Zdravo, i čestitam!
Rekao bih da se možete prijaviti kad god želite, iskreno - ne pitajte me, ja ne radim za kazino. 🙂
Počnite tako što ćete pitati u oba kazina i podeliti šta ste tamo naučili.
Ako ste uspeli da prođete verifikaciju naloga stekli ste dobitak u skladu sa pravilima, i ispunili sve uslove, rekao bih da ste u redu!
Dakle, samo napred i pokušajte, a zatim se vratite da podelite dobre vesti! 🙂
Hey there, and congratulation!
I'd say you can apply anytime you want, honestly - don't ask me, I do not work for the casino. 🙂
Start by asking in both casinos and share what you learn there.
If you managed to pass the account verification gained the winnings in accordance with the rules, and met all requirements, I'd say you should be ok!
So, go ahead and try, then come back to share some good news! 🙂
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