pre 3 godina
Zdravo, šta misliš pod tim da nisu prikazani? Zar vam ovo ne ide?
Hi, what do you mean by they're not displayed? Doesn't this work for you?
Zdravo, šta misliš pod tim da nisu prikazani? Zar vam ovo ne ide?
Hi, what do you mean by they're not displayed? Doesn't this work for you?
Nisam siguran koliko je tačno ova informacija povezana sa tvojim prethodnim postom, koji kaže:
"Zdravo, htio sam pitati zašto se wildz kazina kao što je caxino više ne prikazuju kada hodate po njima?"
Možete li, molim vas, objasniti šta se čini glavnim problemom?
I'm not sure how exactly is this information related to your previous post, saying:
"Hello, I wanted to ask why wildz casinos like caxino are no longer displayed when you walk on them?"
Could you explain what seems to be the main issue, please?
Zdravo Daniel/Radka, upit: je li Joe na odmoru ili tako nešto? Ne mogu da ga nađem u mailu i porukama 😕
Hi Daniel/Radka, query: is Joe on vacation or something? I can't find him in the mail and messaging 😕
Hola Daniel/Radka, consulta: Joe está de vacaciones o algo? No puedo dar con él en el mail y mensajería 😕
Nastavit ću čekati. Hvala ti
I will keep waiting. Thank you
Seguiré esperando. Gracias
Hvala na pomoći.
Još uvijek čekam, ako mi možete pomoći u tome, bilo bi sjajno.
Umoran sam od čekanja!
Thanks for your help.
I'm still waiting, if you can give me a hand with that that would be great.
I'm tired of waiting!
Gracias por tu ayuda.
Sigo esperando, si puedes darme una mano con eso sería fantástico.
Cansada estoy de esperar!
Danijele/Radka, još čekam Jozefov odgovor.
Zaista ne može biti tako teško odgovoriti na e-mail!!!!
Daniel/Radka, I'm still waiting for Jozef's answer.
It really can't be that hard to answer an email!!!!
Daniel/Radka, sigo esperando la respuesta de Jozef.
De verdad no puede ser tan dificil contestar un email!!!!
Šta biste onda tačno želeli da uradimo? Vi ste nas kontaktirali ovdje, Radka je direktno kontaktirala Jozefa i on je rekao da će vam se javiti uskoro. Šta drugo možemo učiniti?
Then what exactly would you like us to do? You contacted us here, Radka contacted Jozef directly and he said he'll get back to you soon. What else can we do?
Možda istaknuti recenzije igrača zajedno s recenzijama gurua kazina -
kao igrači znamo koliko se novih kazina pojavljuje dnevno i koliko je teško pratiti koliko dobro se kazina razvijaju; ali mislim da bi bilo zgodno imati recenzije igrača uz bočne recenzije gurua kazina.
možda „ono što smo pronašli sa „Kazinom A" i „misli naših igrača se mogu naći ovde".
postoji nekoliko visoko rangiranih kazina u kojima sam lično igrao u više navrata i ne bih ih ocenio sa upola nižim rezultatom zbog problema koje sam iskusio uživo - ali kazina koji imaju "savršenu reputaciju" ovde. Nailazi na pristrasan ili plaćen za IMO.
Regulatorima koji ne rješavaju pritužbe javno ne bi trebalo dozvoliti „savršen kazino" rezultat jer ako ne shvate pritužbe ozbiljno u javnosti, zamislite koliko su zatvoreni i beskorisni bez publike.
Possibly highlight players reviews along with the casino guru reviews -
as players we know how many new casinos pop up daily, and how hard it is to keep track on how well casinos are preforming; but I think it would be handy to have player reviews along side casino guru reviews.
maybe a "what we found with "Casino A" , and "our players thoughts can be found here"..
theres a few high ranking casinos I’ve personally played at on multiple occasions and wouldn’t rate them with a score half as high from problems I’ve experienced live - but casinos holding "perfect reputations" here. Comes across biased or paid for IMO.
