NaslovnaForumKazinaBetMartini Casino - opšta diskusija

BetMartini Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od simplyme
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Ako se ne varam, poslao sam snimak ekrana bonusa putem mejla

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, it's a shame if I'm honest that you can't access this information because you've been blocked. But on the other hand, it's nice if you managed to send a screenshot to Petronella via email. Of course, anything you have on this case I think will be useful, although I don't know if you have any other evidence. Anyway, for now we have to wait and see where the situation goes from here. 

Dobro jutro Petroneli, pre nekoliko dana poslao sam sve što sam imao između mejlova i ekrana

Automatski prevedeno:

That's exactly what needed to be done. Now it's our team's turn to look at everything. We'll see where our they end up. 

Even i deposited 5,000 inr and trying to withdraw 38,000 inr. It's pending since 48 hours. They didn't even ask any documents and live chat not working .


Is this your first withdrawal at this casino, or did you have any before, perhaps? What payment method did you used here? Just try to be little more patient, and maybe send an email to their support, if you see, that nothing is happening. Are you able to log in to your account?

Yes first deposit and withdraw. But I played in a similar casino( same owner company but they paid me but closed my account there 😂)

Here it's an even worst site they're not even replying


It's frustrating and not very pleasant when the casino doesn't answer you. However, if you have received some money from sister casinos, I hope that will be the case here as well. 

What payment method did you use ?

I deposited via upi( Indian) and as upi withdraw is not there. I'm using bitcoin(crypto) to withdraw. It's been 3 days and they're replying once per 24 hours that they'll let me know once it's successful. But see I saw many bad reviews for this site . Only when casinoguru or askgamblers ask them for update they fasten up the process.


We usually give casinos 14 full days to proceed the payment, before we intervene, as Nick has explained to you in your complaint as well. So unfortunately there is nothing much we can do right now to help you out. Have you tried to ask the customer support what is this delay about, perhaps? Please let us know whenever there is any update, we'll wait for your reply.

Hey please,they are not even replying via mail since 4 days . Please directly ask the casino please .


I definitely understand that it's not nice if the casino doesn't respond, but as mentioned before, we have a time frame that we give the casinos to do everything they need to do in order to make a withdrawal. So when it passes then our team will intervene, but until then you will have to be patient too. 

I also saw that the casino told you that they will give you an update on your withdrawal, so obviously you will have to keep a cool head and hopefully it will be as soon as possible. 

If you have an update, let me know. 👍☘️

SCAM. They don't pay out funds


Hello, could you say more about your situation ? How long have you been waiting and why the casino doesn't want to pay your money ? Do they have a reason ? Do you already have a verified account with the casino ? 

Tell me a little more please. 

Imao sam isti problem sa dobitkom od 4500 evra posle mnogo mejlova i posle nekog vremena su mi platili samo 500 i ispostavilo se da je to bio bonus i da nisam mogao da podignem iznos veći od 500 evra

Tražio sam uslove i odredbe bonusa i nikada mi ga nisu poslali, ali na njihovom sajtu nisu postojali uslovi i odredbe

Po mom mišljenju, trebalo bi da se svi okupimo i proširimo dobru prijavu i da se pobrinemo da blokiraju svoj sajt

Nikada više sa ovakvim platformama

Kloni se

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, and thank you for this warning!

It seems like there is another point players should be aware of. Have you seen its safety index before you decided to play there?

Well, check it out here 👈, if you're interested.

Regarding the bonus, is it possible to see your bonus history or an active bonus somewhere in the casino account? In my opinion, it would be pretty handy, especially in this casino.


Zaboravimo da je bolje

Savet za sve igrače poput mene

Ostavite ove sajtove na miru, nemojte bacati novac

Dok god sipamo sve ok

Onog momenta kada pobediš, počinju problemi, ali ja ne odgovaram na mejlove, ali čet operateri svi odgovaraju na isti način, nisam našao hiljadu izgovora da ne platiš, ako počneš da se ljutiš zatvoriće Vaš račun.

Apsurdno, hajde da ne bacamo pare

Automatski prevedeno:

I'm definitely sorry to hear about the casino experience you had. 

But does this apply to your complaint that you had six months ago ? If so, I saw that you won from a bonus that was free, and I don't think 500 is a small amount at all. You didn't have any Terms and Conditions to tell you in advance how the bonus works ?


Ne, zato sam se naljutio

I zato što sam na ovom sajtu platio više od 5000 evra za manje od 10 dana

Kada je stigao ovaj bonus morao sam da dostignem, ako se ne varam, k 40 što sam i uradio i automatski mi je sav novac koji sam imao oduzet ostavljajući 300 evra nastavio sam da igram dok nisam došao do cifre od 4500 evra

Igrao sam i u drugim kockarnicama i pri podizanju je pisalo da ne mogu da podignem više od 500 evra

U svakom slučaju, sada je važno da drugi igrači ne nasedaju na to kao ja i da ovako rasipaju novac na nepouzdane kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hm, I think a casino should always have such things mentioned somewhere. Max cashout on bonuses for sure and also whether the cap is done right after wagering the bonus or upon withdrawal. If it's not in the case of a single bonus that is sent to you via email, it should at least be in the Terms and Conditions. 

However, if you can't find such things anywhere, in that case I would always contact support or live chat to find out this information. 

If they couldn't tell me, then I wouldn't play in a casino with a bonus. 🙁

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