? Kada sam pobedio na nagradnoj igri za retvitovanje na Tviteru. Bilo je to iz zvaničnog Fortunejack retveet poklona na Tviteru. To uopšte nema smisla. Želim da mi kazino guru obezbedi pravdu i sva moja pobednička sredstva. Oni pokazuju jedan po jedan uzrok koji nema smisla.
The giveaway I won on twitter . It's not your random bonus . I won the retweet giveaway . I played and won from it . Is fortunejack running this giveaway for nothing. Are they fake ? Now you saying I did not deposit. Why should I ? When I won from a giveaway for retweet on twitter. It was from official fortunejack retweet giveaway on twitter. It doesn't make sense at all . I want casino guru to get me justice and all my winning funds . They are showing one by one cause that doesn't make sense.
Moje lično mišljenje je da li uzimam promotivni depozit ili ne. Osvojio sam učešće u nagradnoj igri na Tviteru među 500 takmičara. Nisam tražio ili molio Fortunejack da mi obezbedi tu nagradu. pobedio sam. Osvojio sam nagradnu igru bez klađenja bez obaveze depozita. Sada pokazuju jedan po jedan uzrok koji nema smisla. Čak ne mogu dokazati da sam koristio višestruki nalog sa lošom namerom. I ranije sam se povukao iz ovog kazina. Ali sada su započeli ovu igru jer nisu platili. To se zaista ne očekuje od kazina.
Its my personal opinion that I take a deposit promo or not . I won joining a giveaway in twitter among 500 contestants. I did not ask or begged to fortunejack to provide me those giveaway prize . I won . I won non wagering non deposit requirement giveaway . Now they are showing one by one cause that's has no sense . They even cant proof I used multi account with any bad intention. I withdrew from this casino in past also . But now they are started this game for not paying . It's really not expected from a casino .
„Na njihovom snimku ekrana, oni mi pokazuju da ne bih rtiraj bez dokaza sa više naloga ili evidencije istorije".
Prema snimku ekrana, korisnik je obavešten o oba kršenja TC (ne prolazi KIC i upravlja/poseduje više naloga).
Što se tiče:
„Oni čak ne mogu da dokažu da sam koristio višestruki nalog sa lošom namerom. I ranije sam se povukao iz ovog kazina. Ali sada su započeli ovu igru zato što nisu platili. To se zaista ne očekuje od kazina."
Već smo priložili dokaz da koristite dva naloga pod istim ID-om uređaja. Povrh svega, obrasci imenovanja su slični. Da ne pominjem pokušaj prolaska kroz KIC proceduru sa lažnom ličnom kartom (to je bilo potpuno drugačije od selfija koji je OP poslao).
Mislimo da nema razloga da razgovaramo o detaljima jer se OP dokazuje da nije u pravu. Zamolite predstavnika Casino Gurua da odmah preduzme akciju jer trenutna diskusija nema pravi pravac što negativno utiče na prisustvo FortuneJacka, s obzirom na činjenicu da smo pružili sve dokaze koji podržavaju višestruka kršenja TC.
In regards of:
"In their screenshot, they are showing me I'd rityraj no multi-account proof or log history".
As per the screenshot, the user has been notified the both of the TC violations (not passing the KYC and operating/owning multiple accounts).
As for:
"They even cant proof I used a multi-account with any bad intention. I withdrew from this casino in past also. But now they have started this game for not paying. It's really not expected from a casino ."
We've already attached the proof of you operating two accounts under the same DeviceID. On top of it, the naming patterns of those are similar. Not to mention, the attempt of passing through the KYC procedure with the fake ID (it was completely different from the selfie the OP sent).
We think there's no reason for us to discuss the details as the OP is proving himself wrong. Kindly ask the Casino Guru representative to take immediate action as the current discussion does not have the right direction which negatively influences FortuneJack's presence, considering the fact that we've provided all the proofs supporting multiple TC violations.
Kada ne plaćate moj dobitak bez ikakvog razloga znači da je ova diskusija legalna. Prošao sam KIC od strane vašeg dobavljača verifikacije treće strane. Nisam uradio ništa loše ni sa jednim višestrukim nalogom. Dakle, morate mi platiti kao igraču. Ako ste toliko strogi zašto nemate sistem za blokiranje kreiranja više naloga. Mnogo pritužbi na mreži sličnih ovom u vezi sa Fortunejack kazinom. Nisam prva osoba koja je podigla glas.
