NaslovnaForumKazinaCasino blokira španske račune

Casino blokira španske račune

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Pozdrav svima, pitanje je

Je li legalno da kazino otkaže vaš dobitak, aludirajući na činjenicu da ne pruža uslugu Španiji?

Imajte na umu koji je jedan od onih kockarnica koje traže provjeru računa, kada tražite povlačenje

Dogodilo mi se s FortuneClockom, otkazali su dobar vrhunac, vratili su mi prihode i zatvorili račun

Automatski prevedeno:

If you register in a casino without using VPN and clearly stating that you're from Spain and they let you play there, it's not your fault when they claim that they don't provide service in Spain, because they apparently do.

In my opinion, it would be acceptable if they return all of your deposits without paying you the winnings in case that Spain is clearly stated as a restricted country in their Terms and Conditions (because it would be partly your fault that you didn't read their Terms), but if they let you play and make deposits, they can't just close your account once you request a withdrawal. 

Generally speaking - if a casino restricts any country, you should simply get a message saying "We're sorry, our service is blocked in your territory" once you try to access the website from the country. That's an easy and clear solution. If a player tries to bypass it using VPN, it's player's fault at the end of the day. 

Hvala vam što sada kada otvorim račun, putem chata provjeravam da li su španjolski računi dozvoljeni

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes and I suggest you to make a screenshot of the reply so you're safe in the future.

If you register in a casino without using VPN and clearly stating that you're from Spain and they let you play there, it's not your fault when they claim that they don't provide service in Spain, because they apparently do.

In my opinion, it would be acceptable if they return all of your deposits without paying you the winnings in case that Spain is clearly stated as a restricted country in their Terms and Conditions (because it would be partly your fault that you didn't read their Terms), but if they let you play and make deposits, they can't just close your account once you request a withdrawal. 

Generally speaking - if a casino restricts any country, you should simply get a message saying "We're sorry, our service is blocked in your territory" once you try to access the website from the country. That's an easy and clear solution. If a player tries to bypass it using VPN, it's player's fault at the end of the day. 

Slažem se sa VPN-om, mnogi moji prijatelji su patili i nisu primili svoju zaradu za korišteni VPN. Savjetujem vam da ga ne koristite i sve će biti u redu.

Automatski prevedeno:

Since the first licenses were granted in June 2012, there are now many online casinos allowed in Spain and all of them are reliable and trustworthy secure sites. There have always been problems with this issue 

Zašto se zezati okolo? Samo predaj problem nekome ko zna za njega. Postoje neke kompanije koje su aktivne u ovoj oblasti. je jedan od njih. Naravno, ne možete garantovati uspjeh, ali ja vas ohrabrujem da to učinite.

Automatski prevedeno:

Another post about such a company? Do you have your own personal experience I wonder?



Da, tako je 🙂

Automatski prevedeno:

Care to elaborate? 🙂

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