NaslovnaForumKazinaBetriot Casino - opšta diskusija

Betriot Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 9)

 od quartasalvatore748
23.805 pregleda 182 odgovora |
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Ljudi nas ismevaju. Imam 3 podizanja po 500 € i ništa. Danas sam otišao da se prijavim na svoj nalog i on mi kaže pogrešne lozinke itd. Pričam u ćaskanju uživo, a i ti me ismejavaš. Ne šalju mi e-poštu čak ni da promenim lozinku. Verovatno smo izgubili novac momci, nažalost

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, then if you can't move anywhere and the support doesn't really help you, I would definitely recommend filing a complaint here so our team can investigate the matter.

All you need to do is follow this link and describe the issue well.

Have you ever had any successful withdrawal there before, though?🤔

Zdravo svima! Imam problem sa betriotom.

Napravio sam lepu pobedu i nekoliko nedelja sam uspeo da podignem 9,500 evra po povlačenju.

skoro dve nedelje, međutim, ne mogu. Obično su povlačenja trajala 3 dana.

umesto toga, sada više ne prihvata početni način plaćanja (tražio sam odgovor putem mejla, jer mi iz ćaskanja kažu da moram da pišem podršci putem mejla) i uneo sam drugi. Ali prošlo je 3 dana i sada me traže da sačekam bar do sledećeg utorka. Pitao sam zašto nisu prihvatili drugu metodu i ne mogu da mi kažu.

šta da radim ako isplate ne stignu ni na ovu karticu? Stvarno mi je potreban ovaj novac i ne želim da ga se odreknem.

možeš li mi pomoći? Hvala

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, we always give the casino 14 days to pay the player. If you continue to have problems and nothing comes in, then you can file a complaint with us. 

However, on the one hand I would say that so far you have always received money according to what you write, on the other hand, if there is a problem with the payment method, the casino should navigate you and advise you what you should do and not tell you nothing. 

So if you have another withdrawal, I would be patient and wait and if nothing changes in the mentioned time and you don't know anything relevant, then get in touch and we will try to help. 

Can you cope?


Ok! Thank you! I’ll wait.

this morning I sent a mail, asking why I had no answer or explanation.

hoping they will non delete again my withdrawl.

have a nice day!


Sure, try to be interested in how the withdrawal is going once in a while. 

I'll be waiting to hear something worthwhile from you.😉

Opet čekam isplatu, prošlo je 48 sati... svaki put kad padnem na igru u ovom groznom kazinu.... ko zna koliko ću čekati ovaj put

Automatski prevedeno:

Green Chilli 2 at Betriot Casino is a fun and exciting game with colorful graphics and cool bonus features that keep things lively. The smooth gameplay and great rewards make it enjoyable for both beginners and experienced players. Highly recommended for anyone looking for a thrilling and easy-to-play slot that keeps you coming back for more.

Opet čekam isplatu, prošlo je 48 sati... svaki put kad padnem na igru u ovom groznom kazinu.... ko zna koliko ću čekati ovaj put

Automatski prevedeno:

Well, two days is not a disaster yet, it will be worse if it is prolonged. At least now you have an idea of how long it took before and I would expect it to take the same amount of time this time. I don't want to say that you should think about the worst, but you shouldn't expect anything when you already know how the withdrawal process works in this casino. 

So could you let me know when you have news about the money? I'd be grateful. 🙂


Da naravno, nema problema, da očekujem najmanje 10 radnih dana, poznavajući ih. Onda ćemo videti, možda bi me ovaj put iznenadili hahaha

Automatski prevedeno:

Then you think pretty well I'd say. Well, let's wait and see if they surprise you.😉


The withdrawal is going well, now. They’re paying. Hope there roll be ho more and surprises. Thank you!


Posle koliko dana od zahteva su prihvatili vaše povlačenje?

Automatski prevedeno:

The withdrawal is going well, now. They’re paying. Hope there roll be ho more and surprises. Thank you!

Good news, for which I am definitely happy. I also hope there were no surprises, but if by chance there were, you know you can contact us. 

All the best to you. ☘️🤞


za prva 3 povlačenja, 3 dana. Zatim je došlo do „stanka" od desetak dana. Zamolili su me da promenim način plaćanja i prošlo je 5 dana za prva dva isplate. Poslednji je, međutim, trajao 3 dana

Automatski prevedeno:

Have you thought about writing a user review about your experience, perhaps?

Anyway, here's the link you can do so.


Da. ja ću pregledati. Ali čak i ako isplate idu, smatram da je njihov način ponašanja malo previše nepravedan. Znamo da zavisnost od kockanja postoji i da stvaramo ovu vrstu problema, kao što je nemogućnost podizanja novca dve nedelje ili čak ograničenje od 500 evra dnevno. Ili 7000 € mesečno bankovnog transfera, koji još uvek nisam mogao da završim jer je uvek davao grešku; a od podrške nisam dobio nikakvu pomoć... sve ovo, vrlo jednostavno može dovesti do toga da igrač ponovo sve prokocka.

računaju na to. I smatram da je to nepravedno i veoma odvratno, da budem iskren. Zaista mislim da neću ponovo igrati na ovom sajtu.

Automatski prevedeno:

I surely understand your stand here.

Gambling addiction is a serious issue, and we believe that all the casinos should act promptly whenever it comes to it and don't try any of the tactics you describe in your post.

That is why whenever our users describe their experiences from casinos they play on our forum or by writing their user reviews, it is a good source of information for others.

And, of course, if you don't feel safe at some casino, it is always better to move somewhere else and stop playing there, as you said.

Imam ozbiljnih poteškoća sa primanjem uplata u betriot kazinu. Nakon što je primio prvu uplatu od 200 €, sada je nakon 5 dana otkazao sledeću od 500 €.

Imam još 1400€ da podignem i ne znam šta da radim. Hvala svima koji mogu da mi pomognu!

Automatski prevedeno:

Hey, did the casino tell you the reason why your next withdrawal was cancelled? That would probably be the most important thing right now. 

Was it necessary for you to verify? Did you play with his bonus? 

Try to tell me a bit more please.🙂

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