When you are not paying my winning without any reason means this discussion is legal. I passed KYC by your third party verification provider . I did nothing wrong with any multi account . So you must pay me as a player . If you are so much strict why don't you have a system for multi account creation blocking . A lot of complaints online similar to this about fortunejack casino . I am not the first person who raised the voice.
Cenim da se igrač slaže sa uslovima i odredbama nakon registracije naloga, ali kao što je već pomenuto, na osnovu našeg iskustva u posredovanju pritužbi nije uvek fer konfiskovati sredstva igrača za više naloga samo zato što postoji pravilo koje navodi da moći. Ovo je u skladu sa našim Kodeksom poštenog kockanja ( https ://
Ako je igrač otvorio drugi nalog da bi zatražio, na primer, bonus dobrodošlice po drugi put, onda je ovo očigledno namerno zaobilaženje pravila. Međutim, postoje mnoge situacije u kojima su igrači možda slučajno otvorili drugi nalog. Zbog toga tražimo sve relevantne dokaze o tome kako su nalozi korišćeni, kada su kreirani i poslednji put korišćeni i da li su prethodno verifikovani da bi se utvrdilo kako je igrač stekao nepravednu prednost. Mi prvenstveno tražimo od kazina takav dokaz jer kazino vodi evidenciju o svim ovim informacijama.
Do ovog trenutka, sve što znamo u vezi sa više naloga je da je nalog igrača povezan sa drugim. Još uvek niste naveli da li je drugi nalog uopšte korišćen ili kada je kreiran.
Takođe bih želeo da pitam da li je igrač vršio povlačenja u prošlosti (kao što su oni naveli), i
što se tiče besplatnih bonusa, da li je u suprotnosti sa uslovima kazina otkupiti više besplatnih bonusa zaredom bez uplate depozita?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear FortuneJack Casino,
I appreciate that the player agrees to the terms and conditions upon registering an account, but as mentioned previously, based on our experiences in mediating complaints it is not always fair to confiscate the player's funds for multiple accounts just because there is a rule that states you can. This is in accordance with our Fair Gambling Codex (
If the player has opened a second account to claim, for example, a welcome bonus for a second time, then this is clearly an intentional circumvention of the rules. However, there are many situations where players may have opened a second account accidentally. Therefore, we ask for all relevant proof of how the accounts have been used, when they were created and last used, and if they have been previously verified to determine how the player may have gained an unfair advantage. We primarily ask the casino for such proof as the casino keeps records of all this information.
Up to this point, all we know regarding the multiple accounts is that the player's account was linked to another. You still have not stated if the second account has even been used, or when it was created.
I would also like to ask if the player has made withdrawals in the past (as they have stated), and
regarding the free bonuses, is it against the terms of the casino to redeem multiple free bonuses in a row without making a deposit?
O mom povlačenju i depozitu priložio sam snimak ekrana. Osvojio sam poklon za tviter retvitovanje, a ne besplatnu opkladu ili okretanje. Nisam osvojio kladionicu u kazinu. Osvojio sam 0,014 btc i predao svoje povlačenje. Nikada nisam koristio nijedan drugi nalog osim ritirajja da iskoristim bilo koju FJ promociju, prijavljen ili korišćen za depozit, igranje, povlačenje. Što se tiče KIC-a, oni koriste dobavljača verifikacije treće strane. Njihov KIC provajder verifikacije je prosledio moja dokumenta i verifikovao moj nalog sa živom slikom lične karte plus i verifikacijom lica uživo.
About my withdrawal and deposit I attached screenshot . I won a giveaway for twitter retweet not a free bet or spin . I won no wagering casino balance. I won 0.014 btc and submitted my withdrawal . I never used any other account other than rityraj to take advantage of any FJ promotion , logged in or used for deposit , playing , withdrawal. About KYC they use a third party verification provider. Their KYC verification provider passed my documents and verified my account with live ID photo plus and live face verification.
@fortunejack kazino Nemam nameru da širim bilo kakav negativan uticaj na kazino. Sve što se izvinjavam je da oslobodim iznos za povlačenje. Registrovao sam se ovde na FJ 2019. i deponovao sam se povukao u prošlosti. Angažovao sam se na svim vašim društvenim sajtovima. Nikada nisam koristio više od jednog naloga za preuzimanje besplatnog koda ili opklada. Sve što znaš bolje od mene. Zaista se nadam da će kazino biti dovoljno pošten. Vi ste vodili nagradnu igru kojoj sam se pridružio i osvojio, a onda sam igrao sa nagradom i osvojio sam 0,014 btc koje sam tražio da povučem. Molimo vas da razumete ako koristim drugu ličnu kartu koja nije moja kako me je sistem verifikacije verifikovao. Prvo sam koristio sačuvanu ličnu kartu na telefonu. Zatim je vaš sistem za verifikaciju tražio živu sliku lične karte koja nije sačuvana. Onda sam uzeo ličnu kartu pri ruci, a onda su prvo fotografisali obe strane. Nakon analize fotografije, tražili su živo lice. Nakon toga sam uspešno verifikovan. Moj odeljak profila me je pokazao kao verifikovan. Nadam se da ćeš mi osloboditi moju pobedu.
