pre 1 godinu
Da li vam se sviđa ova igra? Da li ste osvojili veliku nagradu? Ako želite da diskutujete o bilo čemu što se odnosi na Aviator, možete to uraditi ovde.
Ne razumem mnogo ovu igru
I'm not understanding this game very much
No estoy entendiendo mucho este juego
Zdravo, ako skrolujete malo nadole na stranici na kojoj je igra pokrenuta, tu je i pomoć i objašnjenje o čemu se igra igra, informacije o bonusima, RTP-u, veličini opklade, itd. Da li ste je već videli?
Hi, if you scroll down a bit on the page where you have the game running, there is also a help and an explanation of what the game is about, information about bonuses, RTP, bet size, etc. Have you seen it yet ?
„Odeljak pomoći, objašnjenje igre, informacije o bonusu, RTP i veličina opklade su propisno zabeleženi. kakvo je vaše iskustvo do sada?"
"The helps section, game explanation, bonus information, RTP, and bet size have all been duly noted. what's your experience so far?"
Hehe moje iskustvo nije zabeleženo jer ne igram demo igre. Više volim da gledam nego da igram ako sam iskren, tako da moram da budem iskren da do sada nemam nikakvog iskustva. I vi ?
Hehe my experience is not recorded because I don't play demo games. I prefer to watch rather than play if I'm honest, so I have to be truthful I don't have any experience so far. And you ?
Imao sam iskustva sa demo igrama, ali ponekad uživam i u gledanju. To je drugačiji način da cenite igre!
I've had some experience with demo games, but I also enjoy watching sometimes. It's a different way to appreciate gaming!
Zdravo, šta misliš pod tim što si napisao? Možete li malo detaljnije?
Hi, what do you mean by what you wrote ? Could you elaborate a bit ?
množilac nije nasumičan već se zasniva na nekim parametrima koji se biraju na prva tri igrača koji polože opkladu što kroz proračun zatim dovodi do uspostavljanja množitelja. igra ima fer plej i ne diktiraju je slučajni brojevi, već specifične kalkulacije koje se sprovode na svakom meču
the multiplier is not random but is based on some parameters that are chosen on the first three players who place the bet which through a calculation then lead to establishing the multiplier. the game has a fair play and is not dictated by random numbers but by specific calculations that are carried out at each match
il moltiplicatore non è casuale ma si basa su alcuni paramentri che vengono scelti sui primi tre giocatori che puntano la scommessa che tramite un calcolo portano a stabilire poi il moltiplicatore il gioco ha un povabili fair e non è dettato da numeri randomma da specifici calcoli che vengono effettuati ad ogni partita
Stvarno? Možete li podeliti izvor, molim vas? Voleo bih da vidim punu verziju.
Hvala vam!
Really? Can you share the source, please? I would like to see the full version.
Thank you!
samo kliknite na 3 horizontalne linije, a zatim kliknite na crvenu formulaciju i ova igra će biti kriptografska. Izvor je unutar uputstava. Nadam se da ću dobiti priznanje za ovu vest.
just click on the 3 horizontal lines and then click on the red wording, and this game will be cryptographic. the Source is inside the instructions. I hope to have recognition for this news.
basta cliccare sulle 3 linee orizzontali e poi cliccare la dicitura in colore rosso, e cryptografico questo gioco. la Fonte è all'interno delle istruzioni. Spero di avere un riconoscimento per questa notizia.
Hm, nikad ne bih pretpostavio da je tako nešto urađeno na taj način. Da li ste to pokušali da potvrdite iz više izvora? Da li je ovo napisano direktno u kazinu?
Hmm, I would never have guessed that such a thing was done that way. Have you tried to confirm this from multiple sources ? Was this written directly in a casino ?
Imam grešku Aviatora u Lottolandu.
Dobio sam lažne informacije od Lottolanda.
Igrao sam rundu Aviatora gde sam se kladio na 100 evra i podesio automatski izlaz na 2.00k. Strelica je pala tačno na 2.00k i nisam dobio nikakav novac iako sam imao automatski izlaz i strelicu tačno na 2.00k gde sam takođe podesio izlaz da je izvadim na tačno 2.00k.
Postajem očajan jer više ne dobijam nikakvu podršku od Lotolanda jer sam ih bombardovao sa toliko poruka.
Lottoland je odgovorio nakon što sam sve detaljno pokazao sa snimcima ekrana i dokazom da je strelica dostigla samo 1,52k i da nisam primio dobitak. Ali pregledao sam rundu i imam vreme na njoj i možete videti izlaz da je bio na 2.00k i strelicu gde se odlomila na 2.00k. Molim vas da mi pomognete jer je oko 200€, što je za mene mnogo novca.
Poslao bih im sve informacije putem e-pošte sa snimcima ekrana iz Aviator runde i mejlovima iz kazina Lottoland.
Nadam se brzom odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
I have an Aviator error at Lottoland.
I received false information from Lottoland.
