NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaCasino legiano se bavi prevarom! Ne povlači dobitke!

Casino legiano se bavi prevarom! Ne povlači dobitke!

pre 4 meseci od sergejbaklanov780
13.640 pregleda 158 odgovora |
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pre 4 meseci

Legiano kazino su prevaranti! Oni ne povlače dobitke! A kada pišete tehničkoj podršci, uvek postoje neki izgovori!! Čekaj!! U početku je sve bilo u redu! Novac je stigao sutradan! Oh, a sada nije! A oni uopšte ne dolaze! A kada počnete da im stalno pišete, oni šalju novac na vaš račun za igru i više ne možete da ga podignete!! I ne znam gde da se žalim!!! Uostalom, toliko ljudi je kažnjeno!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Imam snimke ekrana sve prepiske sa njima!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hi, it is certainly not pleasant that this situation has arisen. 

However, did the casino tell you why your money keeps going to your player account and you can't withdraw it? Since you've had successful withdrawals there before, I'm quite surprised that it's like this. How long have you been trying to withdraw your money? 

Please let me know and we'll see what we can do.

pre 4 meseci

Dobar dan vama! Ranije su povlačenja bila normalna! Ali onda je počelo! Kazino me je povukao, ali novac je zaglavio negde u finansijskom odeljenju! Onda su došli na račun igre, pokušao sam da ih povučem ali nisu povučeni! Kada sam kliknuo na povlačenje, izbačen sam iz kazina! Pisala sam podršci ali su mi jednostavno odgovorili da pokušam da se povučem i to je to! Uzeo sam ih odavde i izgubio! I sad sam opet pobedio i stavio ih na povlačenje i vise od 26. u obradi! Pišem tehničkoj podršci! Ali uvek dobijam isti odgovor, bezbedno obrađujemo vaš novac !! Veoma nam je žao !!! To je sve!! Nema rezultata! Odgovaraju mi kao pod kapom !! Imam snimke ekrana sve prepiske sa kazinom !! Kazino je upravo počeo da vara sa finansijama !!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Ponovo su odbili da mi podignu novac! Sada traže dokumenta, bankovne podatke! Pošaljite fotografiju ugovora! U suprotnom, neće povući moj novac! Ali razumem da je ovo prevara! Jednom rečju, prevara!! I ne znam šta da radim!! Ne razumem jednu stvar, ranije je podizanje novca bilo normalno!! A ako je ovaj kazino toliko umešan u prevaru, zašto im je dozvoljeno da rade na mreži! A sajber policija se njima ne bavi!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hi there,

Try to calm down. First and foremost, your account must be completely validated, as you mentioned. Let us set aside the complicated issues from the past that we do not know the answers to.

Pay close attention to delivering each document precisely as instructed. The verification process is just as common as withdrawals, so it is not a scam as you claim. Simply put, you can expect your account to be lef unverified and that no money will be sent to you if you choose not to cooperate. Usually, the verification comes before the withdrawal. Additional verification is quite common as well. Therefore, please concentrate on supplying all required documentation in order to receive your money and possibly have the opportunity to look for a more suitable casino as you seem not very happy with this one and its processes.

Can you do that for your own sake?

pre 4 meseci

Dobar dan! Sve razumem! Ali zašto traže i registraciju i račune za plaćanje komunalnih usluga!! Kakve gluposti!! Zašto kazinu trebaju moji računi???? A stvar je u tome da bez obzira na to kako pokušavam da podignem novac! Na karticu i već preko bankovnog računa! I dalje ga drže u obradi 5 dana i onda odbijaju! Pišem tehničkoj podršci i oni mi odgovaraju da imaju grešku, pokušaj ponovo!!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Hey! It's not nonsense either - don't worry. The utility bills serve as the proof of address for identification. You should really calm down and cooperate with them. The requirements you presented so far are perfectly normal. 🙂

As a guess for the error, can you help me understand the nature of the error? Is this supposed to be a technical problem on the casino side, perhaps?

pre 4 meseci



Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Čista prevara. Najbolji kazino postavljen tako da ste uvek u ćorsokaku da budete opljačkani. Da biste se povukli, prvo morate postati pilot, a ako vam daju novac, nećete ga dobiti 99% vremena. Igrao sam u više od petnaest kazina i sa depozitima od hiljada evra nikada nigde nisam video takvu prevaru. Bonusi se daju uz uplatu, odnosno stavite 75 evra i mi ćemo vam dati još 75 bonusa da pomnožite k35 i k45 što nikada nećete uspeti da bi vam pojeli novac. Loša stvar je što sam uložio dovoljno novca preko 5.500 i tako sada sve radim, nažalost, jer ću se vratiti u Greek Casino da budem siguran.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci



Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

It is really unfortunate situation, and I saw that you have also submitted a complaint here with our team, where Katarina is trying to contact the casino now.

