CAR BRDA - Vaš tron čeka!
Čujte, čujte, hrabri takmičari!
Ove nedelje, pozivamo vas da se pridružite slavnom King of the Hill izazovu, gde veliki nagradni fond od 1.000 evra mami one najhrabrije.
Podignite se iznad uobičajenih rangova hrabrim klađenjem i osigurajte svoje mesto među 10 najboljih suverena slotova.
Presto čeka vaš trijumf, neka kraljevsko osvajanje počne!
Promocija King of the Hill trajaće od 3. do 9. februara 2025 .
KING OF THE HILL - Your Throne Awaits!
Hear ye, hear ye, valiant contenders!
This week, we invite you to join the illustrious King of the Hill challenge, where a grand prize pool of 1.000€ beckons the bravest.
Rise above the common ranks by wagering boldly, and secure your place among the top 10 sovereigns of the slots.
The throne awaits your triumph let the royal conquest commence!
King of the Hill promotion will run from the 3rd to the 9th of February 2025.