NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimapocketplay casino operating with a fake license and not processing withdrawals

pocketplay casino operating with a fake license and not processing withdrawals

pre 1 godinu od trudders
3.794 pregleda 16 odgovora |
pre 1 godinu

i wonder why pocketplay still has a rating of 7.8 on this site?

i only signed up with the casino as they were rated so highly and had no warning on casinoguru.

i have been attempting to withdraw my winnings for 3 months now. my complaint closed on casinoguru as unresolved and the casino did not engage, like they don't on all complaints.

casinoguru advised me to go to the ceg. the ceg has advised me they cannot help as pocketplay is not licensed by them and is falsely advertising as such.

how can an individual get their money in these circumstances? i have found and instructed some no win no fee solicitors.


pre 1 godinu

Hi, thank you for the update about your case. I forwarded the info to our Data team so they can look at the license and update it accordingly. When you look at the casino's review, they have only 2 unresolved and 7 resolved complaints so far. We haven't found any unfair terms and conditions, they're not related to any bad casinos so that's why they received the rating.

pre 1 godinu

many of your complaints with pocketplay are unresolved as they do not engage.

pocket play has a dreadful reputation all over the internet i have since discovered.

pocketplay is falsely advertising they have a license.

I currently have solicitors who have filed claims against deep dive tech (pocketplay company name) at the joint courts of justice, I have reported their site to the NCA also have civil claims against them.

What would caisnoguru also suggest a player do to recover their money against this casino you rate at 7.8?

FYI I have been attempting to get this money for over 3 months now and only signed up to the site due to their rating on your site, which i'm sure you will take zero responsibility for.

pre 1 godinu

Hi trudders,

thank you very much for sharing all the information. I can see that review is quite outdated, so we will do a complete update. Regarding the licensing authority, could you reach me at my email address? Based on their website they should have a valid license, if it is a fake validator they will definitely be penalized.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
pre 1 godinu

I sent all this to you.

Casinoguru were aware of pocketplays issues. Their main company email doesn't work, their affiliate company emails bounce back. You now have them marked as not accepting new players.

I am going to have to take legal action against casinoguru for their part in this, you were negligent and continued to promote a caisno you were fully aware was in financial trouble and not paying players.

You have done exactly the same with scatterhall.

Please can you email me your registered company details so I can pass this onto my solicitors.


pre 1 godinu

With all respect, how do you know we were informed about some financial situation? As Jozef replied, the review was not the freshes one, so it doesn't actually sound like we should be aware.

I'll forward your request, however.

Just a detail, you're wrong about the complaints, I'd say:


"many of your complaints with pocketplay are unresolved as they do not engage."

Just a single one, yours - to be precise.

The rest has been solved.

Also, the casino has closed, which probably explains the missing license. Or do you have other knowledge, please?

pre 1 godinu

You verify it on Curacao egaming what is not responsible for Gaming Curacao. You search in that case on wrong licensor register

pre 1 godinu

Short question what means dont accept new players? (Register works). Or have it a specific reason? But with the ratings and what i read be sure not a safe place to play..

pre 1 godinu

You are full of utter garbage.

But you have acknowledged fault where you have detailed the review was not up to date, which equates to negligence.

As I said in the other thread I am pursuing casinoguru for misrepresentation.

You are a disgusting group that profits off loss. You should be ashamed.

pre 1 godinu

I'm sorry you're so aware of your own role.

Suit yourself, I hope you'll be happy one day.🙏

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 1 godinu
pre 1 godinu

Short question what means dont accept new players? (Register works). Or have it a specific reason? But with the ratings and what i read be sure not a safe place to play..

pre 1 godinu

Hello there.

I have no further knowledge. The last time we checked, the casino wasn't accepting new players.

Although the score seems good, there is one unresolved complaint, not a good sign. Check the user reviews as well, to see the full picture

Furthermore, this casino is not DGA licensed would be better to pick a casino with a proper license instead.

pre 1 godinu

Zašto si tako drzak?

Gubite novac i okrivljujete druge da biste mogli da ispraznite svoju frustraciju?

Casino Guru NIJE ODGOVORAN ni za jedan od vaših gubitaka, pa čak ni za neisplatu!

Ako vas Guru uvredi, možete uzvratiti, ali iako im odgovorite veoma grubo, oni se i dalje odnose prema vama s poštovanjem!

Udario bih te pesnicom, to govorim da vidiš kako ljubazno razgovaraju sa tobom kada samo švrljaš gluposti i stalno pretiš i nazivaš ljudima smeće.

Uplaćujete u kazino, a NE Guru tim.

Odlučili ste da igrate u određenom kazinu, a NE GURU!

NIKO vam neće držati pištolj uz glavu i pretiti vam da se igrate!

Takođe, ne obraćaju pažnju samo na recenzije, već na ceo paket, što treba da znate koliko god ovde pričate.

Zašto ste uopšte igrali tamo kada ste videli sve negativne kritike kao što ste rekli?

Nije li onda i vaša akcija nemarna?!!

Iako ste videli, hteli ste da igrate tamo, zato umuknite i ne vređajte ljude ovde!

Stalno vređate Guru tim, što definitivno neću dozvoliti!

Trebalo bi da prestaneš da igraš!

Ako ne možete da se kontrolišete i počnete da vređate ljude, zaista bi trebalo da razmislite o tome da napustite igru!

Gde biste se žalili da Guru NE postoji, a da još uvek igrate u ovom kazinu?

