NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaLEGIAN CASINO prevara


 od francescoterroni05
3.040 pregleda 61 odgovora |
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Imao sam trajno zatvoren nalog zbog zavisnosti od kockanja, magično su mi ponovo otvorili nalog tako što su me pozvali da igram i zahvalili mi što sam se vratio i naterali me da izgubim još 2492 evra koje želim da mi vrate ili ću preduzeti pravni postupak jer ono što su uradili za nekoga ko pati od zavisnosti od kockanja je zločin.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi! I see this as a sort of statement, so let me just add a link to the associated complaint 👈

I have a question, though - you don't have to answer, of course.

What was the impulse to get back to the casino? Was it some email offer or did some manager contact you directly?

I briefly read the complaint yet this is important, so I prefer to ask.


Rekli su mi putem e-pošte „ponovo smo otvorili vaš nalog da se možete vratiti da igrate kad god želite sa bonusom od % itd."

kada sam ponovo napunio novac, pisalo je "dobrodošli nazad"

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Automatski prevedeno:

Ok, that's highly out of the ordinary course of events for sure. Please make sure to provide this email to Dominika. In my opinion, it will be a very important part of the complaint process.

Once the player closes the casino account due to gambling addiction, I'd say the account should not be open even if the player comes back and asks for that. Well, that's the point of self-exclusion.

Nažalost, više nemam tu e-poštu. file Ovo je bio odgovor mog VIP menadžera

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file Ovo je ćaskanje uživo

Automatski prevedeno:

Pogledaj se, kako su smešni, umesto da odgovaraju na mejlove, šta brinu? filefile sada sam proverio i pilota poverenja da li mislite da će biti srećni?

Automatski prevedeno:

According to what I have read it is strange. The VIP manager is talking about the fact that an email was supposed to come to you and that he won't answer you, which is quite unprofessional. Live chat is apologizing again for misunderstandings and such, but it looks like no one has corrected anything in the end, which is sad. 

Anyway, it's a pity that he doesn't have an email, which would certainly be useful in a complaint, but I hope that this whole situation will be resolved somehow and you won't be able to log in to this casino anymore.

But now we will have to wait for Dominika and how the case will move forward.


Za mene bi bilo dovoljno da mi vrate novac, to je sve

Automatski prevedeno:

Be sure to look at your complaint, and by it all will be resolved. I can write my opinion on the forum, but I am not solving your problem. That is for the experts to look at. So I hope it will turn out fairly.


Nažalost, ni na koji način mi ne odgovaraju, Telegram mejlovi su kao nestali..

Automatski prevedeno:

Nažalost mislim da sa tim ljudima nećemo ništa rešiti... mejlovi od tg su potpuno nestali, zamislite ako izađu i priznaju krivicu, ustvari pogledajte na kom smo nivou file

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Automatski prevedeno:

Be sure to look at your complaint, and by it all will be resolved. I can write my opinion on the forum, but I am not solving your problem. That is for the experts to look at. So I hope it will turn out fairly.

Evo vesti filefile ovo je priznanje krivice od legijana filefile

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Automatski prevedeno:

Thanks for the screenshots and that you also posted them in the complaint thread, I'm sure they'll come in handy. Dominika is doing everything she can to help you and I think that since the casino has a rather high Safety index, they will try to do something about it when we contact them. At the very least, I hope they will give some kind of opinion on which to base their decision. 

I'll keep my fingers crossed.🤞


Hvala vam puno na onome što radite, super ste! I ja držim palčeve jer ću zbog ove priče teško sastavljati kraj s krajem, a vi nemate pojma koliko patim u smislu krivice što sam ponovo igrao, čak i ako to nije bila moja krivica. Da su ozbiljni ljudi, pošto je greška njihova, povraćaj novca bi bio jedino korisno mišljenje i mislim da bi im to takođe dalo dobar publicitet, jer pokazati da kada pogrešite, možete to da ispravite, to je jedna od najboljih stvari u životu.

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Automatski prevedeno:

Hey francesco ,

I have exactly the same issue as you .

are they refunding you ?


Zdravo. Ignorišu me, što je drugačije, danas su mi poslali e-poštu tražeći razloge nakon što sam im detaljno objasnio svaki detalj u više od 10 mejlova između podrške i VIP odeljenja.

Automatski prevedeno:

Same story here . I have sent multiple emails as requested by the live chat . And 0 response. Nothing .

at least I have them admitting that they made a mistake with their technical error !

also to add . What was weird . One of the operators asked me for my bank details . Which made me hopeful they will refund .

however as of this time nothing .

at least they replied to your mail .

im still waiting ….

Veoma je sumnjivo što su od vas tražili podatke o banci, jer bi već trebali da ih imaju ako ste sa njima otpremali i podizali 😅

Mislim da nam neće vratiti ni 5€ jer ko zna koliko bi drugih kao što smo mi morali da vrate

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Automatski prevedeno:

True .

are you hopeful they will refund us ?

and did you receive an email from the casino ?

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