Evo prilično dugačke teme o ruletu https://casino.guru/forum/other-casino-games/roulette---network-----electronic-----live--truths-and-misconceptions
Govoreći o ruletu, želeo bih da istaknem da mnogi igrači veruju da neke stvari koje se redovno dešavaju na ruletu ne bi trebalo da se dešavaju. Na primjer, postoji uobičajena zabluda da lopta treba pasti na istu količinu crvenih i crnih brojeva. Iako je to istina iz duže perspektive, to svakako nije istina u kratkom vremenskom periodu.
Ljudi općenito vjeruju da kada postoje 3 crna broja u nizu, sljedeći mora biti crven, a ako nije, onda je sljedeći 100% crven. Rulet tako ne funkcioniše. Može biti 8 crnih brojeva u nizu i taj slučaj nije tako rijedak. Samo igraj par sati i to će ti se dogoditi.
Takođe postoji zabluda da kada lopta padne na određeni broj, recimo 2x tokom poslednjih 5 okretaja, onda ne bi trebalo da padne na nju u bliskoj budućnosti. Istina je da su šanse za svaki okret jednake. Šanse se ne menjaju, ne gledaju u istoriju.
Rekao bih da mnogi igrači postanu ovisni o ruletu jednostavno zato što ne razumiju matematiku koja stoji iza igre.
Here's quite a long thread about roulette https://casino.guru/forum/other-casino-games/roulette---network-----electronic-----live--truths-and-misconceptions
Speaking about roulette, I'd like to point out that many players believe that some things that regularly happen on roulette shouldn't happen. For example, there's a common misconception that the ball should land on the same amount of red and black numbers. While this is true from the longer perspective, it certainly isn't true in a short period of time.
People generally believe that when there are 3 black numbers in a row, the next one must be red and if not, then the next one is 100% red. That's not how roulette works. There can be 8 black numbers in a row and that case isn't even that rare. Just play for a couple of hours and it's gonna happen to you.
There's also a misconception that when the ball landed on a certain number let's say 2x during last 5 spins, then it shouldn't land on it in the near future. The truth is that the chances are the same every single spin. The chances don't change, they don't look into the history.
I'd say many players get addicted to roulette simply because they don't understand the mathematics behind the game.
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