Dragi Casino Guru timu,
Želeo bih da vas obavestim o mom slučaju kada me je bitslot.io kazino lako prevario. U mom slučaju, uložio sam skoro 1eth i osvojio 5 eth. Naravno, taj iznos sam pokušao da unovčim, ali su mi stalno govorili da imaju tehničkih problema više od nedelju dana i kako to glupo zvuči kada si ti programer. Pogodi šta je bilo sledeće? samo su me blokirali bez ikakvog razloga. Molim vas budite dobri ljudi i pomozite mi nekako ovde da uklonim bitslot.io recenziju kazina ili smanjim njihov rejting, jer će definitivno prevariti drugu osobu. Zašto treba da imamo prevarante ovde? Budimo dobri jedni prema drugima. Imam sve podatke, napravio sam mnogo snimaka ekrana, čak i video kako smo razgovarali
Dear Casino Guru team,
I would like to inform you about my case where I was easily scammed by bitslot.io casino. In my case, I invested almost 1eth and won 5 eths. Of course, that amount I have tried to cash out, but they kept telling me they had technical issues for more than a week and how stupid it sounds when you are the developer. Guess what was next ? they just blocked me without any reason. Please be good people and help me somehow here to remove the bitslot.io casino review or decrease their rating score, because definitely they will scam another person. Why do we need to have scammers here? Let's be good to each other. I have all data, made many screenshots even video how we chatted