Najverovatnije su se vaša zapažanja upravo poklopila sa tim trenutkom. Tako duge serije (ili čak duže) pogodaka ili promašaja se ne dešavaju češće nego u redovnim kockarnicama.
Sada sam pregledao statistiku nekoliko tabela, i da bih potkrepio svoje reči, dajem nekoliko slika. Prvo, poslednjih 1000 brojeva koji su se pojavili u ruletu.
Kao što možete vizuelno da potvrdite, tamo nema mnogo dugih serija.
Zatim sam pogledao kolonske grafikone za svaku kategoriju (crveno/crno, parno/neparno, malo/veliko), gde zelena boja predstavlja grupu uzastopnih pogodaka tražene kategorije, a crvena označava uzastopne promašaje.
U slučaju crvenih brojeva, možete videti da zelene i crvene trake nisu mnogo visoke. Što znači, nije bilo dugih nizova promašaja ili pogodaka crvenih brojeva. Koristeći funkciju pomeranja (označenu strelicom), pregledao sam celu istoriju igre (istih 1000 okretaja), a maksimum koji sam mogao da pronađem je 12 promašaja crvene boje zaredom.
Pregledao sam nekoliko stolova za rulet i svuda je bila slična situacija. Nisam napravio snimke ekrana jer to ne bi imalo smisla.
Naravno, postoje situacije kada su crvene ili zelene trake veoma visoke, ali moj primer jednostavno pokazuje da se to ne dešava češće nego bilo gde drugde.
Most likely, your observations just happened to coincide with that moment. Such long series (or even longer) of hits or misses don't occur more frequently than in regular casinos.
I have now reviewed the statistics of several tables, and to support my words, I'm providing a few images. Firstly, the last 1000 numbers that came up in roulette.
As you can visually confirm, there aren't very long series there.
Then I looked at column charts for each category (red/black, even/odd, small/large), where the green color represents a group of consecutive hits of the required category, and red indicates consecutive misses.
In the case of red numbers, you can see that the green and red bars are not very high. Which means, there were no long sequences of misses or hits of red numbers. Using the scroll feature (marked with an arrow), I reviewed the entire game history (those same 1000 spins), and the maximum I could find was 12 misses of red in a row.
I examined several roulette tables, and the situation was similar everywhere. I didn't take screenshots because it wouldn't make sense.
Of course, there are situations when red or green bars are very high, but my example simply shows that this doesn't happen more often than anywhere else.
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