ForumKazinaAll Wins Casino - opšta diskusija

All Wins Casino - opšta diskusija

pre 2 godina od francaguadagno9
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pre 2 godina
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za All Wins Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.
pre 2 godina

Razočarani nakon što su igrali bonus xl stvar od 500 eura rekli su mi da su mi dali pobjedu ali to nije istina od osvojenih 700 eura mogu uzeti 100 sa depozitom od 50 koji sam napravio da m ..... ja n igraj se s tim jos sramota !!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Hello, to me it seems that the bonus contains the maximal cashout limit - €100. Is it so, please?

If this is the case, sadly you can't withdraw more. 🙁

pre 11 meseci

Ne igrajte u ovom kazinu, nikada nećete moći da podignete svoj dobitak.

Nije pouzdano.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Hi I moved your post under the casino we are talking about. May I ask how long has it been impossible to withdraw money ? Has your account been verified yet ? 

Anyway, I see you managed to file a complaint, so we'll have to wait and see where things go. 

Besides, I hate to say it, but have you seen this casino's safety index ? I think it's too low and I'd be wary of depositing in similar casinos. The casino also operates without a license, so it just adds to the need to be careful. 

Still, I hope you manage to get your money back. 

pre 11 meseci

Novac se više ne pojavljuje na mom računu pa mi je jasno da sam ga izgubio...sad mi kažu da će mi dati 200 ali iskreno ne verujem, prvi put je tako nešto ovo mi se desilo... i kada vam to praktično serviraju. Smeju vam se... ubeđuju vas da nastavite sa polaganjem... to je jednostavno prevara

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

Pored toga, oni vam daju oblik povraćaja koji žele. U mom slučaju, izabrao sam metod vize, a danas vidim da su ga promenili u transfer, zbog čega mislim da su jednostavno želeli podatke o mojoj kartici, koje ću takođe morati da otkažem jer im ne verujem ni malo , sada dobijam mejl da će sutra izvršiti transfer... ovo mi deluje toliko apsurdno i neozbiljno da sam ogorčen... Nisam tražio bonuse, igrao sam sa svojim novcem, moj nalog je verifikovan , uradio sam stvari najbolje što sam mogao i nađem se sa svim ovim... PONAVLjAM NE IGRAJ SE sa njima, pazi mnogo!!!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

I understand and sympathize with you, because it is certainly not easy to go through something like that. Where did the casino get the idea to give you a refund of 200? Is that what you put in as a deposit ? I don't think it's fair if you win that you should only get a refund, but as I mentioned before, this casino has a lot of red flags that I'd rather avoid. 

However, I hope you have learned your lesson and will look up some information before you deposit at the casino next time, so you don't get into a scary situation. I recommend user reviews or complaints first of all, because they reflect the real experience of the players. 

Nevertheless, our team will try to do everything possible to make sure it turns out well in the end. If you manage to get a refund or your full amount let us know. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. 🤞

pre 11 meseci

Hvala, trenutno nisam ništa dobio, 200 evra je uzeto iz klauzule koja se pojavljuje u terminima koje zovu k10 i navodno ako je vaš poslednji depozit 20 evra i ako ste uplatili manje od 200 pomnože ga sa 10 i To je najviše što možete povući.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 11 meseci

You're welcome. Of course I understand what you wrote and I am very curious how it will turn out in the end. Be sure to let us know if anything moves forward in your case. I will be waiting. 

pre 3 meseci

i have deposited thousands and thousands on this site. Had one withdrawal… well I won £9000 but was only allowed £1000. Wish I’d googled them first 😢

pre 3 meseci

Hi, so what happened when you could only withdraw 1000? Did you play with a bonus or something, because that's what I can think of where casinos usually take money from players that they can't withdraw. Of course, if that's not the case, I'd be happy to hear from you and tell me how it was. 

Nevertheless, have you already withdrawn the £1000 or are you still trying ? 

I'll be waiting for an answer. 🙂

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