Ako ste unutar EU, trebalo bi da pošaljete kazinu zahtev za GDPR, nije bitno ako nisu u EU. Ako posluju sa EU, moraju se pridržavati. Ako to ne urade, onda ih možete prijaviti u svojoj zemlji zbog nepoštovanja GDPR-a.
Poslao sam, na primer, Cars ovu e-poštu sada. Trebalo bi da promenite ime kazina i ime grupe i svoju zemlju ako koristite isti šablon kao ja. Zatim stavite podsetnik od 30 dana u svoj kalendar, a zatim pronađite mesto za GDPR regulativu svoje zemlje da ih prijavite ako ne dobijete ništa od njih u roku od 30 dana. Neće vam vratiti novac sam po sebi, možda, ako pošalju informacije ko je obradio vaše uplate, to bi bilo nešto, ali poenta ove vežbe bi bila da izvršite pritisak na kazino, da im iskomplikuje stvari kao korak u pravom smeru da prestanu da pogrešno obrađuju ove transakcije sa karticama, uvek se može sanjati, zar ne?
Pišem vam u vezi sa mojim pravima prema Opštoj uredbi o zaštiti podataka (GDPR). Iako razumem da Tsars.com posluje van Evropske unije (EU), želim da naglasim da GDPR proširuje svoju zaštitu na pojedince unutar EU, bez obzira na lokaciju obrađivača podataka.
Kao zainteresovana osoba u vezi sa obradom mojih ličnih podataka, ovim putem koristim svoja prava prema GDPR-u da tražim pristup i informacije o ličnim podacima koje Tsars.com, kao deo RR Investments NV, drži o meni.
Neodgovaranje na ovaj zahtev ili nepoštovanje GDPR propisa može dovesti do značajnih novčanih kazni od strane relevantnih organa za zaštitu podataka. Ove kazne mogu iznositi do 20 miliona evra ili 4% ukupnog svetskog godišnjeg prometa, u zavisnosti od toga šta je veće.
Bio bih vam zahvalan ako biste mogli da odgovorite na ovaj zahtev u roku predviđenom GDPR-om, koji zahteva odgovor u roku od mesec dana od prijema zahteva.
Konkretno, želeo bih da zatražim sledeće informacije:
Potvrda da li Tsars.com, kao deo RR Investments NV, obrađuje moje lične podatke.
Ako Tsars.com obrađuje moje lične podatke, navedite detalje o podacima koji se obrađuju, uključujući kategorije podataka i svrhe za koje se obrađuju.
Informacije o izvoru(ima) iz kojih ste dobili moje lične podatke.
Detalji bilo koje treće strane sa kojima ste podelili moje lične podatke. (Uključujući treće strane za obradu plaćanja)
Predviđeni period za koji će se moji lični podaci čuvati, ili ako to nije moguće, kriterijumi za određivanje tog perioda.
Informacije o mojim pravima prema GDPR-u, uključujući pravo na ispravku, brisanje i ograničenje obrade.
Hvala vam na pažnji prema ovoj stvari. Kao stanovnik Švedske, želim da naglasim da ću ovo pitanje eskalirati nadležnom organu za zaštitu podataka u Švedskoj ako moj zahtev ne bude ispunjen u predviđenom roku od 30 dana. Verujem da ćete ovo pitanje rešiti brzo i u skladu sa obavezama utvrđenim Opštom uredbom o zaštiti podataka (GDPR).
If you are within the EU, you should send the casinos a GDPR request, it doesn't matter if they are not in the EU. If they do business with EU, they have to comply. If they don't, you can then report them in your country for failure to comply in terms of GDPR.
I sent for example Tsars this email now. You should change casino name and group name and your country if you use the same template as I did. Then put a 30 day reminder in your calendar, then find your countries GDPR regulation place to report them to if you don't receive anything from them within 30 days. It won't make you get any money back per se, perhaps though, if they send information whom processed your payments, that would be something, but the point of this exercise would be to put pressure on the casino, complicate things for them as a step in the right direction for them to stop processing these card transactions incorrectly, one can always dream, right?
I am writing to you regarding my rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While I understand that Tsars.com operates outside the European Union (EU), I want to emphasize that the GDPR extends its protections to individuals within the EU, irrespective of the location of the data processor.
As a concerned individual regarding the processing of my personal data, I am hereby exercising my rights under the GDPR to request access to and information about the personal data that Tsars.com, as part of RR Investments N.V, holds about me.
Failure to respond to this request or comply with GDPR regulations may result in significant fines imposed by the relevant data protection authorities. These fines can amount to up to €20 million or 4% of the total worldwide annual turnover, whichever is higher.
I would appreciate it if you could respond to this request within the timeframe stipulated by the GDPR, which requires a response within one month of receipt of the request.
Specifically, I would like to request the following information:
Confirmation as to whether or not Tsars.com, as part of RR Investments N.V, is processing my personal data.
If Tsars.com is processing my personal data, please provide details of the data being processed, including the categories of data and the purposes for which it is being processed.
Information on the source(s) from which you obtained my personal data.
Details of any third parties with whom you have shared my personal data. (Including third party payment processors)
The envisaged period for which my personal data will be stored, or if that is not possible, the criteria used to determine that period.
Information about my rights under the GDPR, including the right to rectification, erasure, and restriction of processing.
Thank you for your attention to this matter. As a resident of Sweden, I want to emphasize that I will escalate this issue to the relevant data protection authority in Sweden if my request is not fulfilled within the stipulated timeframe of 30 days. I trust that you will handle this matter promptly and in accordance with the obligations set forth by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
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