Hvala unapred
Rima A****
@fortunejack casino I have no intention to spread any negative impact for the casino . All I excuse Is to release my withdrawal amount. I registered here on FJ in 2019 and deposited withdrew in past. I kept me engaged in all your social sites . Never used more than one account to claim any free code or bets . All you know better than me . I really hope the casino will be fair enough . You ran the giveaway I joined and won then I played with the giveaway prize and I won 0.014 btc that I requested to withdraw. Please understand If i use different ID card other than mine how the verification system verified me . I first used saved ID card on phone. Then your verification system asked for live ID photo other than a saved one. Then I took my ID on hand then they first took both side photo . After analysing the photo , they asked for live face . After this I was verified successfully. My profile section showed me as verified. I hope you will release me my winning .
Žalosno je videti da Casino Guru još uvek nije dao nikakav odgovor na činjenicu da korisnik nije uspeo u KIC proceduri. OP je više puta pokušao da koristi lične karte različitih osoba pokušavajući da zaobiđe proceduru verifikacije koja je striktno protivna odredbama i uslovima.
Protivzakonito je posedovati ili prodavati ličnu kartu u svrhu utvrđivanja lažne identifikacije. Osobe koje poseduju, koriste ili distribuiraju lažne lične karte terete se za prekršaj klase 1. Pored prekršaja, ako se dokument koristi za kupovinu vatrenog oružja, optužbe se povećavaju na krivično delo klase 6.
FortuneJack nikada neće dozvoliti nijednom korisniku da iskoristi finansijsku prednost koristeći identifikaciju druge osobe kao svoju. Bilo koja sredstva dodeljena odgovarajućim nezakonitim aktivnostima moraju biti zaplenjena. U slučaju FJ kao kompanije koja to dozvoljava, čini nas još jednim učesnikom u zločinu, što je koordinisano i nedozvoljeno trenutnom licencom za kockanje pod kojom poslujemo.
Da zaključimo, po razgovoru sa predstavnicima međunarodne licence za kockanje i pravnim timom FortuneJack-a, odluka je konačna i neće se ni na koji način menjati.
Ako vam nešto treba u vezi sa ovim, možemo vam pomoći.
Hello Adam,
It's unfortunate to see that Casino Guru has not yet made any response to the fact of the user failed the KYC procedure. The OP had multiple attempts of using different persons' IDs trying to bypass the verification procedure which is strictly against the Terms and Conditions.
It is illegal to possess or sell an ID for the purpose of establishing a false identification. Persons who possess, use, or distribute fake IDs are charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor. On top of the violation, if the document is used to purchase a firearm, the charges increase to a Class 6 felony.
FortuneJack will never allow any user to take financial advantage by using another person's identification as one's own. Any of the funds allocated by the corresponding illegal activities must be confiscated. In the case of FJ as a company allowing it to happen, makes us another participant in the crime, which is coordinated and not allowed by the current Gambling License we operate under.
To conclude, as per discussion with the international gambling license representatives and FortuneJack's legal team, the decision is final and will not be changed in any way.
If there's anything you need on this part, we can assist you accordingly.
Kao što stalno ponavljam, nikada ne koristim ličnu kartu druge osobe. Koristio sam svoj. Mogu ponovo da proverim ako je potrebno pomoću videa. Tako da mislim da nisam uradio ništa loše.
As I am saying again and again I never use another person ID card . I used mine . I can re verify if needed using video . So I don't think I have done anything wrong .
Razlog za obraćanje više naloga je što je to navedeno kao deo razloga za blokiranje naloga igrača, pa sam tražio informacije o tome.
Takođe sam tražio informacije/dokaze koji se odnose na neuspelu verifikaciju i korišćenje lične karte druge osobe, ali niste bili u mogućnosti da pružite nikakav dokaz o tome.
Da li možete da pružite još nešto u vezi sa ovim?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello FortuneJack Casino,
The reason for addressing the multiple accounts is that it has been stated as part of the reason for blocking the player's account, and so I asked for information about it.