Nema potrebe da zadirkujete gurua jer je to vaša greška i niko drugi.

Igram 16 godina i to se dešava meni i svima ostalima.

Ali smatram da su drugi koji to krive apsolutno neshvatljivi.

Pokažite malo više poštovanja i ljudi bi vas mogli shvatiti ozbiljno.

Potpuno razumem vašu frustraciju, već sam bio u ovoj situaciji, ali morate da kontaktirate kazino direktno i da ne iznosite svu svoju negativnu frustraciju na Guruu, oni NIJE kazino!

Ako nastavite da vređate Guru tim, a posebno Radku, upašćete u nevolje sa mnom, čak i ako sada mislite da je to šala.

Imajte više poštovanja kada se prema vama postupa s poštovanjem.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

Don’t you dare threaten me.

I will speak the truth and continue to do so.

Everything I said is accurate and casino guru is negligent and liable for the reasons I detailed above.

I have no respect for casino guru or people like you.

casino guru should have more respect for players and keep their casino reviews updated and not promote or list casinos that are stealing players money.

pre 1 godinu

Jedno je govoriti što mislite, a drugo vređati i pretiti ljudima.

Takođe, ne odgovaraš na moje pitanje.

Zašto ste uopšte igrali tamo kada ste pročitali sve loše kritike da ih više nemate sve? Ili ste hteli da investirate u to?

A zašto ne kažeš guruu pre i tek posle gde ima problema?

Ako postoji stres, dovoljno su dobri da kontaktiraju ^^

i ne pretim ti, ovo je obećanje, draga moja. 😉

Prestanite da vređate ljude kao kante za smeće!

Stalno prijete ljudima, govoreći mi "Da se ne usuđuješ da mi prijetiš"

Možete da pretite ljudima, ali ne i drugima? Šta vi zapravo mislite da ste! 🖕🏻🖕🏾

Ako ne želite da vam se upućuju pretnje, ne pretite ljudima, inače ćutite.

Ti si taj koji ovde stalno preti.

Uradite ono čemu ne možete da odolite, koštaće vas samo vremena, ništa drugo.

Samo se oštro protivim što vređate ove ljude kao kante za smeće.

Jedina kanta za smeće koja ovde nema poštovanja i koja priča sa ljudima kao da ti stoje pod nogama si ti i ja takve ljude apsolutno mrzim.

Ako vam sve ovo ide na živce i guru tim je tako loš, gubite se odavde, šta radite ovde?

Niko ne kaže ništa protiv širenja istine!

Ali vi samo širite pretnje i uvrede i iznenadite se kada ljudi reaguju u skladu sa tim.

Najbolje je da napustite ovu platformu umesto da vređate ljude.

Gledajte napredak.

Stalno vređate i ukazujete samo na loše a oni vam I dalje odgovaraju sa poštovanjem i ljubaznošću.

Jedini koji bi ovde trebalo da se stidi si ti.

Ostariti i dalje kao dete koje okrivljuje druge jer je tako prirodno ugodnije.

Smešni ste jer želite da okrivite druge za svoje probleme i drsko pretite.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

You’re mentally unstable.

I signed up at a few casinos because casino guru gave them good ratings or ‘fresh ratings’ 6/7 or above.

Post having issues with them I researched the casinos more widely and like scatterhall, pocketplay and mad money have been stealing for months. Casino guru have admitted their reviews were outdated and therefore admitted partial liability. The consumer is never to blame as we should not expect casinos or affiliates to either rip us off or provide outdated and false information.

if scatterhall, mad money, pocketplay (and I’m sure many many other casinos) were listed here accurately many players would not of signed up.

Im done talking to you. Other players can see my posts and hopefully see casino guru for what they are.

pre 1 godinu

Jedino što će videti je očajna osoba koja će učiniti sve da ponizi druge.

Videće da vam guru veoma ljubazno odgovori, a vi ih nazovete smećem i kažete da ne morate da poštujete takve ljude.

Nazivate me mentalno nestabilnim, guru tim nazivate idiotima koji pričaju gluposti i ne zaslužuju nikakvo poštovanje.

Sramni ste i jedini ovde imate nestabilnu psihu i samo pretite i vređate druge.

Igrajte manje, izgleda da imate problem sa igrama.

Ps: Ovde svi znaju da ne treba obratiti pažnju samo na jednu ocenu, već uzeti u obzir sve faktore.

Takođe, ni jednom mi nisi odgovorio na pitanje zašto si igrao tamo iako si znao da imaju loše kritike.

Nađite hobije, vređajte ljude

manje nego nestabilan ili kao kanta za smeće i sve će biti u redu lutko ti 👍

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 1 godinu

You’re mentally unstable.

I signed up at a few casinos because casino guru gave them good ratings or ‘fresh ratings’ 6/7 or above.

Post having issues with them I researched the casinos more widely and like scatterhall, pocketplay and mad money have been stealing for months. Casino guru have admitted their reviews were outdated and therefore admitted partial liability. The consumer is never to blame as we should not expect casinos or affiliates to either rip us off or provide outdated and false information.

if scatterhall, mad money, pocketplay (and I’m sure many many other casinos) were listed here accurately many players would not of signed up.

Im done talking to you. Other players can see my posts and hopefully see casino guru for what they are.

pre 1 godinu

Leave this forum in peace, or stop accusing other members. You are far behind the forum rules!

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