Čuvajte se Draftkingsa... Otvorio sam novi nalog i 48 sati kasnije napravio sam svoj prvi depozit od $25, uzeli su mi novac i blokirali moj račun!! Hteli su da verificiraju moj identitet što je u redu ali to nije kraj... to je sada igra na čekanju jer šta god da je u pitanju treba im odobrenje glavnog subote za koga kažu da može legalno da mu odnese vreme i do problema je riješeno da mi ne moraju nadoknaditi troškove!! JESTE LI FCKN OZBILJNI???!!!
Beware of Draftkings... I started a new account and 48 hours later I made my first deposit of $25, they took my money and blocked my account!! They wanted to verify my identity which is fine but that's not the end of it... it's a waiting game now because whatever the issue is they need approval from the head honcho who they say legally can take his sweet as time and until the issue is resolved they don't have to reimburse me!! ARE U FCKN SERIOUS???!!!