NaslovnaForumKazina888 Casino - opšta diskusija

888 Casino - opšta diskusija

 od aflorio97
8.502 pregleda 100 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za 888 Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Dok sam igrao slot, moj nalog je neobjašnjivo privremeno onemogućen.

Pitam se kako je to moguće.

Već sam našao slične pritužbe i nadam se da će moja situacija uskoro biti riješena, također jer nisam mogao ništa povući.

Kazino u pitanju je 888casino.

Čekam odgovor.

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro veče, izvinite na neprijatnosti. Video sam da mi je oduzeto 300 € i prošao sam preko Evolution Pai Post kartice. Obično, da potvrdi uplatu, traži od mene otisak prsta ili kod za plaćanje. Hteo sam da te pitam da li možeš da vratiš svoj novac. Hvala vam puno dobro veče

Automatski prevedeno:

Dobro veče, izvinite na neprijatnosti. Video sam da mi je oduzeto 300 € i prošao sam preko Evolution Pai Post kartice. Obično, da potvrdi uplatu, traži od mene otisak prsta ili kod za plaćanje. Hteo sam da te pitam da li možeš da vratiš svoj novac. Hvala vam puno dobro veče

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello Sergiomorena25, I am sorry for your inconvenience. In case you face some troubles with the casino I recommend you to submit a complaint here on our website. I noticed you have not any up to now. There you can simply describe your situation with all details. Some of our complaint team representatives will take care of you afterwards. Complaint gives room for comparing evidence and possible debate with the casino. Complaint is not a bad thing and it is good to be used. 

Uvek pitam, ali možeš li ovako da izgubiš? Onda pričaš o RTP-u i softveru i sreći znamo da se sreća okreće i dešava s vremena na vreme ali kod tebe se to nikada ne dešava a pogotovo kada govorimo o skoro 60 hiljada evra igrica,,,,pa. ali zar drugi sajtovi ne koriste isti sistem? To se dešava samo kod vas ... i kada kontaktiram korisničku podršku oni odgovaraju loše ili niko ne odgovara, na drugim sajtovima gubite i dobijate ali sa vama samo gubici

Automatski prevedeno:

I have to admit that you got me confused with your post now.🤷‍♀️

I do not understand who you wrote it for. The casino?🤔

Do you have any kind of issue we could help you with? Please tell us about it more, and together we could find a solution.🙏


Za kazino sam napisao da. Uzgred, zar ne možete da napišete više od jedne recenzije ovde?

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm just not sure if we have any active casino representatives here, so they can read your post, you know.🤷‍♀️

If you'd like to get some help, we are here for you, though.

It is possible to write one review per casino per player. Did you experience some kind of issue with that?

Crazi! 590 evra blokirano 20 dana!!! Više puta traže dokumenta ali NE PLAĆAJU!!! OPREZ SAJT PREVARA!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, the main reason why your withdrawal is blocked is verification I suppose. You always need to complete it successfully to be able to withdraw.

But I'm interested in what the specific issue is. Your documents are not accepted? Why does the casino ask for them several times? 

Please let me know.


Dva puta poslao dokumente!!

Automatski prevedeno:

Okay, but could you answer my questions please? 

It also occurred to me that it might be a good idea to reopen your complaint, I mean this one and not file a new one, because it is then evaluated as a duplicate if you wrote about the same thing again. Where you stopped replying, it would be good if you gave a reopen. 

Would that be possible if you still can't verify?

Nisu mi platili!

Automatski prevedeno:

I have already learned this from previous replies, but you still have not answered me, and I see that you have not even done what I recommended. 

So I don't know how I can help more. So try to read my post again and proceed accordingly.

Moj nalog na 888casino je blokiran bez razloga. Juče sam igrao bez problema, danas sam pokušao da se prijavim ali piše da mi je nalog privremeno deaktiviran. Jedini uplaćeni depozit je bio početni kada sam otvorio račun pre 10-ak dana i nisam čak ni povukao. Kako mogu ovo da rešim?

Automatski prevedeno:


I believe the casino should work on a solution. In similar situations, the player is usually emailed with details. Just to avoid the most common problem, can you check your mailbox for me? Look through the bin folder, promo section, or simply every folder. Perhaps we can come up with something without the complaint process.

I think it is worth trying.

Čekam skoro mesec dana 955 evra!!

Automatski prevedeno:

I see you finally managed to open the complaint. Is there a reason why you are waiting so long now? Are you in contact with the casino or not? Also, my question is why did you keep playing here when you had problems before? Is it worth it? 


Ne igram se više sa njima! Uzalud čekam svojih 955 evra!!

Automatski prevedeno:
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