Unfortunately, by now we had no luck, as this casino is not willing to communicate with us.

You have done the right thing by submitting this complaint, because if it finishes as unresolved, the casino safety index will be affected by this and it will go down.

Also this way, when players help us, we can lower the casinos rating, you know.

Is there any communication from the casino on your side, by any chance?

pre 4 meseci

Čista prevara. Najbolji kazino postavljen tako da ste uvek u ćorsokaku da budete opljačkani. Da biste se povukli, prvo morate postati pilot, a ako vam daju novac, nećete ga dobiti 99% vremena. Igrao sam u više od petnaest kazina i sa depozitima od hiljada evra nikada nigde nisam video takvu prevaru. Bonusi se daju uz uplatu, odnosno stavite 75 evra i mi ćemo vam dati još 75 bonusa da pomnožite k35 i k45 što nikada nećete uspeti da bi vam pojeli novac. Loša stvar je što sam uložio dovoljno novca preko 5.500 i tako sada sve radim, nažalost, jer ću se vratiti u Greek Casino da budem siguran.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I am sorry about your experience at this casino.

May I ask if you were ever able to withdraw something from here?

Unfortunately, we have no contact with them, as they are not willing to communicate.

I believe that you are right in saying that it would be better to go somewhere else, because it doesn't look well at all, I could say.

Have you got some favorite casinos that are Greek?

pre 4 meseci

NE naravno šta da povučete kada ne možete dobiti profit od njih ikad. Nikada nisam video tako veliku prevaru u Kazinu drugi put. Hajde da se ne zavaravamo kompanije će uvek biti profitabilne, a ne igrači to svi znaju, ali ovde je velika prevara oni ne daju profit i samo uzimaju novac.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I'm in the exact same situation as many people here. Legiano simply doesent pay the withdrawals. In my case it's lesser than what people have been reporting here sinc its been 5 days but still It sure as hell it isn't being enouraging. Im gonna wait 14 days as the mods have suggesting hence why im not gonna make a complain yet but...very suspicious.

My personal theory : They don't have the liquidities to pay their players. Its a relatively new casino and i think they just lack the money to pay their players. Some will say that i'm crasy but i really don't think i am. It makes so much sense when you really think about it

pre 4 meseci

NE naravno šta da povučete kada ne možete dobiti profit od njih ikad. Nikada nisam video tako veliku prevaru u Kazinu drugi put. Hajde da se ne zavaravamo kompanije će uvek biti profitabilne, a ne igrači to svi znaju, ali ovde je velika prevara oni ne daju profit i samo uzimaju novac.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

I wouldn't be thrilled either, to tell you the truth. I can see that the bonus had quite a big wagering, but in that case I personally wouldn't take it, so every player has a choice here. 

If you have casinos where you haven't experienced anything like that, then I would stick with them because I wouldn't want to experience something like that either.

pre 4 meseci

I'm in the exact same situation as many people here. Legiano simply doesent pay the withdrawals. In my case it's lesser than what people have been reporting here sinc its been 5 days but still It sure as hell it isn't being enouraging. Im gonna wait 14 days as the mods have suggesting hence why im not gonna make a complain yet but...very suspicious.

My personal theory : They don't have the liquidities to pay their players. Its a relatively new casino and i think they just lack the money to pay their players. Some will say that i'm crasy but i really don't think i am. It makes so much sense when you really think about it

pre 4 meseci

I don't think you'd have to be far from the truth, but apparently only the casino itself knows. Maybe there are other problems and there are a lot of withdrawals, so players have to wait. After 14 days our team will try to help you, so I wonder if you will get the money by then or not. Is the casino telling you that you don't have the money yet the same as the other players?

pre 4 meseci



KONTAKTIRAM IH SVAKI DAN I JASNO ROBOT ODGOVORI, OD Oni takođe uvek odgovaraju na istu stvar, Bot.

Mislim da je ovaj kazino zatvoren i da nikome neće vratiti novac.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

This that Bot is answering is not true, i am also writing them a lot and definitly is not Bot, is true thoe that they are using similar excuses and i also still have not receive my money 1200€, we shall se, i received last withdrawal on 23.10. 400€ and i waited for almost a week, before they were very faster, i will not give up, we have to fight for our money

pre 4 meseci

Ovde sam već dve nedelje i mislim da neću videti svoj novac.

Od 24.10. nisu vršili povlačenja...

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 4 meseci

Since when you are waiting for your withdrawal?

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