Tako sam srećan nakon 36 sati što mi je isplaćeno povlačenje, koje se još tehnički čeka na mojoj banci, ali samo čekam da se očisti.
Imao sam sreću da danas osvojim još 200 evra koje pokušavam da podignem.
odbili su moje prve pokušaje rekavši da žele kopiju mog bankovnog izvoda, što mislim da je čudno.
Uradio sam sve provere tako da ne znam zašto im ovo treba.
Drugi pokušaj je za sada još uvek na čekanju.
Prijavio sam se na gam stop pre godinu dana i glupo stavio izuzetak od 5 godina.
Bass pobeda je izgledala legitimno pa sam pomislio zašto ne.
Deponovao sam samo 2 k 20 funti i imao sam sreće da osvojim 250 evra, a danas 200 evra, ali izgleda da jednostavno ne žele da plate, već me stalno zovu govoreći da uložim još.
moj odgovor je da neću deponovati dok ne dobijem svoje povlačenje.
petlje kroz koje sam morao da skočim su smešne, ali želim svoju pobedu koju dugujem.
uzeli su moj novac i trebalo bi da plate ono što im duguju.

So lucky after the 36 hours I have been paid my withdrawal, still technically pending shows up on my bank but just waiting for it to clear.
I was lucky to win another 200 euros today which I am trying to withdraw.
they rejected my first attempts saying that they want a copy of my bank statement which I think is weird.
I have done all the verification so I don't know why they need this.
2nd attempted is still pending for now.
I signed up to gam stop a year ago and stupidly put a 5 year exception.
Bass win looked legit so I thought why not.
I only have deposited 2 x 20quid and was lucky to win 250 euro and today 200 euro but it seems like they just don't want to pay but keep ringing me telling me to deposit more.
my response is I wont deposit until I have received my withdraw.
the loops I've had to jump through is ridiculous but I want my winning which is what is owed.
they have taken my money and they should paid what is owed.

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