Visa debit, u osnovi prema novoj šemi nadoknade koja je uvedena 7. oktobra, banke uglavnom moraju da vam vrate gotovinu ili podignu povraćaj sredstava, ali zato što prvo moraju da vam isplate, a zatim da jure kompanije za novcem, očigledno nisu ljubitelji ovu novu šemu, ja sam potpuno razbio svoju banku, ali oni i dalje nisu hteli da izdaju povraćaj sredstava, a ovi lažni procesori plaćanja trećih strana su na činjenici da su banke nerado izdaje povraćaj sredstava, pa vam predlažem da potražite dobrog advokata za kockanje i zamolite ga da pošalje pismo pre nego što krene u akciju, preteći im sudom. Oni neće hteti da se svetlo upali na nezakonite aktivnosti, očigledno zavisi od toga koliko novac je uključen i da li bi to bilo isplativo.
Visa debit,basically under the new reimbursement scheme introduced 7th October banks pretty much have to give you your cash back or raise chargeback,but because they have to pay you out first and then chase the companies for the money, obviously there not a fan of this new scheme, I absolutely bludgeoned my bank but they still wouldn't issue chargeback and these fraudulent 3rd party payment processors are onto the fact that the banks are reluctant to issue chargebacks, so I suggest you look up a good gambling solicitor and ask them to send a letter before action,threatening them with court.they ain't gonna want the light shinning on there illegal activity, obviously it depends on how much money is involved and would it be cost effective.
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