Sad ko ne zna o čemu pričaju.
Rekao bih da je većina nas u ovoj temi zaista dobila povraćaj sredstava od trgovaca, tako što su kontaktirali trgovce, ili, u nekim slučajevima, neke dobavljače plaćanja/platforme, kao što je Elegro, objašnjavajući im netačne načine na koje su uplate obrađene. Onda su im vraćeni novac.
Postoji i nekoliko onih koji su izvršili povraćaj sredstava, a to je još pod istragom odgovarajućih banaka, a mi još nismo čuli nikakve rezultate. Ovo obično može potrajati nekoliko nedelja.
Ostavite ovu temu sa svojom prevarom. Još uvek niste dali ni trunke dokaza da možete bilo šta, jer ne možete. I svaki put kada ne pružite bilo kakav dokaz, vaša prevara svaki put postaje sve očiglednija.
Now who don't know what they are talking about.
I would say most of us in this thread actually did get a refund from the merchants, by contacting the merchants, or, in some cases some payment providers/platforms, such as Elegro, explaining to them the incorrect ways the payments were processed. Then they were refunded.
There is also a few that have made chargebacks, and those is still under investigation by the respective banks, and we have not heard any results yet. These normally can take a few weeks.
Please leave this thread with your scam. You still have not given an ounce of proof that you can do anything, because you can't. And every time you fail to provide any kind of proof, your scam just gets more obvious every time.