Zdravo...u kazinu 1vin postoje dve isplate koje mi nisu pripisane ali u aplikaciji izgleda da jesu, kontaktirao sam čet ali ništa ne reše, tražili su od mene izvod računa i poslao sam im 5 puta...i uopšte mi ne pomažu...već sam napravio nekoliko povlačenja ranije i nisam imao problema sa transferom... ovaj put nisam stigao kasnije... povlačenje i nije stiglo...ali u aplikaciji izgleda da je već poslato...probao sam sa drugim brojem računa iz druge banke i bilo je moguće ali novac od dva transfera koji nisu stigli...želeo bih da znam šta se desilo...hvala
Hello...at the 1win casino there are two withdrawals that have not been credited to me but in the app it appears that they have, I have contacted the chat but they do not resolve anything, they asked me for a statement of account and I sent them like 5 times...and they do not help me at all...I had already made several withdrawals before and I had no problem...this time I tried to withdraw but the transfer did not arrive...a few hours later I made another withdrawal and it did not arrive either...but in the app it appears that it was already sent...I tried with another account number from another bank and it was possible but the money from the two transfers that did not arrive...I would like to know what happened to it...thanks
Buenas...en el casino 1win hay dos retiros que no se me han acreditado pero en la app me aparece que si, e contactado al chat del mismo pero no me resuelven nada me pidieron estado de cuenta y se los envié ya como 5 veces...y no me ayudan en nada...ya había hecho varios retiros antes y no había tenido problema..está vez intenté retirar pero no me llegó la transferencia...unas horas más tarde hice otro retiro y tampoco...pero en la app aparece que ya fue enviado...intenté con otro número de cuenta de otro banco y si se pudo pero el dinero de las dos transferencias que no me llegaron..quisiera saber que paso con el...gravias