Zdravo, nailazim na isti problem kao i "Mattpaken" Verifikovan sam od 29.6.22 i moja bitcoin adresa je prihvaćena kyc verifikacijom i rekli su da će biti poslata u odjel za isplate i da će biti obrađena za 3 do 5 dana i još ništa. Razgovaram s tamošnjim timom za podršku i stalno se vrtim okolo govoreći još samo nekoliko dana lol..hoće li mi neko pomoći s tim molim .hvala
Hi I'm running into the same problem as "Mattpaken" I have been verified since 6/29/22 and My bitcoin address was accepted by kyc verification and they stated that it would be sent to the withdrawal department and would be processed in 3 to 5 days and yet nothing. I talk to there support team and I keep getting the run around saying just a few more days lol..will someone help me with the please .thank you