Regulators that don’t address complaints publicly shouldn’t be allowed "perfect casino" score since if they don’t take complaints seriously in public, imagine how closed off and unhelpful they are without an audience.
Vjerujem da griješite " podršku uživo " sa onim što ste pronašli ovdje – a to je forum za online kazino.
Vježbajte malo strpljenja i nećete se umoriti od čekanja. Ako primijetite da administratori/modi mogu potrajati 7 dana kako je navedeno u proceduri za žalbe.
I believe you’re mistaking "live support" with what you’ve found here - which is, an online casino forum.
Practice a little patience and you won’t get tired of waiting. If you notice admins/ mods can take 7 days as stated on the complaints procedure.
Možda istaknuti recenzije igrača zajedno s recenzijama gurua kazina -
kao igrači znamo koliko se novih kazina pojavljuje dnevno i koliko je teško pratiti koliko dobro se kazina razvijaju; ali mislim da bi bilo zgodno imati recenzije igrača uz bočne recenzije gurua kazina.
možda „ono što smo pronašli sa „Kazinom A" i „misli naših igrača se mogu naći ovde".
postoji nekoliko visoko rangiranih kazina u kojima sam lično igrao u više navrata i ne bih ih ocenio sa upola nižim rezultatom zbog problema koje sam iskusio uživo - ali kazina koji imaju "savršenu reputaciju" ovde. Nailazi na pristrasan ili plaćen za IMO.
Regulatorima koji ne rješavaju pritužbe javno ne bi trebalo dozvoliti „savršen kazino" rezultat jer ako ne shvate pritužbe ozbiljno u javnosti, zamislite koliko su zatvoreni i beskorisni bez publike.
Possibly highlight players reviews along with the casino guru reviews -
as players we know how many new casinos pop up daily, and how hard it is to keep track on how well casinos are preforming; but I think it would be handy to have player reviews along side casino guru reviews.
maybe a "what we found with "Casino A" , and "our players thoughts can be found here"..
theres a few high ranking casinos I’ve personally played at on multiple occasions and wouldn’t rate them with a score half as high from problems I’ve experienced live - but casinos holding "perfect reputations" here. Comes across biased or paid for IMO.
Regulators that don’t address complaints publicly shouldn’t be allowed "perfect casino" score since if they don’t take complaints seriously in public, imagine how closed off and unhelpful they are without an audience.
Da, najnovija i direktna iskustva su vitalni aspekt stranice kazina. Po "Najnovijim recenzijama korisnika" prikazujemo najnovije 3 korisničke recenzije o kockarnicama koje su dostupne u vašoj zemlji.
Možete pregledati sve povezane korisničke recenzije na kartici "recenzije korisnika", a mi smo dodali zvjezdicu s ukupnom ocjenom samo na osnovu korisničkih recenzija igrača.
Ako imate još neki prijedlog ili bilo kakvu ideju kako ih možemo efikasnije istaknuti, podijelite
Kada je reč o žalbama,
svaka neopravdana ili neriješena žalba donosi kazinu neke crne poene na osnovu "ozbiljnosti" problema.
Jeste li pronašli savršeni kazino sa neopravdanim žalbama ili pasivnim regulatorom, molim?
Yes, the latest and direct experiences are a vital aspect of the casino's page. By The "Latest user reviews" we display the latest 3 user reviews on casinos that are available in your country.
You can browse all associated user reviews in the "user reviews" tab and we added a star bar with an overall rating based on player's user reviews only.
If you have another suggestion or any idea how we can highlight those more effectively, please share
When it comes to complaints,
every unjustified or unsolved complaint earns the casino some black points based on the "severity" of the problem.
Have you found any perfect casino with unjustified complaints or a passive regulator, please?
Zdravo dragi kazino guru timu!
