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Kontaktirajte Casino Guru (strana 2)

 od lauarual
44.196 pregleda 91 odgovora |
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Hi, what do you mean by they're not displayed? Doesn't this work for you?

To je zato što je ovo podružnica, tako da je stranica izgrađena na isti način

Automatski prevedeno:


I'm not sure how exactly is this information related to your previous post, saying:

"Hello, I wanted to ask why wildz casinos like caxino are no longer displayed when you walk on them?"

Could you explain what seems to be the main issue, please?

Zdravo Daniel/Radka, upit: je li Joe na odmoru ili tako nešto? Ne mogu da ga nađem u mailu i porukama 😕

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello lauarual,

Josef.Z got your message and will get in touch with you soon. As I was told. 🙂


Nastavit ću čekati. Hvala ti

Automatski prevedeno:

You're welcome.

I'll be here if you need me 🙂.


Hvala na pomoći.

Još uvijek čekam, ako mi možete pomoći u tome, bilo bi sjajno.

Umoran sam od čekanja!

Automatski prevedeno:

Danijele/Radka, još čekam Jozefov odgovor.

Zaista ne može biti tako teško odgovoriti na e-mail!!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Then what exactly would you like us to do? You contacted us here, Radka contacted Jozef directly and he said he'll get back to you soon. What else can we do?

Possibly highlight players reviews along with the casino guru reviews -

as players we know how many new casinos pop up daily, and how hard it is to keep track on how well casinos are preforming; but I think it would be handy to have player reviews along side casino guru reviews.

maybe a "what we found with "Casino A" , and "our players thoughts can be found here"..

theres a few high ranking casinos I’ve personally played at on multiple occasions and wouldn’t rate them with a score half as high from problems I’ve experienced live - but casinos holding "perfect reputations" here. Comes across biased or paid for IMO.

Regulators that don’t address complaints publicly shouldn’t be allowed "perfect casino" score since if they don’t take complaints seriously in public, imagine how closed off and unhelpful they are without an audience.


I believe you’re mistaking "live support" with what you’ve found here - which is, an online casino forum.

Practice a little patience and you won’t get tired of waiting. If you notice admins/ mods can take 7 days as stated on the complaints procedure.

Possibly highlight players reviews along with the casino guru reviews -

as players we know how many new casinos pop up daily, and how hard it is to keep track on how well casinos are preforming; but I think it would be handy to have player reviews along side casino guru reviews.

maybe a "what we found with "Casino A" , and "our players thoughts can be found here"..

theres a few high ranking casinos I’ve personally played at on multiple occasions and wouldn’t rate them with a score half as high from problems I’ve experienced live - but casinos holding "perfect reputations" here. Comes across biased or paid for IMO.

Regulators that don’t address complaints publicly shouldn’t be allowed "perfect casino" score since if they don’t take complaints seriously in public, imagine how closed off and unhelpful they are without an audience.

Yes, the latest and direct experiences are a vital aspect of the casino's page. By The "Latest user reviews" we display the latest 3 user reviews on casinos that are available in your country. 

You can browse all associated user reviews in the "user reviews" tab and we added a star bar with an overall rating based on player's user reviews only.

If you have another suggestion or any idea how we can highlight those more effectively, please share

When it comes to complaints,

every unjustified or unsolved complaint earns the casino some black points based on the "severity" of the problem.

Have you found any perfect casino with unjustified complaints or a passive regulator, please?

Zdravo dragi kazino guru timu!

Imam pitanje, prijavio sam se danas u kazinu i upravo sam htio uzeti bonus kada mi je rečeno da ga ne mogu dobiti jer izgleda da imam drugi račun što me zbunilo jer nikad ne otvaram 2 računa na isti kazino ikada! Nije tako loše! Kažu da imam duplikat, ali ne žele da mi kažu sa kojim emailom. Imam 3 e-maila i pokušao sam resetirati lozinku za sva 3 e-maila i samo e-mail na koji sam se registrirao dobio je e-mail za resetiranje lozinke, a ne i ostale. Tako da nisam znao da imam drugi nalog!!! Morate li mi reći koja je adresa e-pošte korištena za navodno duplirani račun?

