NaslovnaForumKazinaBET90 Casino - opšta diskusija

BET90 Casino - opšta diskusija

 od pinga51
5.262 pregleda 10 odgovora |
Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za BET90 Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Želim upozoriti SVE igrače da Bet90 više ne nudi rokove za isplatu kada se iscrpi 3-5 radnih dana. Postavljate pitanje, a polaznici chata jednostavno ne odgovaraju na postavljeno pitanje. Ne odgovaraju na e -poštu, ne odgovaraju ispravno u chatu, svejedno, sve ukazuje na to da sam žrtva prevare. Poslao sam svu dokumentaciju, deponovao, poslao uplatnicu, završio prevrtanje, ukratko, učinio sam SVE što je bilo potrebno. A, da mogu uspostaviti ODD da neću primiti svoj novac, to bi bilo 1,08, kao da se Bayern Munchen suočava s Chapecoenseom. Ja sam Chapecoense u ovom slučaju. Samo želim dobiti svoj novac, sramite se tako postupati s mušterijom.

Možete li postaviti rok za moje povlačenje? Povukao sam se 14.10.2021., Račun je verifikovan 15.10.2021. ROK JE VEĆ BIO ISPUŠTEN, SADA ŠTA?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I'm quite surpriced that you're facing this issue in casino with such a nice reputation 🙁It's good that you have already submitted a complaint, especially in case that casino does not response at all... We usualy advise players to wait for at least 2 weeks (for casinos with not so good reputation), however I feel this is not question of time in your case. Please keep an eye on your complaint's progress, further more you can always try to contact Malta Gaming Authority. As far as I know there are some players who were successful and got their winnings this way.

Please stay positive and hope for the best.


Tješi me ocjena koju vidim na vašoj web stranici o njima, jer postajem frustriran zbog toga. Izbjegavaju pitanja, uopće ne kažu rok, samo kažu radni dani. Ovo je vrlo okrutno, čini se da pokušavaju iritirati kupca tako da ih kupac ne poštuje i u pravu su, ali iskrena sam, pristojna sam, osoba koja ima principe, neću biti gruba . Neopravdano je da se bavite ozbiljnim stvarima i razgovarate kao dijete. Račun je podmiren, poslani dokumenti, primljeni depoziti poslati, izvod iz banke poslat, prevrtanje završeno, sve je tačno. Na trenutak su čak rekli da to sada zavisi od roka moje banke, ali to je laž, jer opcija za poništavanje povlačenja otkucava kako bih mogao kliknuti na nju. Koji kazino vrši depozit i ostavlja dostupnu opciju povrata novca? Sve razgovore sam prepisao u svoju e -poštu, ako se kazino odluči pojaviti ovdje kako bi odgovorio da se zaista nadam da su pošteni.


Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I'd say it's great you submitted the complaint. It's also important to stay calm while talking to the casino representatives, because in some cases, casinos simply close your account if you're rude. I honestly hope you'l manage to resolve this with the casino and everything's gonna be alright 🙂

Just make sure you won't lose your winnings before you manage to withdraw them!

Hello Casino Guru,

I deposited this website so far, 196 Euros. After that the website has been limited me. I withdrawan 946 Euros. They informed me that I had to verify account. I uploaded all documents in same day.

But it's been more than two weeks after withdrawal and it's been more then 10 working days after uploaded documents. They don't response my email's. I didn't use any bonus, before become a member I checked T&C. I just used Mifinty method. Nevertheless, I coudn't find anyone to talk. Live chat just says we will send it as soon as possible. They don't send my money. Please help about this.

NO ONE SHOULD TRUST THEM! Casino Guru has to change this: Very good reputation




first, allow me to bring to your attention some aspects we're considering when it comes to the overall rating:


Secondly, it does not seem that casinos can't handle players' issues. The staff cooperates with our complaint team and there has been no single unresolved complaint so far.

Hence I recommend submitting a complaint and we will check the whole situation and try to help you.

Please use this link:

Hi. My user in Bet90 is alvaro3120 and I am from Ecuador. I still can't say that my withdrawal has been delayed but there are some issues that i would like to be clarified (Sorry for my english). I am using the same method to withdraw that i used to deposit (Directa24), but Bet90 has rejected my withdraw attempts arguing that my bank account isn't valid or that my payment details are incorrect, but i have tried with two of my bank accounts (i am the owner of them) and the issue continues (the data IS correct, i have checked multiple times and they are the bank accounts that i always use...and I called the banks and they say that my bank accounts have no limitations to receive international transactions). I would like to get a respond from BET90 and be clear with this problem. My Bet90 account is validated and bonus money was released with no problem. Maybe it is that you have the wrong Swift code of the banks?? Or problems with Directa24?? Pleaste, let me know. file

Also I don't have unplayed amountfile

Please, help me to speed up the approval...Thank you

Ažurirano od strane autora

I'm sorry. No one aside from the casino employee can solve the problem. I would say, the casino should now clarify the issue and make every effort to allow you to withdraw.🤔

Kindly mind the casino probably won't respond to you here. This isn't the official casino chat, you see?

May I know for how long you have been trying to withdraw, please?


Yeah..i know that this page helps people who plays in all online casinos... I've written them several times since May 16...But i've heard that other people from Mexico have the same issue since nearly a month, not only with Directa24, also with Mifinity ... Bet90 responded by email 2 days ago that they will communicate this issue with Directa24 and that I would get a response on Monday (today).


To be entirely precise, our Complaint Resolution Center helps players with complaints. 🙂

The way I see it, you could use some help too, right?

I usualy recommend players to read this brief quide, to get an idea about the process as a whole:

Once you feel it's a good idea to create one, feel free to use this link:

I think you should try it, it's free.

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