Imam pitanje, prijavio sam se danas u kazinu i upravo sam htio uzeti bonus kada mi je rečeno da ga ne mogu dobiti jer izgleda da imam drugi račun što me zbunilo jer nikad ne otvaram 2 računa na isti kazino ikada! Nije tako loše! Kažu da imam duplikat, ali ne žele da mi kažu sa kojim emailom. Imam 3 e-maila i pokušao sam resetirati lozinku za sva 3 e-maila i samo e-mail na koji sam se registrirao dobio je e-mail za resetiranje lozinke, a ne i ostale. Tako da nisam znao da imam drugi nalog!!! Morate li mi reći koja je adresa e-pošte korištena za navodno duplirani račun?
Ako bi to trebalo da bude moj drugi nalog, zar to ne bi trebalo da kažu?
Biće mi drago za odgovor ✌🏼
Hello dear casino guru team!
I have a question, I signed up at a casino today and was about to claim the bonus when I was told I can't get it as I seem to have a 2nd account which I was confused about as I never create 2 accounts at the same casino ever! It's not too bad! They say I have a duplicate but won't tell me with which email. I have 3 emails and have tried to reset the password for all 3 emails and only the email where I registered received an email to reset the password and not the others. So I didn't know that I had a second account!!! Do you have to tell me which email address was used for the supposedly duplicate account?
If it's supposed to be my 2nd account, shouldn't they say it?
Would be happy about an answer ✌🏼
Hallo liebes casino Guru Team!
Ich habe eine Frage, ich habe mich heute in einem Casino angemeldet und wollte den Bonus beanspruchen als man mir sagte das ich es nicht bekomme da ich anscheinend einen 2ten account habe worüber ich verwirrt war da ich niemals 2 Accounts in dem selben casino erstelle niemals! Ist ja auch nicht weiter schlimm! Sie sagen ich habe ein Duplikat aber wollen mir nicht sagen mit welcher Email. Ich habe 3 Emails und habe probiert bei allen 3 Emails das passwort wiederherzustellen und nur bei der Email wo ich mich registriert habe ist eine Email zum zurück setzen des passwort gekommen und bei den anderen nicht. Ich wüsste also nicht das ich ein 2ten account habe !!! Müssen sie mir sagen welche Email adresse für den angeblich duplikat account verwendet wurde??
Wenn es angeblich mein 2tes Konto ist müssten sie es doch sagen oder nicht ??
Würde mich über eine Antwort freuen ✌🏼
To je zanimljivo. Evo moje pretpostavke - neko drugi koji koristi istu IP adresu je napravio nalog u kazinu, sistem je zbog toga označio vaš novi i jedini nalog kao duplikat naloga.
Ako drugi račun ima različite vjerodajnice povezane s njim (ime, adresa, broj telefona), očigledno nije vaš, ali ako se vjerodajnice poklapaju, onda bi to trebao biti vaš račun i kazino bi vam trebao pomoći da vratite pristup.
Zato bih zamolio kazino za pomoć u vraćanju pristupa vašem navodnom prvom računu. Ako ne pomognu, podnesite žalbu. Kao što sam ranije spomenuo, pretpostavljam da 1. račun nije čak ni vaš tako da mu teško možete pristupiti.
That's interesting. Here's my guess - someone else using the same IP address created an account in the casino, the system flagged your new and only account as a duplicate account due to it.
If the other account has different credentials associated to it (name, address, phone number), the it apparently isn't yours, but if the credentials match, then it should be your account and the casino should help you to restore the access.
So I'd ask the casino for help in restoring access to your allegedly 1st account. If they don't help, submit a complaint. As I mentioned earlier, my guess is that the 1st account isn't even yours so you can hardly get an access to it.
Hi Daniel!
Razgovarao sam s njima nekoliko puta, ali svaki put mi kažu da ne smiju davati nikakve informacije.
Osećam se kao da me pokušavaju opljačkati.
Imam problem ali trenutno u 2 kazina!
Potpuno isti problem sa 2. kasinom. Navodno 5 naloga sa istom IP adresom što jednostavno ne može biti. Ovaj drugi kazino mi je čak poslao fotografije sa mejlovima koji su navodno kreirani sa istom IP adresom.
