Neke sam se oklade kladio na pseće šanse ne očekujući da će ući. Koristio sam Betsteve, Betdukes i 2kbets od kraja maja, početkom juna. Jedan račun na svakoj stranici, bez bonusa. Povukao sam ukupno 25800 £ 7. jula, kada sam bio gotov. Već sam bio provjeren, ali sam svejedno poslao još jedan set dokumenata jer znam kako to ide. Tada sam pričekao 2 tjedna.
Sada je 27. jul.
Nije imao e-poštu od povlačenja, koje je i dalje navedeno kao na čekanju. Sad šaljem e-poštom niko neće odgovoriti. A chat uživo kaže da pričekate e-poštu.
Da, znam da sam pogriješio koristeći ih, ali sada je prekasno. I licencirao ih je UKGC, tako da sam siguran da će se to riješiti, ali mislio sam da ću se zauzeti.
Izvan toga, ima nekih glupih sranja s Progressplay Limited. Dva imena, Sophie Roberts, menadžerica podrške i Stuart James iz odjela za sigurnost i provjeru pojavljuju se u e-porukama za prijavu, ali se nigdje ne pojavljuju na internetu, osim u drugim žalbama. Povratak 2016. Jesu li ti ljudi stvarni? Možda, možda i ne. Pronašli smo telefonski broj s londonskim pozivnim brojem koji ide na snimljenu poruku. A sjedište im je ili na Kipru ili na Malti, možda oboje, možda ni jedno ni drugo.
Ovo je stvarno usrana misterija da budemo pošteni, ali ne treba vam jelenštar da biste znali da nešto nije u redu.
I placed some bets at dog odds not expecting them to come in. I had been using Betsteve, Betdukes and 2kbets since late May, early June. The one account at each site, no bonuses. I withdrew £25800 total on 7th July when I was all finished. I was already verified, but sent another set of documents anyway cause I know how this goes. Then I waited 2 weeks.
It’s now 27th July.
Had no emails since the withdrawal, which is still listed as pending. Now I’m emailing no one will answer. And live chat says to wait for an email.
Yeah, I know I made a mistake using them but too late now. And they’re licensed by the UKGC so I’m sure it’ll sort itself out but thought I’d make myself busy.
Outside of that, there’s some dodgy shit with Progressplay Limited. Two names, Sophie Roberts the support manager and Stuart James in the security and verification department appear on sign up emails but they appear nowhere on the internet, except in other complaints. Going back 2016. Are these people real? Maybe, maybe not. Found a phone number with a London area code that goes to a recorded message. And their headquarters is either in Cyprus or Malta, maybe both, maybe neither.
This is a really crappy mystery to be fair, but don’t need a deerstalker to know something’s amiss.