Hej tamo.
Neću da komentarišem tehnologiju veštačke inteligencije, jer nisam toliko informisan kao što se čini da ste vi.
U svakom slučaju, ponovo sam proverio vašu žalbu i pronašao imejl za vas:
Probao bih: _KSKSKSKSKS_0@email.kkkkk
Mislim da je Piter prilično zauzet, ali će dati sve od sebe da odgovori - uvek jeste.
Na vaše pitanje o vremenskom okviru - nisam prava osoba za to, ne znam da budem iskren. Ali, mi nismo ni u čemu sa kazinom, zapravo, ni sa jednim kazinom. Iz mog iskustva, ocena (sada je indeks bezbednosti) neće pasti sve dok slučaj ne bude jasno rešen, dokazi ne budu predstavljeni i ocenjeni.
Ljubazno kao Petar o tome. Ja sam samo administrator, a ne stručnjak za žalbe. 😀
Nadam se da ćete dobiti svoju pravdu, ali nisam 100% siguran da je autoritetu za izdavanje dozvola dovoljno stalo.
Hey there.
I won't comment on the AI technology, because I am not as well informed as you seem to be.
Anyway, I checked your complaint again, and found the email for you:
I would try it: peter.m@casino.guru
I think Peter is quite occupied, but will do his best to reply - he always does.
To your question about the timeframe - I am not the proper person to ask, I do not know to be honest. But, we are not in anything with the casino, actually, with any casinos. From my experience, the rating (it's now the security index) won't drop untill the case is clearly solved prooves presented, and evaluated.
Kindly as Peter about that. I'm merely an admin, not a complaint specialist. 😀
I hope you'll get your justice, just not 100% sure the licensing authority cares enough.
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