Ako bi to trebalo da bude moj drugi nalog, zar to ne bi trebalo da kažu?

Biće mi drago za odgovor ✌🏼

Automatski prevedeno:

That's interesting. Here's my guess - someone else using the same IP address created an account in the casino, the system flagged your new and only account as a duplicate account due to it.

If the other account has different credentials associated to it (name, address, phone number), the it apparently isn't yours, but if the credentials match, then it should be your account and the casino should help you to restore the access.

So I'd ask the casino for help in restoring access to your allegedly 1st account. If they don't help, submit a complaint. As I mentioned earlier, my guess is that the 1st account isn't even yours so you can hardly get an access to it.


Hi Daniel!

Razgovarao sam s njima nekoliko puta, ali svaki put mi kažu da ne smiju davati nikakve informacije.

Osećam se kao da me pokušavaju opljačkati.

Imam problem ali trenutno u 2 kazina!

Potpuno isti problem sa 2. kasinom. Navodno 5 naloga sa istom IP adresom što jednostavno ne može biti. Ovaj drugi kazino mi je čak poslao fotografije sa mejlovima koji su navodno kreirani sa istom IP adresom.

Kako je moguće Daniele da neko drugi koristi moj IP?!?!?!?!

Da li je to uopšte moguće?!?!

Ponekad imam osjećaj da neka kockarnica namjerno kreiraju više naloga i sa istom IP adresom, tako da nakon toga možete stvarati probleme ako se čeka velika isplata ^^.

U posljednje vrijeme mi se čini da se neka kockarnica ponašaju podmuklo kako bi zaradili više novca.

Automatski prevedeno:

Imam i snimke ekrana razgovora gdje jednostavno ne žele da mi pomognu da riješim problem. Povećava se sumnja da to rade namjerno kako bi izazvali probleme s plaćanjem.

Imam i slike iz 2. kazina koji mi je odmah poslao slike sa mejlovima koje sam trebao napraviti.

Ja lično NIKADA ne otvaram 2 naloga u istom kasinu!!! Nikad!!

To je stvarno čudno.

Iznad svega, kazina vam daju osjećaj da ste vremenom sve nesigurniji!!!! Više nije zabavno igrati ovako!

Automatski prevedeno:

Imam i snimke ekrana razgovora gdje jednostavno ne žele da mi pomognu da riješim problem. Povećava se sumnja da to rade namjerno kako bi izazvali probleme s plaćanjem.

Imam i slike iz 2. kazina koji mi je odmah poslao slike sa mejlovima koje sam trebao napraviti.

Ja lično NIKADA ne otvaram 2 naloga u istom kasinu!!! Nikad!!

To je stvarno čudno.

Iznad svega, kazina vam daju osjećaj da ste vremenom sve nesigurniji!!!! Više nije zabavno igrati ovako!

Automatski prevedeno:


I'm sorry to hear about your troubles.

As Daniel suggested, I would submit the complaint, well, 2 actually.

I think that the casino is not fond of showing you the other addresses because of the security policy.

Furthermore, we believe that the same IP address only means that two (or more) players use the same VPN app or simply share the internet connection. Hence more supportive indications must be found (the same or similar credentials and so on) to be perfectly sure that the player has created multiple accounts.

What do you think about submitting the complaints?


Zdravo Radka! 🙂

Mislim da je to dobra ideja!

Podnijet ću 1 žalbu i u drugom kazinu gdje imam isti problem je račun zatvoren na moj zahtjev jer su zaista jako nepristojni.

Hvala vam na podršci!!!

Automatski prevedeno:

hello casino guru team i need help with age verification. As i enter all correct details and it says person with info not found.

can you look into this?

kind regards Gabriel

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