Zdravo opet!
Da budem iskren, to je verovatno zato što, na osnovu vaših narednih postova, ne verujem da je kazino uradio bilo šta pogrešno u potpunosti.
Kao što sam ranije pomenuo, na primer:
„Rekao bih da je kazino sasvim u pravu kada kažu da ste vi ti koji odlučujete da li želite da uzmete bonus.
Nekoliko trenutaka sam bio ubeđen da ste rekli da vam je bonus dodeljen automatski, ali vaš odgovor opet potpuno promašuje tu tačku. "
Ako ste uzeli bonus namerno i niste pročitali uslove, to je loše iskustvo uzrokovano vašim neinformativnim postupkom. Ako je bonus automatski dodat na vaš račun, to je veoma nepravedno. Ipak, pitao sam vas kako se to dogodilo, a vi ste to ostavili bez odgovora. Stoga sam to uzeo kao rešenu opciju.
Da li to možda ima veze sa tonom?
Takođe razumem da verujete da je kazino pogrešio sa procentom, ali oni, s druge strane, izgleda da misle da je sve u redu. Ili bar tako mislim do sada. Konsultovao bih pravila bonusa, i ako bih mogao da nađem dokaz da je kazino napravio grešku, mislim da je dobro da se ponovo suočim sa njima. Ako su uslovi bonusa u redu, ja bih to shvatio kao pogrešnu pretpostavku sa moje strane i razmotrio bih da li mi se sviđa način na koji „nagrađuju" lojalne kupce.
Gotovo zvuči kao da se vraćamo na tačku u kojoj ne možete povući sav osvojeni novac, što je nažalost sasvim normalno za mnoge bonuse. Možda ipak ne razumem „posledice koje mogu nastati".
Mislim da je pažljivo razmatranje svakog bonusa najbolji način da se izbegne ponovno isto negativno iskustvo; zaposleni u kazinu to ne mogu učiniti za vas; bonusi treba da odgovaraju vašim očekivanjima i stilu igre...
Po mom iskustvu, žalosno je što vam se čini da je ovo nekako neuobičajena situacija i trebalo bi da budete razočarani jer ako vaša očekivanja koja ste do sada opisali ostanu ista, sasvim ste spremni da ponovite tu grešku.
Stalo mi je da razumete kako bonusi funkcionišu samo da biste izbegli isto razočaranje. Ne mogu to postići tako što se igraš finog drugara koji se uvek slaže. žao mi je.
Hajde da pričamo više. Biće mi drago ako ispravite ono što ja po vašem mišljenju do sada nisam pravilno shvatio.
Hi again!
To be honest, it is probably because, based on your subsequent posts, I do not believe the casino did anything wrong completely.
As I mentioned earlier, for example:
"I'd say the casino is quite right when they say it is you who decide whether you want to take the bonus.
For a few moments, I was convinced that you said you had been given the bonus automatically, yet your reply again misses that point completely."
If you took the bonus deliberately and did not read the terms, well, it is a bad experience caused by your uninformative action. If the bonus was added to your account automatically, it is highly unfair. Yet I asked you how it occurred, and you left it unaswered. Thus, I took it as a resolved option.
Could that possibly have to do with the tone?
I also understand you believe the casino made a mistake with the percentage, but they, on the other hand, seem to think all is well. Or at least this is what I think so far. I would consult the bonus rules, and if I could find the proof the casino made a mistake, I think it's good to confront them again. If the bonus terms are okay, well, I would take it as a wrong assumption from my side and would consider whether I like the way they "award" loyal customers.
It almost sounds like we are returning to the point where you can't withdraw all of the money won, which is sadly completely normal for many bonuses. Maybe I am not understanding the "consequences that may arise," though.
I think that carefully considering each bonus is the best way to avoid having the same negative experience again; casino employees cannot do that for you; bonuses should fit your expectations and play style...
From my experiences, it is unfortunate to let you think this is somehow uncommon situation and you should be disappointed because if your expectations you have described so far stay the same, you are quite ready to repeat that mistake.
I care for you to understand how bonuses work just to avoid the very same disappointment. Can't achieve that by playing the nice, always agreeing buddy. I'm sorry.
Let's talk more. I'll be glad if you correct what I in your opinion, have not comprehended correctly thus far.
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