I also asked for information/supporting evidence pertaining to the failed verification and use of another person's ID, but you have not been able to provide any evidence of this.
Are you able to supply anything further regarding this?
Kao konačni odgovor na žalbu, prilažemo istoriju evidencije OP-a koji pokušava da koristi različite ID-ove za završetak KIC procedure. Status verifikacije „Nije završeno" označava da identifikacija nije uspela zbog pružanja identifikacionog dokumenta druge osobe i da nije isti kao selfi koji smo tražili. Nakon što je shvatio da bi bilo nemoguće da OP zaobiđe proceduru verifikacije pošto je FortuneJack-ovo odeljenje za prevare i prevenciju već bilo zaduženo za pregled dokumenta, on/ona je odlučio da otpremi prave. U tom trenutku tim je ručno pregledao sve dokumente koje je on/ona poslao sistemu i prema tome je prevara identifikovana.
As a final reply to the complaint, we're attaching the log history of the OP trying to use different IDs to complete the KYC procedure. The verification status 'Not finished' is the identification of it failing due to providing another person's identification document and it not being the same as the selfie we asked for. After realizing the fact that it would be impossible for the OP to bypass the verification procedure as FortuneJack's Fraud and Prevention Department was already in charge of reviewing the document, he/she decided to upload the real ones. At that moment, all the documents he/she sent to the system had been manually reviewed by the team and accordingly the fraud had been identified.
Kao što sam vam rekao prošli put da sam otpremio svoju ličnu kartu sa sačuvanih fotografija, onda me traže da koristim živu fotografiju koja nije sačuvana na uređaju. Zbog toga je moj prvi pokušaj propao. Konačno za nekoliko minuta sam dobio svoju ličnu kartu fizički pri ruci, zatim sam slikao koristeći sistem provajdera za verifikaciju i onda su konačno tražili živo lice. I nakon što sam sve uradio, bio sam uspešno verifikovan. Kao što možete videti na njihovom priloženom snimku ekrana.
As I told you last time that I uploaded my ID from saved photos then they ask me to use a live photo other than the saved one on device . This is why my first attempt were failed. Finally in a few minutes I got my ID card physically on hand then took picture using verification providers system and then they finally ask for live face . And after I did all I was being verified successfully. As you can see in their attached screenshot .
Čim je sistem identifikovao da je korisnik postavio odgovarajući ID na selfi koji je OP poslao, naše Odeljenje za prevare i prevenciju je ručno pregledalo dokumente koji su poslati za prvi i drugi pokušaj, što je jasno pokazalo da je ponašanje bilo namerno kao muško ID je korišćen za prvi pokušaj, dok je u poslednjem, gde je sistem automatski završio proceduru pošto je 'Prihvaćeno' bilo žensko.
As soon as the system identified that the user uploaded the corresponding ID to the selfie the OP sent, our Fraud and Prevention Department manually reviewed the documents that were being sent for the first and the second try, which clearly showcased that behavior was intentional as male's ID was used for the first try while at the last one, where the system automatically completed the procedure as 'Accepted' was the female's.
Nije bilo ručnog pregleda ili sličnog. Verifikovan sam odmah nakon što sam napravio fotografiju na kartici i fotografiju lica. Nikada nisam uradio ništa loše sa višestrukim računovodstvom. Sve što tražim od FJ tima da mi pošalje moju pobedu. Molim te @adam daj mi pravdu. Nadam se kao provereni kockar od 2019. Deponovano i povučeno u prošlosti bez ikakvih problema. Zato se nadam da ćete mi poslati moju pobedu
There were no manual review or such thing . I was verified instantly after I took I'd card photo and face photo . I never did anything wrong with the multi accounting . All I ask FJ team to send me my winning . Please @adam give me justice . I hope as a verified gambler since 2019 . Deposited and withdraw in past without any problem. So I hope you will send me my winning
Kao što možete videti na sledećem snimku ekrana koji su priložili. Završeno je samo 18426 sa mojim punim imenom, rođeno.
Drugi nisu gotovi jer su tražili živu sliku lične karte osim sačuvane fotografije. U drugim 18423 18424 18425 tamo nije navedeno moje ime ili rodbina ili razlog zbog kvaliteta fotografije lične karte koja je sačuvana u telefonu. njihov sistem je tražio sliku lične karte uživo koristeći kameru u aplikaciji dobavljača verifikacije. Nakon što sam fotografisao ličnu kartu i živo lice, to je uspešno verifikovano. Kao što možete jasno videti na snimku ekrana. Mogu ponovo da izvršim bilo koju verifikaciju praćenjem predstavnika kazino gurua ako je potrebno. Takođe mogu prisustvovati video verifikaciji ili uzeti selfi ID Plus bilo šta što je napisano na papiru.
