je potpuno lažan. Upravo sam napravio svoj nalog (moje korisničko ime je esintim), završio KIC proces sa svojom ličnom kartom i selfijem i uplatio ovde 30000 USDT pre otprilike 3 nedelje i stavio neke opklade na jedan od najvećih događaja, Ligu Evrope i pobedio. Moje stanje je postalo 61800 USDT. I nakon moje poslednje pobede, iste sekunde su mi suspendovali nalog bez ikakvog razloga. Poslali su mi e-poštu da veruju da sam prekršio njihove uslove i da moram da završim njihov KIC proces do nivoa 4 (takođe, nivo 4 je obavezan). Mnogo puta sam ih pitao koje uslove sam prekršio, ali nisu imali odgovor.
Prinudno sam im ponovo poslao svoj selfi sa ličnom kartom i papirom na kome je napisano moje korisničko ime i datum, a takođe sam im poslao račune za komunalije i dokaze o plaćanju za poslednja 3 meseca. Posle dužeg vremena prihvatili su sve ove dokumente ali do tog dana su našli različite izgovore i ja sam izgubio 2 nedelje. Konačno sam došao do nivoa 4 KIC i za to traže dokaz o mojim sredstvima. Tražili su moje bankovne izvode za poslednja 3 meseca i poslao sam ih. Onda to nisu prihvatili i ovaj put su mi poslali link na kojem su napisani potrebni dokumenti koje prihvataju. Tamo je pisalo vlasnički list ili vlasništvo nad nekretninama i poreski računi. Slikao sam svoj vlasnički list i poreske račune i poslao ih, ali opet nisu prihvatili! Pitam za razlog zašto ne prihvataju, koji je razlog i ne mogu dati nikakav odgovor (plus odgovaraju na mejlove 1 put u 3 dana!). Ovaj put su rekli da im pošaljem poreske prijave koje ja nemam. Šta je ovaj sistem prevare? Da li ste onlajn kazino ili poreska uprava?
Tako da je nemoguće završiti ovaj nivo 4. Ne prihvataju čak ni dokumente koje su tražili. Siguran sam da ako pošaljem poreske prijave onda će ovaj put tražiti nešto drugo. Zašto moram da imam poreske prijave da bih mogao da igram sportsko klađenje sa svojim novcem? Kako možeš da mi zapleniš jedva zarađeni novac bez ikakvog razloga?
Zaplenili su mi 61800 USDT. Ono što sam napravio je samo da otvorim račun na njih, uložim svoj novac i dam neke opklade. Onda su mi suspendovali nalog bez ikakvog razloga. Ne verujte ovoj lažnoj veb lokaciji i imajte na umu da je nemoguće povući svoja sredstva ako pobedite! Takođe ću dobiti advokata u Australiji da otvori sud za njih. is totally fraudulent. I've just created my account (My username is esintim), completed KYC process with my ID card and selfie and deposited here 30000 USDT about 3 weeks ago and placed some bets on one of the biggest events, Europe League and won. My balance became 61800 USDT. And after my last won, on the same second they suspended my account without any reason. They sent me an email that they believe that I've breached their terms and I must complete their KYC process till Level 4 (also Level 4 is a must). I've asked them many times about which terms I've breached but they had no answer to give.
Enforcedly I sent them again my selfie with my ID card and a paper which my username and date was written and also I've sent them utility bills and proof of payments for the last 3 months. After a long time, they accepted all these documents but till that day they found different excuses and I've lost 2 weeks. Finally I came to Level 4 KYC and for that they ask for proof of my funds. They asked for my bank statements for last 3 months and I've sent them. Then they didnt accept it and this time they sent me a link which the required documents they accept were written. It was written there title deed or ownership of real estate and tax bills. I've took photo of my title deed and tax bills and sent them but again they didnt accept! I am asking for a reason why they dont accept, what is the reason and they cant give any answer (Plus they answer emails 1 time per 3 days!). This time they said to send them tax returns which I dont have. What is this fraudulent system? Are you an online casino or tax office?
So it's impossible to complete this Level 4. They dont accept even the documents which they asked for. I am sure if I'll send tax returns then this time they will ask for something else. Why must I have tax returns to be able to play sportsbetting with my own money? How can you seize my hardly earned money without any reason?
They seized my 61800 USDT. What I made was just to open an account on them, deposit my money and place some bets. Then they suspended my account without any reason. Dont trust this fraudulent website and be aware that if you win it's impossible to withdraw your funds! I'll also get a lawyer in Australia to open a court for them.