Želeo bih da se ubacim ovde u ovaj slučaj u ime igrača jer on nije upoznat sa pravnom terminologijom, a on je u izuzetno nepovoljnom položaju, ne može da razume pravne termine, i mislim da ova barijera izaziva pogrešnu komunikaciju između njega i operatera za koga operater veruje da pokušava da ih prevari, međutim, to jednostavno nije slučaj i ja bih želeo da pomognem da se ovo reši na najprijateljskiji mogući način jer radim i sa operaterom kao partnerom i sa igračem kao moj prijatelj, tako da nekako dobro razumem ograničenja između učesnika u sporu
I would like to interject here in this case on behalf of the player because he is unfamiliar with legal terminology, and he is at a extreme disadvantage, not being able to comprehend legal terms, and I think that this barrier is causing miscommunication between him and the operator where the operator believes he is trying to deceive them however, this is just not the case and I would like to work helping resolve this in the most amicable way possible being that I work with both the operator as a partner and with the player as my friend so I kind of have a good understanding of the limitations between the dispute participants