ForumDiskusija o prigovorimaProblemi sa verifikacijom PARIMATCH naloga

Problemi sa verifikacijom PARIMATCH naloga

pre 11 meseci od luenrimm
2065 pregleda 13 odgovora |
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pre 11 meseci

Dobar dan

Veoma sam uznemiren i tužan u isto vreme jer od svih kladionica u kojima sam igrao, smatram da je "Parimatch" najgori jer nas kao mušteriju (nas) zavlače. Zbog provere dokumenata za koje smatram da bi trebalo da postoji vremensko ograničenje u danima, već čekam više od nedelju dana.

Sve je počelo kada sam pobedio i hteo da podignem 10.000 solea 20. oktobra, onda su me odbili i tražili spisak dokumenata, koji sam poslao što pre jer su mi u onlajn ćaskanju rekli što brže pošalješ, brže će sve to biti; Međutim, to nije bilo tačno.

Svi znamo da ako se ostavi ravnoteža, iskušenje da ponovo igram je užasno i ako se to na kraju desi, možda neću ništa povući.

Svaki put kada pokušam da komuniciram, govori mi isto:

„Rokovi verifikacije su individualni za svaki nalog.

Stoga, sačekajte i bićete obavešteni o rezultatima u odgovoru e-poštom."

i prošlo je više od 7 dana

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Unfortunately, verifications can take a lot of time in certain casinos. 7 days isn't something I'd consider as unusual. It doesn't mean the casino is dishonest or unfair, but it can simply mean the casino is slow and doesn't have enough human resources to process the documents faster.

Anyway, what you mentioned with the temptation is very important. Don't you have an option to maybe self-exclude yourself for a week in order to protect the winnings from losing them?

pre 10 meseci

Hvala na odgovoru, čekam. Prestao sam da se prijavljujem na svoj nalog i ispitujem kada ću biti verifikovan. Biću veoma strpljiv i nadam se da ćete mi moći odgovoriti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

So it's good that you're aware and you'd rather take it this way so you don't lose your funds. Thumbs up. Maybe you just need to be a bit patient, as we give casinos at least 14 days to complete the verification process. 

As far as the complaint is concerned, I hope Tomas will get to you as soon as possible and everything will move forward. 

If you have any new information about the account verification, don't hesitate to let Tomas know, and if you can, also update us here on the forum. I wish you good luck. 

Post od luenrimm je obrisan
pre 10 meseci


28. oktobra tražili su od mene izvod iz banke na kojem se vidi koliko sam upisao na svoj račun. I poslao sam ga istog dana.

Izvod iz banke

Sva dokumenta poslata i čekaju odgovor poštom.

Dodatna činjenica: iznos više nije 10.125 sola, danas, 30. oktobra, moje stanje je 21.015,86

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Does it mean you played with the winnings you had there and you managed to win even more?

pre 10 meseci

Da, pošto su prošle dve nedelje da mi nisu odgovorili. Ali od 30. oktobra više se ne prijavljujem na svoj nalog; Još uvek čekam rezultat provere.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

I think it's the right thing to do to protect yourself from losing your money. I'm sorry that the casino can't answer you for 2 weeks because I don't think it's professional. 

However, could you let me know if the verification was successful or not ? I will be waiting impatiently.

pre 10 meseci

Još ga obrađuju, nadamo se da će danas, 2. novembar, biti dan rezultata.

Samo čekam odgovor da mogu da se povučem. veliki pozdrav

Hvala vam što ste mi pomogli

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

From my point of view, 14 days for account verification is a bit excessive. It is just far too long for my taste. Have you ever been told a possible reason for such a long process so far? Is the casino investigating something particular, for instance?

Well, we will be here for another update, be it a post from you or a complaint progress. Don't worry; you are not alone in this.

Meanwhile, keep calm and also keep your winnings safe.👍

pre 10 meseci

Zdravo Radka, da za mene je jako dugo i ozbiljno se osećam loše. Samo sam hteo da podignem svoj novac koji sam osvojio u „kazinu". A istina je da im treba mnogo vremena.

Nisu mi naveli razlog za verifikaciju, ali je proces verifikacije počeo kada sam hteo da podignem svoj novac, samo to.

PS: Uploadovao sam svoju žalbu gde čekam Tomašev odgovor.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 10 meseci

Yes, you are right that it is taking an unnecessarily long time and I know why you feel insecure. The fact that they didn't give you any reason makes me sad because I know how a meaningful answer can calm a player down.

As for the complaint, I hope Tomas will get to you soon and things will move forward. Of course I certainly hope for the better. 

pre 10 meseci

This is the worst sports bookie I have ever used and I have used a lot. When I first joined parimatch, I was verified after 24 hours without issue. I then proceeded to place bets, deposit, and withdraw without issue. I then decided to make a deposit of $500 and I turned that money into over $4300 CAD. I then tried to withdraw and my verification was removed and "in processing". It has been nearly a month and over emails I have sent selfies holding my ID, bank statements, credit statements, licenses and national health cards but still no verification. Not to mention the customer service is the worst I’ve dealt with. I’m starting to think the company is a fraudulent one. Any advice anyone?!

pre 10 meseci

Hi, no need to post this multiple times in different threads. I already replied to you here and I would like to keep the conversation about a specific casino there. 🙂

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