Žao mi je što moram da kažem da zabrinutost koju imate nije mi baš jasna, ali ako treba da nagađam, izgleda da biste želeli da pitamo kazino o problemu koji niste dokazali.
saosećam; možda mislite da bi trebalo samo nekoliko pitanja predstavniku kazina. Ipak, šta se, po vašem mišljenju, dešava ako kazino samo kaže: „Ne, ovo se nije dogodilo"? Već imamo ovakvo iskustvo, tako da je proces žalbe osmišljen da prevaziđe ovu stvar. Igrač samo mora da pruži bilo kakvu vrstu dokaza da bismo mogli da stojimo na terenu.
Evo objašnjenja:
Da bismo nastavili sa vašim slučajem, neophodno je da imamo neki oblik dokaza koji ukazuju na mogući problem u igri. Naš proces rešavanja pritužbi prati određene korake kako bismo osigurali da možemo efikasno da pomognemo igračima, a posedovanje potkrepljujućih dokaza sa vaše strane je ključni deo toga.
Ako ste u mogućnosti da dostavite bilo kakve snimke ekrana ili drugu dokumentaciju, to bi nam pomoglo da dalje istražimo i kontaktiramo kazino u vaše ime. Bez ovoga, nažalost, ograničeni smo u tome kako možemo da nastavimo. Jedina preporuka u takvim slučajevima bi bila da se direktno obratite dobavljaču igre. Hvala vam na razumevanju.
Vaš odgovor je bio: "Zaboravi, hvala"
Pa, nadam se da razumete da ne možemo mnogo bez vaše saradnje. žao mi je.
Hi there.
I'm sorry to say the concern you have is not very clear to me, but if I'm to guess, it seems you would like us to ask the casino about an issue you did not prove.
I empathize; you may think it would take just a few questions to the casino representative. Still, what, in your opinion, happens if the casino just says, "No, this has not occurred"? We already have this kind of experience, so the complaint process is designed to overcome this matter. The player just has to provide any kind of supportive evidence so we can stand the ground.
Here comes the explanation:
To move forward with your case, it’s essential that we have some form of evidence indicating a possible issue in the game. Our complaint resolution process follows specific steps to ensure we can effectively assist players, and having supporting evidence from your side is a crucial part of that.
If you’re able to provide any screenshots or other documentation, it would help us investigate further and reach out to the casino on your behalf. Without this, we’re unfortunately limited in how we can proceed. The only recommendation in such cases would be to contact the game provider directly. Thank you for your understanding.
Your response was, "Forget it Thank you"
Well, I hope you understand we can't do much without your cooperation. I'm sorry.
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