Jumpman Gaming bi trebao suspendovati licencu ne samo zbog kršenja kao što je gore navedeno, već i zbog kršenja propisa o zaštiti podataka i nepoštivanja GDPR zakona 2018 prema ICO pregledu.
Arogantan stav i nedostatak brige o kupcima je notorno kada je isti posao potpuno ignorisao zahtjeve ICO-a, regulatora za zaštitu podataka. Iznad zakona i iznad bilo koga...ne baš.
UKGC bi trebao biti odgovoran za ove situacije i dozvoliti da se ovi problemi dogode pod njihovom licencom da ne djeluju čvrsto i kažnjavaju poslovanje kada se to dogodi. Umjesto da prepustite regulatornom ICO-u da se bavi kada oni nemaju ovlaštenja da pokrenu slučaj kada je dokazano kršenje zakonskih procedura.
Privatne i vitalne lične i finansijske informacije/podaci hiljada i hiljada gejmera drži kompanija za igranje igara kao što je Jumpman Gaming. To bi trebalo biti obrađeno i zaštićeno zakonskim propisima i procedurama usklađenosti prema GDPR-u.
Pitam da li ovo ne bi trebalo da bude glavni prioritet UKGC-u kada dodeljuje licence ili ne postupa u skladu sa tim kada se pojave problemi?
Šteta koja može biti uzrokovana kršenjem zaštite podataka je ogromna i iskusio sam gadne posljedice istih.
Vjerujem u naše sudove i magistrate i vjerujem da će oni donijeti pravdu tamo gdje drugi nisu uspjeli.
Jorge Ferreira
Jumpman Gaming should have they license suspended not only for the breaches as state above but also to breach data protection regulations and no compliance with GDPR Act 2018 as per ICO review.
The arrogant attitude and lack of customer care it's notorious when the same business completely ignored requests made by the ICO the regulator for Data Protection. Above the law and above anyone...not really.
The UKGC should be accountable for this situations in permitting this issues to happen under they licensing not acting firmly and penalize business when this occur. Instead leaving for the regulator ICO to deal with when they don't have the authority to take the case forward when proved legal procedures was breach.
Private and vital personal and financial information/data from thousands and thousands of gamers is hold by gaming business like Jumpman Gaming. That should be handle and protected under the legal regulations and compliance procedures according whit the GDPR.
I ask if this should not be top priority to UKGC when award licenses or not dealing accordingly when issues arise?
The damage that can be cause for breach of data protection is enormous and I did experience myself the nasty effects of the same.
I have faith in our Courts and Magistrates and I believe they will make justice where others failed.
Jorge Ferreira