Registrirao sam novu internet stranicu koja je prilično ugledna.
Ima bonus dobrodošlice u tri dijela: prvi, drugi i treći depozit.
I imaju pravilo da imaju dva različita novčanika, jedan je novčanik za gotovinu, a drugi bonus račun kao i obično.
Postoje igre koje se mogu igrati SAMO koristeći "keš".
Dok ostale igre sve ide.
I drugo pravilo je da morate odigrati sav svoj novac u novčaniku za gotovinu prije nego što možete dodirnuti bonus račun.
Ušao je prvi depozit i igrao sam. Izgubio sam.
Drugi bonus je ušao i igrao sam i izgubio.
Moj Treći depozit je mjesto gdje je došao problem.
Na primjer, deponovao sam 1,000 i to je 100% bonus matchup.
Dakle, sada imam:
1000 gotovine
1000 bonusa
I otišao sam da igram igru koja dozvoljava SAMO Cash (bez bonus igre)
U igrici se vidi da imam samo hiljadu što je tačno.
Sada ako bih igrao recimo 10 rundi po 100 dolara.
I pretpostavimo da sam pobijedio u svakoj rundi.
Ali na kraju 10 rundi moj novčanik je nula.
Što znači, kada igram igru *koja dozvoljava samo gotovinu*
Koristio sam svoj novac da se kladim, ali kada dobijem.
Ne plaća mi gotovinu, ide u bonus novčanik.
Pa sam otišao da pitam administratora i očigledno moj drugi bonus na depozit nije bio potpuno nula, tako da imam taj uslov za klađenje.
A kada sam je pitao da li mogu da otkažem bonus, rekla je da ne može ništa da uradi povodom toga.
Dakle, očigledno moram da ispunim uslove klađenja za oba depozita i oba bonusa.
Ali to je u redu. U ovom dijelu donekle razumijem logiku.
Ali ono što ne mogu razumjeti je da li koristim Pure Cash za klađenje.
I ne plaćaš mi ni centa kad god pobedim.
Što znači da će moj novčanik neizbježno biti nula!
Bez obzira na to kako pobijedim!
!! Čak i ako sam osvojio džekpot zaboga.
A administrator je stalno ponavljao da moram ispuniti uslove za klađenje.
Shvatam da je moja greška što moram da uradim duplo trostruko četvorostruko.. od uslova klađenja, ostavi taj deo po strani. Kontam.
Ono što ne razumijem je zašto me tjeraju da igram THE CASH FIRST pre nego što dodirnem bonus, ali ipak uzimaju dobitak od keš opklada i stavljaju ga u bonus novčanik.
Mislim, ako će to da urade...
Zašto uopšte odvajati novčanike?
ionako će to biti bonus do kraja dana.
Zašto prvo moramo igrati keš, nema razlike
Zašto uopće imaju igre koje se mogu igrati samo s gotovinom, a ne bonusom, mogli bi imati i ograničene okrete samo po danu.
Žao mi je što iznajmljujem, ali stvarno sam toliko frustriran da ne mogu razumjeti logiku, a administrator samo ponavlja istu stvar o zahtjevima za klađenje.
Mislim, ako ne grešim.
Kada igram keš i dobijem.
i nastavim da igram, i dalje ću dostići uslove za klađenje.
Koji usput, onda mi DOZVOLJAVA da podignem novac sa web stranice !!!!
pa kakva je korist od toga da UZIMAJU SVE DOBITKE i stavljaju ih u bonus novčanik?
Osim što mi ne dozvoljavaju da igram igre "Samo gotovina".
Takođe, ako neko od vas zaista misli kao,
dio ide u bonus
dio ide u gotovinu
ne nije.
Koristim 100% gotovinu, svježi depozit, prvu igru dana.
Izgubio sam 100% gotovine.
Nikad nisam dobio ni centa ni od čega.
Osim što je moj bonus novčanik udvostručen.
Kad sam izašao iz igre, jer nemam više gotovine!!!!!
Svaki pobjednički cent je otišao u Bonus Novčanik.
Dakle, molim vas pomozite mi, momci, bilo ko samo molim vas objasni mi logiku ili mi reci da je sistem neispravan ili nešto što samo želim razumjeti.
Možda sam glup, možda sam glup ili sam možda samo lud.
Ali neko...
pokaži mi put...
molim te....
I registered a new online website which is quite reputable.
It has a welcome bonus in three parts : first, second and third deposit.
And they have the rule that has two different wallets one is the cash wallet and one is the bonus account as usual.
There are games that are able to play ONLY using the "cash".
While the other games is anything goes.
And the other rule is that you have to play all your money in the cash wallet before you can touch the bonus account.
The first deposit went in and I played. I lost.
Second bonus went in and I played and I lost.
My Third deposit is where problem came.
For example I deposited 1,000 and it is a 100% bonus matchup.
So now I have :
1000 cash
1000 bonus
And I went to play a game which ONLY allow Cash (no bonus play)
In the game it shows I only have a thousand which is correct.
Now if I were to play let's say 10 rounds of 100bucks each.
And assume that I won every single round.
But at the end of the 10 rounds my cash wallet is zero.
Which means, when I play the game *which only allows cash*
I used my cash to bet, but when I win.
It does not pay me cash, it goes into the bonus wallet.
So I went to ask the admin and apparently my second deposit bonus was not completely zero so I have that wagering requirement there.
And when I asked her if I could cancel the bonus she said no she cannot do anything about it.
So apparently I have to do the wagering requirements for both deposits and both bonuses.
But thats fine. This part I somewhat understand the logic.
But what I can't understand is if I am using Pure Cash to bet.
And you do not pay me a single cent whenever I win.
Which means my cash wallet will inevitably be zero!
Regardless of how I win!
!! EVEN if I won a jackpot for godsakes.
And the admin kept repeating saying that I need to do wagering requirements.
I understand it is my fault that I have to do double triple quadruple.. of the wagering requirements, put that part is aside. I get it.
What I don't understand is why do they force me to play THE CASH FIRST before I touch the bonus but yet takes the winnings from the cash bets and put it into the bonus wallet.
I mean if they are going to do that...
Why even separate the wallets?
it's going to be bonus by the end of the day anyway.
Why must we play cash first it doesn't make a difference
Why do they even have games that only can be played with cash and not bonus they might as well right there limited spins only per day.
I'm sorry I'm renting but I'm really just so frustrated that I cannot understand the logic and the admin is just keep repeating the same thing about wagering requirements.
I mean if I'm not wrong.
When I play cash and I win.
and I continue playing, I will still reach the wagering requirements .
Which bytheway, then ALLOWS me to withdraw the money out from the website !!!!
so what's the use of them TAKING ALL THE WINNINGS and put it into the bonus wallet ?
Other than not letting me play "Cash Only" games.
Also if any of you guys actually thinking like,
part goes to bonus
part goes to cash
no it is not.
I use 100% cash, fresh deposit, first game of the day.
I lost 100% cash.
I never got a single cent from anything.
Except my Bonus Wallet was doubled.
When I came out of the game, because I don't have anymore cash!!!!!
Every single winning cent went into the Bonus Wallet.
So please help me guys anyone just please explain to me the logic or tell me the system is faulty or something I just want to understand.
Maybe I'm stupid maybe I'm dumb or maybe I'm just crazy.
But someone...
Show me the way...