As you can see in the following screenshot they attached. There is only 18426 is completed having my full name , DOB .
Others are not finished because they asked for live photo of ID card other than saved photo . In others 18423 18424 18425 there my name or DOB or reason is not listed because of the quality of ID card photo that was saved in phone . their system asked for a live ID card photo using the in app camera of verification provider. After I take photo of ID Card and live face it was verified successfully. As you can clearly see in the screenshot . I can retake any verification by the monitoring of casino guru representatives if needed. I can also attend to a video verification or take selfie ID Plus anything written on paper .
Kada sam igrao na Fortunejack-u od 2019. Više puta sam deponovao i povukao. Kada sam uspešno verifikovan od strane njihovog sistema verifikacije. Kada nema ništa loše u višestrukom računovodstvu. Samo za 0,014 BTC osvajanje kazina znači odbijanje plaćanja. Zaista je tužno. Nadam se da će mi Fortunejack kazino poslati moj iznos za povlačenje od 0,014 btc. Molim vas, gospodine Adam, pomozite mi oko ovoga
When I played on Fortunejack from 2019. I deposited multiple times and withdrew . When I have been verified successfully by their verification system . When there is nothing wrong with multi accounting. Just for 0.014 BTC winning the casino is denying the payment. It is really sad . I hope Fortunejack casino will send me my withdrawal amount of 0.014 btc . Please SIr Adam help me on this
"Ako je igrač otvorio drugi nalog da bi zatražio, na primer, bonus dobrodošlice po drugi put, onda je ovo namerno zaobilaženje pravila. Međutim, postoje mnoge situacije u kojima su igrači možda slučajno otvorili drugi nalog"
Prilažemo snimak ekrana alternativne istorije naloga koji pokazuje činjenicu da je namerno kreiran da bi se dobio određeni bonus dobrodošlice za šansu da ostvarite veliki dobitak. U zavisnosti od iznosa, OP bi odlučivao sa kog računa bi podneo zahtev za povlačenje. Međutim, čim je shvatila da je za bonus potreban depozit da bi preuzela nagradu, ostao joj je samo jedan način da nastavi, a to su besplatni bonusi. Povrh svega, drugi nalog je kreiran namerno, ne slučajno, pošto je u potpunosti verifikovan putem e-pošte i mobilnog telefona. Nijedan entitet ili osoba nas ne može ubediti da verujemo da se sledeće radnje mogu izvršiti bez namere korisnika.
Što se tiče neuspeha KIC procedure, hajde da rezimiramo neke od činjenica prema dokazima koje smo pružili. Nadamo se da će to pomoći timu Casino Gurua da vidi istinu umesto da podrži OP koji je koristio samo reči da podrži svoje dokaze umesto da koristi podatke/dokaze za to.
Prema snimcima ekrana koje smo dali:
ritiraj = Čovek (glavni)
rimaraj = Žena (Alternativa)
U prvom pokušaju, OP je poslao identifikaciju muškarca da završi KIC proceduru, dok je selfi koji je korisnik poslao, na kraju, bio ženski. Korelacija između toga što je korisnik ženskog pola u stvarnom životu i alternativnog naloga povezanog sa istim ID-om uređaja kao glavni koji je registrovan kao muškarac je još jedan obrazac našeg posla sa jednom osobom koja pokušava da zaobiđe proceduru „Upoznaj svog klijenta".
Da sumiramo, OP je prekršio dva uslova politike privatnosti kompanije FortuneJack. Prvi je višestruki nalog, a drugi je jedan neuspeh KIC procedure. Zbog prekršaja smo ugasili naloge i konfiskovali dobitke. Imajte na umu da nijedan depozit nije konfiskovan, ali dobici dolaze od zloupotreba bonusa (kreiranje više naloga kako bi se povećale šanse za osvajanje većeg iznosa).
Odluka sa naše strane je konačna i neće se menjati bez obzira na sve jer je više zvaničnih subjekata već odbilo zahtev OP.
Žalosno je videti veb lokaciju treće strane, Casino Guru koji podržava korisnika koji je počinio prevaru i sa druge strane traži od nas, licencirane kompanije, da pružimo lične podatke korisnika radi zatvaranja žalbe. Ionako to nikada nećemo prihvatiti jer su svi podaci korisnika zaštićeni i neće se deliti sa trećom stranom.
