NaslovnaForumKazinaBorengo Casino - opšta diskusija

Borengo Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

 od Daniel777
11.211 pregleda 38 odgovora |
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Nije li primjetno da su prigovori na male iznose riješeni, a veći još uvijek neriješeni? Ne znam trebam li se još nadati! Još samo jedan dan i moja žalba će isteći! 🤷🏼‍♀️😔

Automatski prevedeno:

Is it really true? I haven't checked the amounts to be honest. on UK scamlist


I tried to contact the on my own and attached a link to this thread, they replied to me:

Hi Daniel,

Sorry for this issue , due to some technical reasons there are several delays but it be solved asap.




Thank you Daniel, I hope I hope, Lets see what kind of casino this is.


They claimed at least it's due to technical reasons. The rest of players here weren't even informed about it so yeah, let's see.

Osećam se isto. Još uvijek nisam verifikovao svoj račun i čekam oko nedelju dana na svoju verifikaciju i isplatu mojih dobitaka. Isplata se obrađuje u roku od 5 dana. Tamo sam osvojio četiri cifre i bio bih oduševljen da dobijem i novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

Does the casino (at least) claims they have some technical issues or are you just waiting with no response? Because this casino didn't even react to the latest complaint 🙁


Kazino uopće ne odgovara na moje e-mailove i kada pišem podršci, opet me samo tehnička podrška upućuje na e-poštu. Jednom mi je takozvana Julijana rekla da ima tehničkih poteškoća. Ali to je otprilike to.

Automatski prevedeno:

You can always write an user review to let others know, what you've experienced and maybe help somebody in the future by doing so. I know you feel cheated at the moment, however what you've experinced with this casino is quite usual for such a low reputation score and honestly, it's exactly the reason why we put so much effort in casinos reputation ranking. Hope the complaint will work...


Their casino representative replied to my email within an hour. They said the same about the technical issues. I believe they're probably just extremely busy, but I still think that you'll eventually receive your winnings.

Zaista sam radoznao da vidim da li će isplata zaista doći. Ostavljam mnoge kritike da jednostavno sve ignorišu. Kako sad da ostanem? Srdacan pozdrav.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kako to misliš da je normalno za kazina sa tako lošom reputacijom? Reputacija je 7,3 ili ne?

Automatski prevedeno:

Ima li nesto novo?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, nothing at all ... No answer and no money 😒


Šta su vam ljudi Gurua rekli?

Automatski prevedeno:

Casino didnt reply to my complaint so my case became unresolved. Borengo has answer Guru they have some technical problems. Now it is nearly 5 weeks since I made my withdrawel

Please write a rewiew about your experience


Čekam svoju legitimaciju više od nedelju dana. Mislim da ni ja nikada neću dobiti novac.

Automatski prevedeno:

Kako to misliš da je normalno za kazina sa tako lošom reputacijom? Reputacija je 7,3 ili ne?

Automatski prevedeno:

You're right the casino had 7.3 in past, but it was also marked as a "fresh casino", which means we didn't have much info about them, but no negative experience from players as well.

Since the situation developed through the time, the rating has already been adjusted to 5. It's possible that it will drop down even more in case we'll more more justified complaints against the casino.

You can take a look at the current reputation here:

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