Trajno sam isključen zbog deljenja adrese preporuke za kovanice i pipeflare... Uradio sam ovo jednom i trajno sam bio zabranjen, uložio sam žalbu, ali su moje žalbe dočekane sa podsmehom i prezirom, takođe ne postoji precizan dokaz koji mi mogu pokazati ili precizan razlog, moderator me je banovao i to je to.
Najnovija žalba koju imam je da menjaju minimalne limite depozita i povećavaju ih preko noći bez prethodnog obaveštenja.
njihova podrška je među najgorim sa kojima sam imao nezadovoljstvo da se izborim.
Ako želim da dam svoje mišljenje, imam mnogo loših stvari, ali sve što mogu da uradim je da navedem činjenice.
Nemam kriptovalute, isporučio sam hešove i sve što su zahtevali više puta i svaki put kada me odbace oni koji ne odgovaraju satima, a zatim posle sati završavaju ćaskanje navodeći da nemam aktivnosti i ćaskanje se zatvara
Ive been muted permanently for sharing Roller coin and pipeflare referral address... i did this once and got banned permanetly , i have appealed but my appeals were met with mockery and disdain also there is no precise proof they can show me or precise reason, the moderator banned me and thats that.
The most recent complaint i have is them changing minimum deposit limits and increasing them over night with no prior notification what so ever.
their support is amongs the worst ive had the displeasure of getting to deal with.
If i wwre to give my opinions id have a lot of bad things but all that i can do is state facts.
I have crypto not credited , i have supplied hashes and all they requred multiple times and each time i get ditched by them not replying for hours and then after hours ending the chat stating i had no activity and chat closes