Hvala vam na odgovoru. Da li ste igrali slotove u kazinu ili ste se kladili na sport? Takođe, da li ste koristili neki bonus ili ne? Možda bismo ovim mogli da saznamo šta bi mogao biti predmet, iako bi to verovatno bilo samo nagađanje, ali teoretski bismo to mogli da shvatimo. Možda je provajder igara postavio upit o vašem igranju i da će ga ispitati.
U svakom slučaju, pošto bi to trebalo da potraje mesec dana, moraćemo da pustimo kazino da ispita šta mu je potrebno, a ako to pređe, pokušaćemo da vam pomognemo ako ne znate ništa relevantno.
Verovatno ne zvuči najbolje, ali ne mogu da smislim ništa bolje.
Thank you for your reply. Did you play slots in the casino or did you bet on sports? Also, did you use any bonus or not? Maybe with this we could find out what could be the object although actually it would probably be just guesswork but theoretically we could figure it out. Maybe the game provider has queried your gameplay and will look into it.
Anyway, since it should take a month, we'll have to let the casino investigate what it needs and if it goes beyond that, we'd try to help you if you don't know anything relevant.
It probably doesn't sound the best, but I can't think of anything better.
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