Planiramo da razmotrimo ovu pritužbu na vodećem kripto forumu na tržištu i pozovemo sve ugledne članove ove niše da iznesu svoje mišljenje, a ne da raspravljaju o tome ovde gde se odluke donose bez razmatranja svih dokaza i slepo poverenja korisniku koji ima nije dostavio ništa na žalbu. Smatramo da je to pravi način da nastavimo i najverovatnije se nikada nećemo zvanično oglašavati o aktuelnim ili predstojećim žalbama ako se dosadašnji način pristupa ne promeni. To bi takođe moglo da nas navede da prekinemo bilo kakvu vezu sa entitetom i zatražimo uklanjanje liste kompanije FortuneJack jer se lažne informacije šire oko kompanije što negativno utiče na prisustvo kompanije.
Hvala na pažnji.
Ako postoji nešto o čemu biste želeli da razgovarate sa nama, molimo vas da to pošaljete putem e-pošte na
Srdačan pozdrav,
Hello everyone,
We would love to respond to the following quote of yours:
"If the player has opened a second account to claim, for example, a welcome bonus for a second time, then this is an intentional circumvention of the rules. However, there are many situations where players may have opened a second account accidentally"
We're attaching a screenshot of the alternative account history that showcases the fact that it was intentionally created to claim a certain welcome bonus for the chance of hitting the big win. Depending on the amount, the OP would decide which account, he would make the withdrawal request from. However, as soon as she realized that the bonus required a deposit to claim the reward, there was only one way left for her to continue, which was the free bonuses. On top of it, the second account was created purposely not incidentally, as it had been fully verified with the email and mobile phone. No entity or person can persuade us to believe that the following actions can be executed without the user's intent.
As for the KYC procedure failure, let's recap some of the facts according to the proofs we provided. Hopefully, it helps Casino Guru's team see the truth rather than supporting the OP that has used just the words to support her evidence rather than utilizing the data/proofs for it.
As per the screenshots we provided:
rityraj = Man (Main)
rimaraj = Woman (Alternative)
On the first try, OP sent the male's ID to complete the KYC procedure, while the selfie the user sent, in the end, was female's. The correlation between the user being female in real life and an alternative account linked to the same device ID as the main which was registered as Man is another pattern of us dealing with one person trying to bypass the 'Know your Customer' procedure.
To sum it up, the OP violated two terms of FortuneJack's privacy policy. The first is the multi-account and the second is one failure of the KYC procedure. Due to the violations, we terminated accounts and confiscated the wins. Note to say no deposits have been confiscated, but the wins coming from the bonus abusive actions (creating multiple accounts to increase the chance of winning a higher amount).
The decision on our end is final and will not be changed no matter what as multiple official entities already denied the OP request.
It's unfortunate to see the third-party website, Casino Guru supporting the user who committed the fraud and on the other end asking us, a licensed company to provide the user's personal information for the sake of closing the complaint. We will never accept it anyway as all the user's data are protected and will not be shared with a third party.
We're planning to overview this complaint on the market's leading crypto forum and invite all the reputable members of this niche to state their opinion rather than discussing it over here where the decisions are made without considering all the proof and blindly trusting the user which has not provided anything to the complaint. We think it is the right way for us to continue and most probably will never make an official announcement about the current or the upcoming complaints if the current method of approach does not change. It as well might lead us to terminate any connection to the entity and request the removal of the FortuneJack company listing as false information is spread around the company which negatively influences the company's presence.
Thanks for your attention.
If there's anything you would love to discuss with us, kindly ask you to send it via email at
Zdravo Adame, oni su u žurbi da zatvore ovaj slučaj kada ništa nije dokaz da sam uradio nešto loše. Ja nisam neprijatelj fortunejack-a i nisam poznat Ovde sam da tražim pomoć da dobijem svoju pobedu. Gde je sve jasno da kazino Fortunejack igra veoma lošu igru sa igračima. Nadam se da ćete mi pomoći u ovome.
Hi adam they are in a rush to close this case when nothing proof that I did anything wrong . I am not enemy of fortunejack and not known to . I am here to ask for help to get my winning . Where everything is clear that the casino Fortunejack is playing a very bad game with players . I hope you will help me on this .
Ono što ovde govore potpuno lažno nisam koristio bonus. Dobio sam tvitter nagradu od 50 dolara. Nagrada je bila bez klađenja. To znači da to nije bio bonus ni u kom smislu fortunejack. Igrao sam sa svojim novcem od nagrade i osvojio 0,014 btc što odgovara 300 dolara. Bio sam verifikovan. Nikada nisam koristio više naloga za bilo šta pogrešno.
