Sa zadovoljstvom najavljujemo sledeće takmičenje sa jednim od najvećih provajdera onlajn kazino igara – Pragmatic Plai.
Odlučili smo da podstaknemo duh Božića ovim takmičenjem, gde dodeljujemo nagrade u vrednosti od 3000 dolara. Ako želite da se pridružite nagradnoj igri, obratite posebnu pažnju na sledeće paragrafe.
Bez obzira gde ste igrali neku od njihovih utakmica, sada imate još jednu šansu da pobedite i pobrinuli smo se da pravila budu super laka za razumevanje. Možete da igrate standardne igre Pragmatic Plai ili da povećate svoje šanse za pobedu igrajući igrice sa božićnim temama.
Uslovi za upis
1. Postavite link za ponavljanje svoje pobede u bilo kojoj igri Pragmatic Plai iz bilo kog kazina.
Šta je veza za reprizu? Gde da ga nađem?
2. Napišite naziv kazina u kojem ste igrali dobitni spin.
3. Minimalni dobitak mora biti najmanje 30 puta veći od vaše početne opklade.
4. Minimalna opklada mora biti najmanje 0,1€/$.
Promocija traje od 5. decembra 2024. do 5. januara 2025. godine.
20k Amazon vaučer od 150 USD (Amazon veb lokacija po vašem izboru)
Igrajte božićne igre za više ulaznica
Možete da pošaljete do 5 linkova za ponavljanje koji ispunjavaju uslove za prijavu i ne morate da ih šaljete sve u isto vreme. Svaka veza za ponavljanje se računa kao jedna ulaznica za takmičenje. Linkovi za ponavljanje iz Pragmatic Christmas tematskih igara računaju se kao dve ulaznice.
Možete prikupiti do 5 karata ako pošaljete linkove za ponavljanje igranih na standardnim igrama ili do 10 ulaznica ako igrate sledeće božićne igre :
Gates of Olimpus Ksmas 1000 | Santa's Ksmas Rush | Penguins Christmas Parti | Time Ding Dong Božićna zvona | Big Bass Christmas Bash | Starlight Christmas | Santa's Great Gifts | Santa's Vonderland | Christmas Carol Megavais | Sveet Bonanza Ksmas | Santa | Božić Big Bass Bonanza | Bigger Bass Blizzard: Božićni ulov | 5 Frozen Charms Megavais | Big Bass Ksmas Kstreme | Ksmas Spark
Pobednike će nasumično izabrati predstavnik Casino Gurua 6. januara 2025. godine . Rezultati će biti objavljeni u ovoj temi na forumu, a pobednici će biti kontaktirani na njihovu e-mail adresu registrovanu na Casino Guru.
Primer posta
Link za reprizu: https: //
Kazino: Riobet
We’re happy to announce the next competition with one of the biggest online casino game providers – Pragmatic Play.
We decided to boost the spirit of Christmas with this competition, where we give away prizes worth $3000. If you like to join the giveaway, then pay special attention to the following paragraphs.
No matter where you played one of their games, now you have another chance to win and we made sure the rules are super easy to understand. You can play standard Pragmatic Play games or increase your chance for winning by playing Christmas themed games.
Entry requirements
1. Post a replay link of your win on any Pragmatic Play game from any casino.
What is a replay link? Where do I find it?
2. Write a name of the casino where you played the winning spin.
3. Minimum win has to be at least 30x of your initial bet.
4. Minimum bet muset be at least 0.1€/$.
The promotion runs between December 5, 2024 and January 5, 2025.
The Prize
20x $150 Amazon Voucher (Amazon website of your choice)
Play Christmas games for more entry tickets
You can submit up to 5 replay links that meet the entry requirements and you don’t need to submit all of them at the same time. Each replay link counts as one entry ticket for the competition. Replay links from Pragmatic Christmas themed games count as two entry tickets.
You can collect up to 5 tickets if you submit replay links played on standard games or up 10 tickets if you play following Christmas games:
Gates of Olympus Xmas 1000 | Santa’s Xmas Rush | Penguins Christmas Party | Time Ding Dong Christmas Bells | Big Bass Christmas Bash | Starlight Christmas | Santa’s Great Gifts | Santa’s Wonderland | Christmas Carol Megaways | Sweet Bonanza Xmas | Santa | Christmas Big Bass Bonanza | Bigger Bass Blizzard: Christmas Catch | 5 Frozen Charms Megaways | Big Bass Xmas Xtreme | Xmas Spark
The winners will be randomly selected by a Casino Guru representative on the 6th of January 2025. The results will be posted in this forum thread and winners contacted on their e-mail address registered on Casino Guru.
Good luck!
Example post
Replay link:
Casino: Riobet