Pa... konačno sam otišao u kazino i prvi put igrao za pravim craps stolom. Prethodno sam kupio set kockica u kazino stilu AAA kako bih mogao da pokušam da razvijem konzistentnije bacanje kod kuće pre nego što krenem.
Uspeo sam da dođem do stola tokom zatišja i mogao sam polako da probam bacanje i klađenje u punom kazino okruženju. Onda je za stolom nastala gužva. Između različitih strelaca moja sredstva su se vrtela gore-dole oko onoga što sam uplatio. Onda su mi odjednom vraćene kockice.
S jedne strane, pomalo sam se uspaničio... Nije mi se dopala pomisao da se nekoliko ljudi kladi na moje neproverene veštine bacanja. U isto vreme, stotine vežbi bacanja su se uverile da znam koje pokrete treba da napravim. Ova kombinacija me je navela da koristim samo jedno uparivanje kockica sve vreme (14/45) - bez trikova, bez visokorizičnih hitaca ... samo izbegavam sedam.
Vau! Nisam brojao, ali sam donekle siguran da sam imao najmanje 20 bacanja (to uključuje tri seta od nekoliko do nekoliko bacanja koja su uspešno završena i četvrti set sa nekim bacanjima koja su na kraju završila sedam). U stvari, publika mi je aplaudirala. Uspeo sam da završim All-Lov bočnu opkladu. Izgledalo je kao da znam šta radim ... i svi smo zaradili nešto novca.
Znam da jedno vreme za stolom ne znači ništa statistički ... ali mislim da postavljanje kockica čini razliku ... a za one koji na kraju imaju jaku kontrolu kockica, to bi bilo još bolje. Uživao sam u mom početku ovim putem i mislim da će mi biti od koristi u budućnosti.
Well ... I finally went to the casino and played at a genuine craps table for the first time. I had previously bought a set of AAA grade casino style dice so I could try and develop a more consistent throw at home before going.
I managed to get to the table during a lull and was able to slowly try throwing and betting in a full casino environment. Then the table got crowded. Between different shooters my funds bounced up and down around what I paid in. Then suddenly the dice were given back to me.
On one hand, I somewhat panicked ... I did not like the thought of several people betting on my untested throwing skills. At the same time, many hundreds of practice throws made sure I knew the motions to make. This combination led me to use just a single pairing of the dice the entire time (14/45) - no tricks, no high risk shots ... just avoiding the seven.
Wow! I did not count but I am somewhat sure I had at least 20 throws [it includes three sets of a few to several throws that ended successfully and a fourth set with some throws that finally sevened out]. I actually had the crowd applauding me. I managed to complete the All-Low side bet. It looked like I knew what I was doing ... and we all made some money.
I know that one time at a table means nothing statistically ... but I do think dice setting makes a difference ... and for those who eventually have strong dice control, it would be even better. I enjoyed my start down this path and I think it will be useful in the future.
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