Kako je moguće Daniele da neko drugi koristi moj IP?!?!?!?!
Da li je to uopšte moguće?!?!
Ponekad imam osjećaj da neka kockarnica namjerno kreiraju više naloga i sa istom IP adresom, tako da nakon toga možete stvarati probleme ako se čeka velika isplata ^^.
U posljednje vrijeme mi se čini da se neka kockarnica ponašaju podmuklo kako bi zaradili više novca.
Hi Daniel!
I have spoken to them several times but each time they tell me they are not allowed to give out any information.
I feel like they're trying to rip me off.
I have the problem but currently at 2 casinos!
Exactly the same problem with the 2nd casino. Allegedly 5 accounts with the same IP address which simply cannot be. This 2nd casino even sent me photos with the emails that were supposedly created with the same IP address.
How can it be Daniel that someone else is using my IP?!?!?!?!
Is that even possible ?!?!
I sometimes have the feeling that some casinos create multiple accounts on purpose and with the same IP address so that you can cause problems afterwards if a large payout is pending ^^.
Lately it seems to me that some casinos are acting underhandedly to make more money.
Hallo Daniel!
Ich habe mit denen gesprochen und das mehrmals aber jedesmal sagt man mir das sie keine Informationen raus geben dürfen.
Ich habe das Gefühl als würden die mich verarschen wollen.
Ich habe das Problem aber zurzeit bei 2 casinos!
Bei dem 2ten casino genau das selbe Problem. Angeblich 5 Accounts mit der selben IP Adresse was einfach nicht sein kann. Dieses 2te casino aber hat mir sogar Fotos geschickt mit den Emails die angeblich mit der selben IP Adresse erstellt wurden.
Wie kann das sein Daniel das jemand anderer meine IP verwendet?!?!?!?!
Ist das überhaupt möglich ?!?!
Ich habe manchmal das Gefühl das einige casinos mit Absicht mehrere Konten erstellen und das mit der selben IP Adresse damit man dann im Nachhinein einem probleme bereiten kann wenn eine große Auszahlung ansteht ^^.
In letzter Zeit kommt es mir so vor als würden einige casinos hinterhältig handeln damit sie mehr Geld verdienen.
Imam i snimke ekrana razgovora gdje jednostavno ne žele da mi pomognu da riješim problem. Povećava se sumnja da to rade namjerno kako bi izazvali probleme s plaćanjem.
Imam i slike iz 2. kazina koji mi je odmah poslao slike sa mejlovima koje sam trebao napraviti.
Ja lično NIKADA ne otvaram 2 naloga u istom kasinu!!! Nikad!!
To je stvarno čudno.
Iznad svega, kazina vam daju osjećaj da ste vremenom sve nesigurniji!!!! Više nije zabavno igrati ovako!
I also have screenshots of the conversations where they just don't want to help me solve the problem. The suspicion that they are doing it on purpose to cause problems with the payment increases.
I also have the pics from the 2nd casino which immediately sent me pics with the emails I was supposed to have created.
I personally NEVER make 2 accounts in the same casino!!! Never!!
Find that really strange.
Above all, the casinos give you the feeling of being more and more insecure over time!!!! It's no fun playing like this anymore!
Ich habe auch Screenshots von den Unterhaltungen wo man mir einfach nicht helfen möchte das problem zu lösen. Da steigt einem die Vermutung das sie es mit Absicht machen um eben Probleme bei der Auszahlung zu machen.
Ich habe auch die Bilder vom 2ten casino welches mir sofort Bilder gesendet hat mit den Emails die ich angeblich erstellt habe.
Ich persönlich mache NIEMALS im dem selben casino 2 Accounts!!! Niemals!!
Finde das echt merkwürdig.
Vorallem geben die casinos einem das Gefühl mit der Zeit immer mehr und mehr unsicherer zu sein!!!! So macht spielen keinen Spaß mehr !!!