What are they saying here totally false I did not use a bonus . I got twitter giveaway prize of $50. The prize was non wagering . It means it wasn't a bonus in any terms of fortunejack . I played with my prize money and won 0.014 btc equivalent to $300. I was verified . I never used any multi accounts for anything wrong .
Gde piše ritiraj = muškarac ili drugi = žena. Ne zahtevaju nikakve korisničke podatke dok sam se prijavio. Uneo sam svoje podatke puno ime, adresu, pol itd. na datum poslednjeg povlačenja pre KIC-a. na sledećem snimku ekrana prikazuju svoje podrazumevane informacije. Gde možete da vidite datum rođenja je 00-00-0000
Where it is says rityraj= man or other = woman. They do not require any user info while I signed up. I entered my details full name , address gender etc at the date of the last withdrawal before the KYC. at the following screenshot they are showing their default info. Where u can see the date of birth is 00-00-0000
Što se tiče ID-a, izjavili ste da ne možete da podelite dokaze o tome, a ja vam ne mogu samo da verujem na reč, kao što ne mogu da verujem igraču da to nisu uradili.
Stoga sam od vas tražio dokaze koji podržavaju upotrebu više naloga i objasnio sam šta treba da vidimo u vezi sa tim – dokaz o nepravednoj prednosti stečenoj posedovanjem više naloga. Takođe sam objasnio da to moramo da vidimo jer može doći do situacija u kojima možda nije fer konfiskovati dobitak igrača, na primer da drugi nalog nikada nije korišćen.
Da bih to utvrdio, tražio sam informacije o korišćenju naloga i da li je on zahtevao bonuse. Ova informacija nije data, uprkos više zahteva.
Molim vas da razumete, ne radi se o tome da „slepo verujem" igraču u ovom slučaju. Da jesam, slučaj bi odavno bio zatvoren. Ja samo tražim dokaze o tvrdnjama protiv igrača od strane koja ne samo da je iznela tvrdnje, već i ona koja ima pristup svim potrebnim informacijama da ih podrži.
Ovo je naš normalan pristup žalbama u vezi sa više naloga, u skladu sa našim Kodeksom za pošteno kockanje:
„Svaki slučaj treba razmatrati posebno. Ako kazino sazna da je igrač kreirao pet odvojenih naloga i zatražio pun iznos bonusa na svakom od njih, verovatno je da se radi o zloupotrebi bonusa i kazino ima svako pravo da ih kazni. S druge strane, ako povremeni igrač greškom kreira dva naloga i čak ne zatraži bonus, kazino ne bi trebalo da ih kažnjava samo zato što ima pravilo koje se može koristiti protiv njih."
Takođe pomenuto ranije, ovo se može pročitati u celosti ovde: https ://
U skladu sa ovim, pošto se čini da najnoviji snimak ekrana koji ste sada dali u svom poslednjem postu pokazuje korišćenje bonusa na drugom nalogu, želeo bih da pitam FortuneJack Casino da li mogu da razjasne ove informacije kako bi ovaj slučaj bio doveden do razumnog zaključka.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear FortuneJack Casino,
Thank you for your detailed response.
Yes, the player has been accused of two violations:
- Uploading someone else’s ID
- Multiple accounts
Regarding the ID, you have stated that you are unable to share evidence of this, and I am not able to just take your word for it, the same as I am not able to take the player’s word that they did not do this.
Therefore, I asked you for evidence supporting the use of multiple accounts and I explained what we need to see regarding this – evidence of an unfair advantage gained by having multiple accounts. I also explained that we need to see this because there could be situations in which it may not be fair to confiscate the winnings of the player, such as if the second account had never been used.
To determine this, I asked for information regarding the use of the account and if it had claimed bonuses. This information was not provided, despite multiple requests.
Please understand, it is not that I am "blindly trusting" the player in this case. If I had been, the case would have been closed long ago. I am merely asking for evidence of the claims against the player from the party that not only made the claims but also is the one with access to all the required information to support them.
This is our normal approach to complaints regarding multiple accounts, as per our Fair Gambling Codex:
"each case should be considered separately. If the casino finds out that a player has created five separate accounts and claimed the full bonus amount on each of them, it is likely that this is a bonus abuser, and the casino has every right to penalize them. On the other hand, if a casual player mistakenly creates two accounts and doesn't even claim the bonus, the casino shouldn't penalize them just because it has a rule that can be used against them."
In accordance with this, as the latest screenshot you have now provided in your last post does seem to show the use of the bonus on the second account, I would like to ask FortuneJack Casino if they can clarify this information so that this case can be brought to a reasonable conclusion.
