Da li je to moguće? 4 meseca da se sve iscedi do poslednje pare. Da ostane bez nove godine. Kako budala može noću da trči okolo tražeći bankomat, pa da ga nađe i uzme klupu?
pri prvoj poseti je bio takav znak:
tip bonusa dobrodošlice
video sam nakon registracije ovaj bonus, samo za depozit od 80 USD je obećano 150% (120 USD) Napravio sam depozit od 87 USD (sva sredstva su nedavna), nisam video bonus na depozit.
Podrška je nosila nekakvu glupost, na svakih 500 spuštenih dolara se naplaćuje 1 dolar, počeo sam da tražim menadžere na zahtev bcgame u skajpu i telegramu - slao sam aplikacije prijateljima u skajp svima. Video sam 2 grupe gde igrači komuniciraju na jednoj 17 hiljada ljudi https://t.me/bcgameofficial , na drugoj 7 hiljada https://t.me/bcgameofficiaI (pretplaćeni na obe) gde je 7 hiljada ljudi videlo da postoji administrator u grupi https://t.me/BCGame_Mak
Otpisao sam ga - mislio sam da već moram da povučem svoja sredstva nazad. Kladim se na uplatu, odbijaju, pišu treba da napraviš preokret h1. Počeo sam uredno da uvijam za 10 centi. I evo početka. Stanje mi je 110 usd (ostalo je da završim promet od 25 usd da bi uplata bila uspešna), piše mi administrator njihove grupe. https://t.me/BCGame_Mak
Nisam uneo nijednu lozinku. Na mojoj pošti postoji zaštita od dva faktora. Upravo sam pratio vezu http://url2010.bc.game
napisao je da je tip rcn blokiran na osnovu članka
Zatvorio sam stranicu
, uključio VPN i ponovo kliknuo na ovu vezu - prebačen sam na off site
na ovom linku je takođe bio znak sa bonusom i potpunim opisom informacija o bc igri
na ovo i pratio ga
dalje pokušavam da se prijavim - potreban mi je kod sa dva faktora
vezan za moj račun nije bio. Ponavljam, nisam uneo lozinku i autorizovan sam samo na https://bcfun .games/
Počinjem da se prijavljujem na nalog na kome sam igrao
piše da je lozinka netačna
nijedna poruka nije stigla na moju e-poštu sa resetovanjem lozinke
Nisam mu rekao mejl i lozinku sa naloga, u pošti je identifikator sa dva faktora
kao rezultat, vratio sam lozinku i vidim da mi je stanje 0
Ja sam u šoku. Uđem u istoriju igara i on je sve procurio u nekoj mini igrici
is this possible? 4 months to drain everything to the last penny. To be left without a new year. How can a fool run around at night looking for an ATM, then find it and take a bench?
at the first visit there was such a sign:
welcome bonus type
saw after registration this bonus, only for a deposit of 80 USD was promised 150% ($ 120) I made a deposit of $ 87 (all funds are recent), I did not see a deposit bonus.
The support carried some kind of nonsense, for every 500 dollars put down, 1 dollar is charged, I started looking for managers at the request of bcgame in skype and telegram - I sent applications to friends in skype to everyone. I saw 2 groups where players communicate on one 17 thousand people https://t.me/bcgameofficial , on the other 7 thousand https://t.me/bcgameofficiaI (subscribed to both) where 7 thousand people saw that there was an administrator in the group https://t.me/BCGame_Max
I unsubscribed him - I thought I already needed to withdraw my funds back. I bet on the payment, they reject, they write you need to make a turnaround x1. I started twisting neatly for 10 cents. And here's the beginning. My balance is 110 usd (it remains to finish the turnover of 25 usd for the payment to be successful), the administrator of their group writes to me. https://t.me/BCGame_Max
I didn't enter any passwords. There is a two-factor protection on my mail. I just followed the link http://url2010.bc.game
it wrote the type of rcn is blocked based on the article
I closed the page
, turned on the VPN and clicked on this link again - I was transferred to the off site
on this link there was also a sign with a bonus and a full description of the bc game information
on this and followed it
further trying to log in - I require a two-factor key code
tied to my account it was not. I repeat, I did not enter the password and was authorized only on https://bcfun .games/
I'm starting to log in to the account where I played
writes that the password is incorrect
no messages came to my email with password reset
I did not tell him the email and password from the account, there is a two-factor identifier in the mail
as a result, I restored the password and I see that my balance is 0
I'm in shock. I go into the history of games and he leaked everything in some mini-game