Zdravo, zvuči kao isti problem sa kojim se suočavate sa Fairspinom, da li sam u pravu?
Da li znate kako mi u Casino Guru-u gledamo na višestruka kršenja pravila naloga?
„Prihvatamo da je odgovornost igrača da se postaraju da ne otvore više naloga u istom kazinu. Ne zato što mislimo da je to pravi način da se to uradi, već zato što je to industrijski standard i ne možemo da kaznimo sve kazina koji ne primenjuju pravilo 'jedan nalog po igraču' na način na koji mi smatramo da je najbolje. Međutim, verujemo i nadamo se da će provera duplih naloga tokom kreiranja naloga postati industrijski standard u budućnosti i da će igrači biti bolje zaštićeni .
U međuvremenu, svaki slučaj treba razmotriti posebno. Ako kazino sazna da je igrač kreirao pet odvojenih naloga i zatražio pun iznos bonusa na svakom od njih, verovatno je da se radi o zloupotrebi bonusa i kazino ima svako pravo da ih kazni. S druge strane, ako povremeni igrač greškom kreira dva naloga i čak ne zatraži bonus, kazino ne bi trebalo da ih kazni samo zato što ima pravilo koje se može koristiti protiv njih.
Izvor: Casino Guru Fair Gambling for Casinos
Pa, možda bi trebalo da podnesete još jednu žalbu protiv Bet2u.
Hello, it sounds like the same issue you're facing with Fairspin, am I correct?
Do you know how we at Casino Guru look at multiple account rule breaches?
"We accept that it is the responsibility of players to make sure that they don't create multiple accounts at the same casino. Not because we think it's the right way to do it, but because it's the industry standard, and we cannot penalize all casinos that don't enforce the 'one account per player' rule the way we consider best. However, we believe and hope that checking for duplicate accounts during account creation will become the industry standard in the future and players will be better protected.
In the meantime, each case should be considered separately. If the casino finds out that a player has created five separate accounts and claimed the full bonus amount on each of them, it is likely that this is a bonus abuser, and the casino has every right to penalize them. On the other hand, if a casual player mistakenly creates two accounts and doesn't even claim the bonus, the casino shouldn't penalize them just because it has a rule that can be used against them.
Source: Casino Guru Fair Gambling for Casinos
Well, maybe you should submit another complaint against Bet2u.
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