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Kašnjenje u povlačenju u paripesu (strana 2)

 od Antonio190310
15.098 pregleda 62 odgovora |
1 2 34


Automatski prevedeno:

Koji način povlačenja ste izabrali??? Prebacujem znam, jesi li iz Španije?

Automatski prevedeno:

Transferi ne rade za njih. Trebalo bi da koristite savršeni novac. Airtm (koristim ga pošto primam preko bizuma za nekoliko minuta...) ili bilo koji drugi.

Automatski prevedeno:

Aaaa pa treba da mi kaže da transferi nisu mogući a ne da se čeka pa ne mogu ništa

Automatski prevedeno:

Aaaa pa treba da mi kaže da transferi nisu mogući a ne da se čeka pa ne mogu ništa

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi did you finally manage to withdraw like the player before you ? Was it helpful what he advised you ? I noticed that according to his complaint his case was solved, so there is hope that you will be able to solve it too. Please let me know.


Pa dobro, ništa, još mi nisu dali povlačenje i ne odgovaraju mi, ne znam šta da radim sad...

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa dobro, ništa, još mi nisu dali povlačenje i ne odgovaraju mi, ne znam šta da radim sad...

Automatski prevedeno:

Koristite Telegram da razgovarate sa njima, jeste li probali?

Automatski prevedeno:

Pa dobro, ništa, još mi nisu dali povlačenje i ne odgovaraju mi, ne znam šta da radim sad...

Automatski prevedeno:

I know it's hard, but you'll have to be patient for a while, because our team will try to help you since you still haven't received anything. I am very sorry that this situation has arisen and I would prefer it not to be so. Fingers crossed and if you have any news, please don't hesitate to let us know. 

Nisam probao ništa na Telegramu i ništa, od 23. i 7. što je prošlo 15 dana a nisu mi odgovorili, smatram da je nemoguće..

Automatski prevedeno:

I noticed that Kristina wrote to you in her complaint and needed some questions answered. Would it be possible to do so so that she can move forward with the case ? Just click here and fill in the information

Anyway, I want to firmly believe that everything will be sorted out, but I don't want to give unnecessary false hopes. Take care.


Već sam odgovorio Kristini, hvala da vidim da li se to može rešiti...

Automatski prevedeno:

You're welcome, we're happy if we can help players even if it doesn't always work out. I hope your case will move forward and we will have more information. Please let us know if there are any.


Zdravo, još uvek nemam svoje povlačenje, ne odgovaraš mi, da vidim da li možeš da mi pomogneš molim te.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hmm, according to what I see, the complaint is waiting for your reply. Have you provided Kristine with what was needed? However, you don't have to worry if you have already replied to the questions, Kristina will definitely get in touch with you and try to solve your situation. Additionally, you need to be a little more patient. Would that be possible ?


Šta ima, jaro, dobro, još malo strpljenja, naravno, šta ćemo ako nemam drugog izbora? Reći ćeš mi i ja ću te obavestiti, ali stvari izgledaju loše osim da ni to nije bilo bogatstvo.

Automatski prevedeno:

I'll ask again because I didn't get an answer. Did you provide Kristine with what she asked for in her complaint or email ? I am just asking so that it is not unnecessarily prolonged if you accidentally forgot to write back to her. 

Unfortunately, we have to wait. I would be happy if everything would be solved as soon as possible, but as we can see it is not so clear. Let's see where our team gets to. I wish everything will be resolved fairly. 🤞☘️


Šta ima jaro, da, poslao sam sve što si me pitao mejlom Kristini i nadajmo se da će uskoro biti rešeno hvala jaro da vidimo da li ovo napreduje

Automatski prevedeno:

Perfect, so now we'll have to wait and see how it all goes. 

Anyway, if you happen to get a reply from the casino don't hesitate to let us know, because it would certainly be useful to know why your withdrawal is still delayed. Take care.


Šta ima, trenutno nemam nikakav odgovor, otvorim ga u ćaskanju i jedino što mi govori da se vaš problem obrađuje, taj odgovor mi je dat od kada sam počeo sa ovim za automatizovan odgovor i putem e-pošte jer mi nikada nisu odgovorili mejlom. još e-pošte koju sam vam poslao

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, you should probably read these instructions first.


How long will it all take?

The time elapsed between submitting a complaint and the complaint being closed varies greatly. The complaints processed most quickly are those that can be resolved without getting the casino involved or those that are rejected because the casino has not done anything wrong. Other complaints, however, can be very time-consuming.

Here are some rough estimates and time-related information about complaints:

You will get your first response from our complaint team within 48 hours, but we do our best to respond within 12 to 24 hours.

Each involved party (you, the casino, or the Casino Guru team) has seven days to respond when they are required to do so to move the complaint forward. When this period elapses without a response, we usually choose to prolong the time limit by another seven days.

As the successful resolution of a complaint often takes a lot of communication between all three parties, the total time can add up. The average time it takes to close successfully-resolved complaints is roughly 21 days from the date they were submitted, but again, this varies a lot from one complaint to another.


The Team has five days to respond, you see? Kindly wait for now:

Next time, I would try to avoid casinos with a low safety index. 🤷‍♂️ Especially with this warning:

Very high value of withheld winnings in player complaints in relation to the casino's size

I'm sorry. Let's hope the complaint will work.🙏

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