NaslovnaForumDiskusija o prigovorimaRubySlots is the worst.

RubySlots is the worst.

pre 1 godinu od lowetacarroll9
2.540 pregleda 7 odgovora |
pre 1 godinu

So, at this point I have no reason to believe this pretend casino will ever be legit. It's the nightmare they are for anyone that plays there. I have just under $400 in winnings that Ruby Slots is playing the stalling game on withdraw. Get this, this cheap, unlicensed bunch of thieves has prevented me from playing at all by setting every game to load...but not open. For 8 days straight now, I can log in select a game and it stalls 100% Can't get any response to email. It's at that point where they want the traditional $10 Bitcoin deposit from me which they will gladly take, leaving me unable to cash out for some ridiculous reason. Laughing all the way to their bank.

pre 1 godinu

Hi, I'm sorry to hear about the hassle. Isn't it possible it's just a technical issue? Please, try to use another internet browser and additionally, try another device. If it still gets stuck, then I believe they really blocked the games for you, but it's hard to guess for now.

pre 3 meseci

Zaista je ovaj kazino prevaranti. Dali su mi ponudu od 350 okretaja. Završio sam promet i na kraju sam osvojio 27,33 dolara. Da bi izvršili povlačenje, tražili su od mene identifikaciju da uplatim 10 € u kriptovaluti i onda su mi napisali da bez ikakve obaveze prometa mogu da podignem preko Valler kripto. Prošlo je 20 dana i nisam video nikakav novac na svom računu.

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 3 meseci
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

Hi, it would annoy even me to have to wait that long after meeting all the bonus conditions. Does the casino not communicate with you at all or does it just give you the same answer?

Either way, in your case I would file a complaint and our team will try to help you.

What do you think, will you go for it, if so here is a link where you can open a complaint.

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get your money.

pre 3 meseci

Jedini odgovor koji daje je: "Odgovorićemo na vašu poruku u roku od 72 sata, zbog posla", a da tada uopšte ne odgovaramo

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

So that's a little of what they told you, so I would definitely go with what I recommended and I've added a link to the complaint where you can open it. Our team will try to help you and see if we can find out more.

Do you think you'll go for it?

pre 3 meseci

Ovo je odgovor prevaranta

„Izvinjavamo se zbog eventualnih neprijatnosti.

Kao što sam pomenuo, Velcome Free Chip podleže ograničenjima zemlje i nažalost igrate iz regiona gde ne možete da iskoristite povlačenje ovom ponudom. Međutim, možete uplatiti pravi novac na svoj račun da biste igrali i povukli"

Prihvataju depozite, ali novac koji sam osvojio i 10 evra koje sam položio neće biti dati....

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 3 meseci

So, are you about to submit the complaint then? Seems like you overlooked the last Jaro's post. Think about the option, please.

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