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Moguća Instagram prevara (strana 2)

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It's very unfortunate that you come across this "offer" and decided to take an advantage of it. 😔

I really hope that you are not talking about the 1win casino (check it here)

If I understand correctly, now you have to wager your deposit at least one time to be able to withdraw what will be left.

Kindly keep in mind that no one will provide you a 100% successful methods to win in a casino - this is scam practice. Always check the casino's reputation in advance, please.



Da, nažalost, govorim o kazinu 1vin. Možete mi pomoći da se kladim ili igram u slot mašini pomenutog kazina da bih mogao da osvojim isti iznos ili malo više i tako da podignem novac i zaboravim na taj kazino jednom zauvek. Zaista bih vam bio zahvalan ako biste mi pomogli u ovome.

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm sorry I can't, I do not play in casinos myself. If you decide to play slots, pick the one with the highest RTP and you can also go through this article.

Anyway, did you ask the casino about the refund?

Zdravo Radka! Oh pa, hvala u svakom slučaju, umm.. ne, nisam stigao da izvedem tu radnju. Videću šta mogu da uradim povodom toga, nadam se da će mi moći nadoknaditi troškove 🙏😓

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello pamelahoz97,

it's been a few days now, so I'm wondering how are you faring. Any update? 🤞

Zdravo, video sam oglas od nekoga na Instagramu koji kaže da ulaganjem 100 usd možete zaraditi 1000 i tako sam mu napisao i on mi je ovo rekao? Mislite li da treba ili ne? Ne znam da li je stvarno ili ne


Automatski prevedeno:

Even though, this forum is primarily about gambling, I have no idea about what the offer is because I don't understand Spanish.

But according to my opinion, it is not safe to trust ads on the internet or on social networks, so be careful before you do something like that.  


If you are interested you can copy the text directly into the post. This will allow us to see it in languages other than Spanish. :) 

Care to try it out?


this guy also run algorithm but not working or he cheat me

because I ran algorithm and the sports bet at GGbet none of them winning maybe Casino guru can investigate

this guys scammer

he also got telegram group running algorithms


I stumble upon person like this on instagram also


and 1 of these guy on instagram also

they say they are programmer that run algorithm and take 20% from the winnings


At best it is a ponzi, and you are likely to lose your money. At worst it's a simple scam and you will for sure lose your money. In both cases stay away from it.

And simple rule, legit money making services do not need to reach out to people in shady ways, like through account/influencers that can DM you like this.

(also the most obvious warning is the promise of an uncompromised x10 on investment 💀)


i thought that I can face with scam only with crypto, but people never cease to amaze


I'm not sure if it's just me, but whenever I read that someone offers anything of Telegram, I'm 100% sure it's a scam. I'm not too familiar with Telegram, but all the scammers and spammers who come on this forum website, they mention their Telegram groups a lot.

I also noticed the platform is very popular in African countries where those scammers are often based.


But why they do that? They give you algorithms and say if you win you give them percentage

so if we win they win right? Why would they scam people ?


For money of course 🙁.

Please take this as a precious experience and d not fall for the same trick ever again. Take bonuses only in the casino directly and do not believe there is any way to alter or temper casino games to gain advantage.

Hvala na pomoći i savetu

Automatski prevedeno:

No problem with that.

Have you ever come across similar great deals? I'm growing more convinced it is a very popular scamming practice 🙁

Zdravo. Već neko vreme sam na Instagramu. Na objavama tipa "počnite da zarađujete 2000 BGN kod nas". Juče sam odlučio da pitam o čemu se radi. A, stranica je mlada žena sa slikama njenog muža, dece i koja pokazuje njen visok životni standard. "navodno"

Ne znam koliko je ovaj profil stvaran, fotografije mogu da se ukradu i postave u određenom vremenskom periodu. Da bi izgledalo verodostojnije. Januar je gotov. Ima preko 10.000 pratilaca. Pa, radi se upravo o tim stvarima o kojima vi raspravljate. Za kazino algoritme. Objasnio mi je da jednom moram da pošaljem 100 ili 150 lv. I, svako jutro će mi slati različite algoritme. Kada dobijem, na primer, 1000 lv. Moram da joj dam 15% profita. I tako svaki put profit od 15% za nju. Nije bilo šanse da ne uspe. Teško da ne, uvek pobeđuje. Štaviše, dnevno od 900 lv. Htela je da me nauči kako da pobedim... Iskreno, pristao sam da pokušam. I napisao sam da ću poslati novac u roku od 2 nedelje. Odlučio sam da proverim ove stvari na internetu. I, završio sam ovde. Slično mojoj priči. Iako još nisam poslao novac. Žena se zove Nikolina liviaaa_markuesss Ako neko ima više informacija. I, dao mi je savet. Razumem da su komentari još jedna prevara... I, ipak ću biti zahvalan na još mišljenja. Hvala unapred 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello. Thank you for sharing this story! Hopefully, you'll save another soul from being scammed!

It is super important to understand that none of those algorithms work. Those profiles and people behind the curtains only aim to tempt you with the vision of easy money.

Keep in mind that using 3rd party apps or tools while playing in the casino is strictly forbidden thus technically, there would not even be a way to pass the security measures casinos apply.

Never trust anyone who claims he knows a way to win in a casino - in the long term casinos always win!

There is no working algorithm out there, I'm sorry 🙁


Hvala vam puno na brzom odgovoru! Video sam da si i gore napisao. Ali odlučio sam da podelim svoje iskustvo. Hvala vam što ste odgovorili i ispod moje objave! 🌷🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Tužno je što se prevara ovih dana toliko zloupotrebljava. I više puta su me lagali. Samo to u drugim sferama... Nažalost, nikome se više ništa ne može verovati. Uvek imajte na umu bar jednu stvar. Za apsolutno sve. Poznato/Nepoznato. Blizu... To je situacija. Strašno ... 🙃

Automatski prevedeno:
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