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To bi bilo dobro od strane Gurua

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Guru je sjajna stranica koja zaista nudi poštene kazino rezultate, jedino što mi stvarno nedostaje je da u mom meniju nema uvlake za non-stick bonuse kako bih lakše pronašao taj kazino

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you for the feedback, could you please be more specific about what you're looking for? Would you like to have a filter that allows to find only casinos with bonuses that are / aren't sticky?

Ažurirano od strane autora

Tacno tako,možda več postoji pa ga nisam našao 🙂


I don't think we have this filter. I forwarded this thread to Matej, he should know 🙂

Bilo bi dobro da je tako 🙂 hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Unfortunately, we do not have this filter, but we will consider adding it. Thanks for your feedback.


Draga Radka, imam jedno pitanje 🙂 Mislim da bi bilo zaista sjajno kada biste drugim guru članovima poslali neku vrstu zahteva za prijateljstvo kako biste bili povezani sa njima.

Samo sam mislio da bi to mogla biti dobra ideja 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Dear CasinoStreamer88 😉,

not a bad idea, I just can't find any other benefits aside from the fact that some sort of "friends list" would appear in the profile.

Allow me a silly question, why would you like to have such feature and would you expect as a additional feature, please? I need a little help here 🙂 .

We can dicuss it more deeply right here.


Dobro jutro ti prelepa ✌🏼🕊🌸🙂

Mislim da bi bilo dobro da sa igračima razgovarate o privatnim stvarima, na primer 🙂

Na primer, ako, kao u ovom slučaju, ime kazina ne želi da se pominje, možete o tome razgovarati privatno, a da neko ne mora javno da kleveta kazino. 🙂

Generalno, bilo bi mi sjajno povezati se sa drugim korisnicima ako imate zajedničke stvari 🙂

Ali to je samo ideja i nije previše važna 🙂

Ali to je bila samo ideja ✌🏼✌🏽

Automatski prevedeno:

💚Lovely morning to you! 🤩

That is a wise idea 👍

I felt I did not catch the meaning properly, now I see 🙂. It's similar to the question of why the forum does not support PM or DM. We mean this place to be open and crystal clear - no side private debates, we feel that only when all are public and available to anybody, this forum will be true without borders. Take it like this, the main purpose of casino reviews is to provide honest information about what should be expected and warn about bad sides or potential risks. Well, we apply the same to the forum.

If you like to engage in a personal conversation with anybody, as long as they provide you with email, skype (whatever) you are ready to go 🙂.

Of course, we do not incline to insist on any concrete information - such as the casino name, if we feel that the player is not willing to share. 

Sadly, as long as nobody knows about which casino the "talk" is, all benefits are quite lost. But that's ok, it's up to every forum member to make up their mind. 🙂

Have a good one! 😉

So often you want to put a dislike on a comment or a review of a player under the casino, there are likes, but why not add dislikes? It seems to me that this is not bad idea. Very often there are such awkward reviews, they write such nonsense, well, there are simply no words. What do you think?



that's an interesting idea, but still, I can find it not so fitting for a forum.

I'll try to explain.

We are all different with possibly different experiences and this is sort of a meeting point for all of those differences.

Likes mean that the post is somewhat useful, and has some value, and maybe even for a member who just come here seeking a piece of certain information. On the contrary, we are not any technical support or wiki, players just come here and chat, with no need to press a negative feature.

This is a forum, so how about writing a reply post where you explain why you disagree?

Would you truly prefer dislike without an explanation?

Anyway, to be sure, are we talking about user reviews or forum posts, please? 🙂


Mislim da ste potpuno u pravu.

Nisam na to tako gledao 🙂

Pošto ste u pravu, mogli biste samo da razmenjujete poštu i komunicirate jedni sa drugima.

Mislim da sam shvatio i mislim da ste u pravu i sve bi trebalo da ostane javno dostupno.

Hvala na objašnjenju draga Radka✌🏼🌸✌🏽

Neka se i vi dobro provedete! ❤🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi there, happy you see it the same way 🙂💚👍

We still try to find new ways how to enrich the forum with useful additions, and a different perspective can certainly help us achieve that. 🙂 

Sooo, when you're hit by another cool idea, bring it on here, please! 😉

One never knows 😁🙏


Lep dobar dan draga gospođo Radka 🙂

Ne samo da pokušavate, već svaki dan radite sjajan posao! 🙂

Na tome smo vam ja i mi članovi iskreno zahvalni!!!

Svi za jednog i jedan za SVE 🤜🏻🤛🏽

Automatski prevedeno:

Actually, I'm not pretty good at fencing 😂😁👍


Za mene si najbolji. 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Welcome back, my dear!

Hope you're enjoying a wonderful Christmas time, I'm happy that you took the time to "say hello" and reply to other members here on the forum! 👍💚

Ho-ho-ho! 🙂

Ažurirano od strane autora

Dear CasinoStreamer88 😉,

not a bad idea, I just can't find any other benefits aside from the fact that some sort of "friends list" would appear in the profile.

Allow me a silly question, why would you like to have such feature and would you expect as a additional feature, please? I need a little help here 🙂 .

We can dicuss it more deeply right here.

I agree with you. It can be a good option



Since the forum does not support personal messages, I fear that such a list would only be a sort of visual part.

Would you instead appreciate the function follow the thread - is already available 😉? Or maybe follow a user?🤔

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