I played a round of Aviator where I bet 100 euros and set an automatic exit at 2.00x. The arrow landed exactly at 2.00x and I was not paid any money even though I had an automatic exit and the arrow exactly at 2.00x where I also set the exit to take it out at exactly 2.00x.
I'm getting desperate because I'm no longer getting any support from Lottoland because I've bombarded them with so many messages.
Lottoland responded after I had shown everything thoroughly with screenshots and proof that the arrow only reached 1.52x and that I had not received the winnings. But I screened the round and I have the time on it and you can see the exit that it was at 2.00x and the arrow where it broke off at 2.00x. I'm asking you to help me because it's about €200, which is a lot of money for me.
I would send them all the information via email with the screenshots from the Aviator round and the emails from Lottoland Casino.
Hope for a quick answer.
Best regards
Ich habe Bei lottoland einen Aviator fehler.
Ich habe Falschinformationen gegenüber von Lottoland erhalten.
Ich habe eine Aviator runde gespielt wo ich 100Euro eingesetzt habe und einen Automatischen Austieg bei 2.00x gesetzt habe. Der Pfeil kam genau auf 2.00x und es wurde mir kein Geld ausbezahlt obwohl ich einen Automatischen Austieg hatte und der Pfeil genau auf 2.00x wo ich auch den Austieg gesetzt habe um es auf punkt 2.00x rausnehmen sollte.
Ich verzweifel gerade da ich keinen Support Hilfe mehr bekomme von Lottoland weil ich sie mit sehr vielen nachrichten bombardiert habe.
Lottoland kam mit einer Antwort nachdem ich alles gründlich mit Screenshots und Beweisen gezeigt hab das der Pfeil nur bis 1.52x gekommen ist und das ich den Gewinn nicht erhalten habe. Ich habe aber Die runde gescreent und ich habe die Uhrzeit drauf und den Austieg kann man auch sehen das es auf 2.00x war den Pfeil auch wo er bei 2.00x abgebrochen ist. Ich bitte Sie das sie mir da helfen da es um 200€ geht was viel geld für mich ist.
Ich würde ihnen alle Informationen per email zukommen lassen mit den Screenshots von der Aviator Runde und den Emails von Lottoland Casino.
Hoffe auf eine Schnelle antwort.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Možda nisam bio jasan jer su snimci ekrana na italijanskom, tako piše na sajtu igre, a ne u kazinu, samo idi na tri reda u gornjem desnom uglu i u delu napisanom dokazivo pošteno, a zatim na delu napisanom crvenom bojom Uvek je funkcionisalo ovako:
Dokazivo poštena je tehnika koja osigurava da je generisani broj zaista nasumičan bez ikakve manipulacije da bi se dobio ovaj broj. To garantuje korisniku i omogućava im da provere da li je generisani rezultat nasumično generisan i da se ne manipuliše.
Maybe I wasn't clear as the screenshots are in Italian, the game site says so, not the casino, just go to the three lines on the top right and in the part written provabily fair and then the part written in red It's always worked like this:
Provably fair is a technique that makes sure that a generated number was truly random without any manipulation done to get this number. It guarantees the user and enables them to verify that the generated result is randomly generated and not manipulated.
Forse non sono stato chiaro essendo in italiano i screenshoot, lo dice il sito del gioco non il casino basta andare sulle tre linee a destra in alto e nella parte scritto provabily fair e successivamente la parte scritta in rosso ha sempre funzionato cosi:
Provably fair is a technique that makes sure that a generated number was truly random without any manipulation done to get this number. It guarantees the user and, enables them to verify that the generated result is randomly generated and not manipulated.
Hm, nikad ne bih pretpostavio da je tako nešto urađeno na taj način. Da li ste to pokušali da potvrdite iz više izvora? Da li je ovo napisano direktno u kazinu?
Hmm, I would never have guessed that such a thing was done that way. Have you tried to confirm this from multiple sources ? Was this written directly in a casino ? igra tako kaže the game says so lo dice il gioco
Možda nisam bio jasan jer su snimci ekrana na italijanskom, tako piše na sajtu igre, a ne u kazinu, samo idi na tri reda u gornjem desnom uglu i u delu napisanom dokazivo pošteno, a zatim na delu napisanom crvenom bojom Uvek je funkcionisalo ovako:
Dokazivo poštena je tehnika koja osigurava da je generisani broj zaista nasumičan bez ikakve manipulacije da bi se dobio ovaj broj. To garantuje korisniku i omogućava im da provere da li je generisani rezultat nasumično generisan i da se ne manipuliše.
Maybe I wasn't clear as the screenshots are in Italian, the game site says so, not the casino, just go to the three lines on the top right and in the part written provabily fair and then the part written in red It's always worked like this:
Provably fair is a technique that makes sure that a generated number was truly random without any manipulation done to get this number. It guarantees the user and enables them to verify that the generated result is randomly generated and not manipulated.