Imam i snimke ekrana razgovora gdje jednostavno ne žele da mi pomognu da riješim problem. Povećava se sumnja da to rade namjerno kako bi izazvali probleme s plaćanjem.
Imam i slike iz 2. kazina koji mi je odmah poslao slike sa mejlovima koje sam trebao napraviti.
Ja lično NIKADA ne otvaram 2 naloga u istom kasinu!!! Nikad!!
To je stvarno čudno.
Iznad svega, kazina vam daju osjećaj da ste vremenom sve nesigurniji!!!! Više nije zabavno igrati ovako!
I also have screenshots of the conversations where they just don't want to help me solve the problem. The suspicion that they are doing it on purpose to cause problems with the payment increases.
I also have the pics from the 2nd casino which immediately sent me pics with the emails I was supposed to have created.
I personally NEVER make 2 accounts in the same casino!!! Never!!
Find that really strange.
Above all, the casinos give you the feeling of being more and more insecure over time!!!! It's no fun playing like this anymore!
Ich habe auch Screenshots von den Unterhaltungen wo man mir einfach nicht helfen möchte das problem zu lösen. Da steigt einem die Vermutung das sie es mit Absicht machen um eben Probleme bei der Auszahlung zu machen.
Ich habe auch die Bilder vom 2ten casino welches mir sofort Bilder gesendet hat mit den Emails die ich angeblich erstellt habe.
Ich persönlich mache NIEMALS im dem selben casino 2 Accounts!!! Niemals!!
Finde das echt merkwürdig.
Vorallem geben die casinos einem das Gefühl mit der Zeit immer mehr und mehr unsicherer zu sein!!!! So macht spielen keinen Spaß mehr !!!
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše probleme.
Kao što je Daniel predložio, ja bih podneo žalbu , zapravo 2.
Mislim da kazino ne voli da vam pokazuje druge adrese zbog bezbednosne politike.
Nadalje, vjerujemo da ista IP adresa samo znači da dva (ili više) igrača koriste istu VPN aplikaciju ili jednostavno dijele internetsku vezu. Stoga se mora pronaći više indikacija podrške (iste ili slične akreditive i tako dalje) kako bi bili savršeno sigurni da je igrač kreirao više naloga.
Šta mislite o podnošenju pritužbi?
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.
As Daniel suggested, I would submit the complaint, well, 2 actually.
I think that the casino is not fond of showing you the other addresses because of the security policy.
Furthermore, we believe that the same IP address only means that two (or more) players use the same VPN app or simply share the internet connection. Hence more supportive indications must be found (the same or similar credentials and so on) to be perfectly sure that the player has created multiple accounts.
What do you think about submitting the complaints?
Zdravo Radka! 🙂
Mislim da je to dobra ideja!
Podnijet ću 1 žalbu i u drugom kazinu gdje imam isti problem je račun zatvoren na moj zahtjev jer su zaista jako nepristojni.
Hvala vam na podršci!!!
Hello Radka! 🙂
I think that's a good idea!
I will file 1 complaint & at the other casino where I have the same problem the account was closed at my request as they are really very rude.
I thank you for your support!!!
Hallo Radka! 🙂
Ich denke das ist eine gute Idee!
Ich werde 1 Beschwerde einreichen & beim anderen casino wo ich das selbe Problem habe wurde das Konto auf mein Wunsch geschlossen da diese wirklich sehr unfreundlich sind.
Ich danke euch für eure Unterstützung!!!
zdravo timu kazino gurua treba mi pomoć oko provjere starosti. Pošto unesem sve tačne podatke i piše da osoba sa podacima nije pronađena.
možeš li da pogledaš ovo?
pozdrav Gabriel
hello casino guru team i need help with age verification. As i enter all correct details and it says person with info not found.
can you look into this?
kind regards Gabriel
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja. je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.
Proverite svoj inboks i kliknite na link koji smo Vam poslali:
Link će isteći za 72 časa.
Proverite svoj "Spam" ili "Promotions" folder ili kliknite na dugme ispod.
Konformacioni e-mail je poslat ponovo.