Da, potvrđujemo činjenicu da je gore pomenuti bonus preuzeo alternativni račun. Status 'Bonus završen' kao što je prikazano na snimku ekrana pojašnjava da su besplatni okreti uspešno iskorišćeni i da su odgovarajući dobici dodeljeni kao nagrada nalogu. Međutim, da bi ostvarila dobitke, morala je da uplati depozit koji nije bio predmet njenog interesovanja jer bi to bio dodatni trošak ili potencijalna pretnja našem odeljenju za prevare i prevenciju da pronađe dokaze o upravljanju višestrukim računom u cilju povećanja šanse da osvoji veći iznos na bilo kom od njenih naloga. Kako su se dobici sa glavnog računa ispostavili veliki, odlučila je da kamatu pomeri na glavni.
Dodajemo još jedan snimak ekrana njenog alternativnog naloga koji prikazuje druge bonuse koje je alternativni nalog aktivno tražio/koristio.
Yes, we do confirm the fact that the bonus mentioned above was claimed by the alternative account. The status 'Bonus Completed' as shown in the screenshot clarifies that the free spins had been successfully used and corresponding wins had been assigned as a reward to the account. However, to claim the wins she had to make the deposit which was not a subject of her interest as it would be an additional cost or potential threat to our Fraud and Prevention department to find out the evidence of operating multiple-account for purpose of increasing chances of winning higher amount on any of her accounts. As the wins from the main account turned out to be big, she decided to push the interest to the main one.
We're adding another screenshot of her alternative account that showcases other bonuses that had been actively claimed/used by the alternative account.
Ovo jasno pokazuje gore priloženu aktivaciju bonusa računa od 14.02.2022. čak ni gde ne piše da je završeno. Bez depozita bez povlačenja ili nije povezan sa mojim računom ritiraj
This clearly shows the above attached account bonus activation dated at 14-02-2022 even no where says its completed . No deposit no withdrawal or not connected with my account rityraj
Kazino je već pružio dokaze koji pokazuju da je vaš nalog povezan sa drugim nalogom korišćenjem istog uređaja. Sada je pružio dokaz da su oba naloga korišćena za traženje više bonusa, da li možete da objasnite kako bi to mogao biti slučaj?
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rityraj,
The casino has already provided evidence showing your account has been linked to the other account by the use of the same device. It has now provided proof that both accounts have been used to claim multiple bonuses, are you able to explain how this could be the case?
Zdravo kao što sam vam rekao da je nalog korišćen pre godinu dana i to samo jedan dan. Ali bonus nije završen. To bi mogla biti greška. Taj nalog nikada nije korišćen dva puta. Takođe ne mogu da se setim kada i kako je nastao.
Hi as I told you that account was used 1 year ago and for a day only . But the bonus was not completed . That could be a mistake. That account never used twice . Also I cant remember it when or how it was created.
Kazino je sada pružio dovoljno dokaza da pokaže da ste kreirali više od jednog naloga i da ste ih koristili da biste iskoristili više bonusa. Ovo je direktno kršenje odredbi i uslova kazina, čak i ako drugi nalog nije nedavno korišćen.
Verujemo da bi kazina trebalo da sprovedu provere za više naloga u trenutku registracije, ali to trenutno nije standardna procedura u industriji, a duplikati naloga se često otkrivaju na zahtev za povlačenje.
Nismo u mogućnosti da komentarišemo situaciju u vezi sa verifikacijom ili korišćenjem lične karte druge osobe, ali pošto je kazino postupio u skladu sa svojim uslovima u vezi sa vašim korišćenjem dva naloga, više ne možemo da vam pomognemo u ovom slučaju i žalba će sada biti odbijen. Molimo vas da razumete, odluku možemo doneti samo na osnovu dokaza.
Žao mi je što ovom prilikom nismo mogli biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear rityraj,
The casino has now provided sufficient evidence to show that you have created more than one account and used them to redeem multiple bonuses. This is a direct breach of the terms and conditions of the casino, even if the second account was not used recently.
We do believe that casinos should implement checks for multiple accounts at the point of registration, but this is currently not the industry standard procedure, and duplicate accounts are often detected upon request of a withdrawal.
We are unable to comment on the situation regarding the verification or the use of another person's ID, but as the casino has acted in accordance with its terms regarding your use of two accounts, we can no longer assist you with this case and the complaint will now be rejected. Please understand, we can only make a decision based on the evidence provided.
I am sorry we could not be of more help on this occasion.
Kind regards,
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