Forse non sono stato chiaro essendo in italiano i screenshoot, lo dice il sito del gioco non il casino basta andare sulle tre linee a destra in alto e nella parte scritto provabily fair e successivamente la parte scritta in rosso ha sempre funzionato cosi:
Provably fair is a technique that makes sure that a generated number was truly random without any manipulation done to get this number. It guarantees the user and, enables them to verify that the generated result is randomly generated and not manipulated.
Hvala, to je prilično zanimljivo zapažanje. Ne volim baš avijatičarske igre, tako da su mi neke stvari nove.
Međutim, da li pokušavamo da dokažemo da je ovo zasnovano na opkladama prethodnih igrača?
Thanks, that's quite an interesting observation. I'm not really into aviator games, so some things are new to me.
However, are we trying to prove that this is based on bets from previous players ?
Imam grešku Aviatora u Lottolandu.
Dobio sam lažne informacije od Lottolanda.
Igrao sam rundu Aviatora gde sam se kladio na 100 evra i podesio automatski izlaz na 2.00k. Strelica je pala tačno na 2.00k i nisam dobio nikakav novac iako sam imao automatski izlaz i strelicu tačno na 2.00k gde sam takođe podesio izlaz da je izvadim na tačno 2.00k.
Postajem očajan jer više ne dobijam nikakvu podršku od Lotolanda jer sam ih bombardovao sa toliko poruka.
Lottoland je odgovorio nakon što sam sve detaljno pokazao sa snimcima ekrana i dokazom da je strelica dostigla samo 1,52k i da nisam primio dobitak. Ali pregledao sam rundu i imam vreme na njoj i možete videti izlaz da je bio na 2.00k i strelicu gde se odlomila na 2.00k. Molim vas da mi pomognete jer je oko 200€, što je za mene mnogo novca.
Poslao bih im sve informacije putem e-pošte sa snimcima ekrana iz Aviator runde i mejlovima iz kazina Lottoland.
Nadam se brzom odgovoru.
Srdačan pozdrav
I have an Aviator error at Lottoland.
I received false information from Lottoland.
I played a round of Aviator where I bet 100 euros and set an automatic exit at 2.00x. The arrow landed exactly at 2.00x and I was not paid any money even though I had an automatic exit and the arrow exactly at 2.00x where I also set the exit to take it out at exactly 2.00x.
I'm getting desperate because I'm no longer getting any support from Lottoland because I've bombarded them with so many messages.
Lottoland responded after I had shown everything thoroughly with screenshots and proof that the arrow only reached 1.52x and that I had not received the winnings. But I screened the round and I have the time on it and you can see the exit that it was at 2.00x and the arrow where it broke off at 2.00x. I'm asking you to help me because it's about €200, which is a lot of money for me.
I would send them all the information via email with the screenshots from the Aviator round and the emails from Lottoland Casino.
Hope for a quick answer.
Best regards
Ich habe Bei lottoland einen Aviator fehler.
Ich habe Falschinformationen gegenüber von Lottoland erhalten.
Ich habe eine Aviator runde gespielt wo ich 100Euro eingesetzt habe und einen Automatischen Austieg bei 2.00x gesetzt habe. Der Pfeil kam genau auf 2.00x und es wurde mir kein Geld ausbezahlt obwohl ich einen Automatischen Austieg hatte und der Pfeil genau auf 2.00x wo ich auch den Austieg gesetzt habe um es auf punkt 2.00x rausnehmen sollte.
Ich verzweifel gerade da ich keinen Support Hilfe mehr bekomme von Lottoland weil ich sie mit sehr vielen nachrichten bombardiert habe.
Lottoland kam mit einer Antwort nachdem ich alles gründlich mit Screenshots und Beweisen gezeigt hab das der Pfeil nur bis 1.52x gekommen ist und das ich den Gewinn nicht erhalten habe. Ich habe aber Die runde gescreent und ich habe die Uhrzeit drauf und den Austieg kann man auch sehen das es auf 2.00x war den Pfeil auch wo er bei 2.00x abgebrochen ist. Ich bitte Sie das sie mir da helfen da es um 200€ geht was viel geld für mich ist.
Ich würde ihnen alle Informationen per email zukommen lassen mit den Screenshots von der Aviator Runde und den Emails von Lottoland Casino.
Hoffe auf eine Schnelle antwort.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Zdravo, izvinjavam se zbog situacije u koju ste se doveli. Koliko sam razumeo, trebalo je da imate pobedničku rundu, ali kazino kaže da je avion eksplodirao na 1.52, zar ne?
U ovom slučaju, kada imate snimke ekrana i sve, preporučio bih vam da uložite žalbu, gde će naš tim to pogledati i pokušati da vam pomogne.
Da li mislite da je vredno toga i da li ćete probati?
Hello, I'm sorry for the situation you've gotten yourself into. As I understand it, you were supposed to have a winning round but the casino says the plane blew up at 1.52, right ?
In this case, when you have screenshots and everything, I would recommend you to file a complaint, where our team will take a look at it and try to help you.
Do you think it's worth it and will you try it ?
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.