Zdravo. Veoma je lepo što pokazujete takvu posvećenost da zaštitite druge. Pošto još nismo u potpunosti svesni prevare, a takođe i zato što je forum samo prostor za razgovor, verujem da bi bilo dobro da počnemo sa kazinom i dokažemo da kazino nekoga prevari.
Mogu li da znam da li je žalba podneta, molim? Poenta je da ceo „proces upozorenja" neće napredovati bez toga.
Hi there.It is very nice that you show such a dedication to keeping others safe. Since we are not yet fully aware of the scam and also because the forum is merely a space for talking, I believe it would be good to start with the casino and prove the casino is scamming anyone.
May I know whether the complaint has been lodged, please? The point is the whole "warning process" won't move much forward without that.