ForumKazinaCasinozer - opšta diskusija

Casinozer - opšta diskusija (strana 2)

pre 2 godina od Dizzaya
8217 pregleda 32 odgovora |
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pre 2 godina

Nažalost, prekasno sam pročitao Vašu recenziju, ali ono što kažete je definitivno činjenica. Osećalo se veoma programirano.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


I tried to ask the casino about exceeding RTP, let's see what they come up with.

pre 2 godina

Ova stranica mi se pokazala kada idem na vruće igre. Objavljujem link

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Thanks for the link. This is actually getting more and more interesting and even more ridiculous. I'll carry on dealing with this on Monday. The casino has a very nice rating on our website and this is just insane information provided to the players!

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
pre 2 godina

Drago mi je da vam pošaljem sliku. Ili odete u kazino na Casino i na izbor Hot.. ovo su RTP-ovi izvan stvarnosti.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Hello there,

I receive a reply concerning RTP. Feell free to read the full answer:


Thank you for contacting us, I hope to find you well. 

The RTP is calculated on the last 24h, thus it may change. It is calculated according to the player's winnings, if they were in luck, the RTP can even go over 100%. 

I hope to answer your question. 

For example, you can see in the attached document that during the last 24h Prosperty Pearls has an RTP of 120% but this slot has a theoretical 96,18% RTP. 

For any other question, don't hesitate to contact us by email or live chat, the latter being open between 10am and midnight every day.

I wish you a great day,


Casinozer Support Team"

pre 2 godina

Više nego loše cijeli kazino!

Prihvatio Casinoguru bonus i dobio bonus za besplatne okrete.

Još uvijek sam imao €1,62 bonus novca i rečeno mi je da platim ponovo i onda možeš uzeti ostalih 100% bonusa. Tek što sam rekao, uložio sam €1,62 i sada mi podrška govori da trebam opet nešto kladiti! Oni tačno razumeju 0 onoga što želim.

Sad ima još nešto zanimljivo! Htio sam obrisati svoj račun i sada čekam 3 dana i mogao sam sretno uplatiti za to vrijeme! Nemaju, ali stvarno nemaju zaštitu igrača! Da li ću dobiti nazad svoje depozite i moj račun će ikada biti izbrisan, može se nagađati

Ovo je najgori kazino koji sam IKAD vidio!

@Casinoguru zašto je ovdje tako visoko ocijenjen?!?

Ažurirano od strane autora pre 2 godina
Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Hello there,

It sometimes happens that you simply do not enjoy the casino but honestly it can not affect the casino's rating.

If you like to know more about how we evaluate each casino, feel free to read this article:

To get more familiar with Casinozer's rating, just read the the "reputation explained" tab:

Concerning the bonuses, it's quite normal that only one bonus can be active at the same time so to be able to get another bonus, the previous one must end. The balance gets to zero or you complete the withdrawal. If you take another bonus another wagering requirement is applied.

Furthermore, have you stated any reason for closing your account, please? It's very important to inform the casino properly and proceed as advised. The live chat can't close anyone's account, normally, the operator asks the player to write an email using a specific email address.

Was it like that, please?

pre 2 godina

AI je imao 2 bonusa za jedan depozit!

B Čekam do danas da moj nalog bude izbrisan!

I CI može deponovati i zatražiti brisanje mog računa prije nekoliko dana!

Poslao sam i mail i nisam ništa radio putem live chata. Najbolja stvar je na kraju. Trebao sam jučer dobiti odgovor da mi je račun izbrisan. Šta se desilo? NIX ali i čisto garnix!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Has your account been closed, please?

I just want to say that we see 3 days as a reasonable time period for the casino to close the account.

If you feel you were treated badly, consider submitting a complaint, please.

pre 2 godina

Razumijete li IKAD ijednu riječ od onoga što pišem? Užasna cela stvar!!!

OPET JOŠ NISU izbrisali moj račun i evo već skoro 2 sedmice čekam!

Osim toga, još uvijek nisam dobio svoje depozite nazad!!!

Cijela stvar je SCAM casino ni više ni manje! I opet sam imao 2 bonusa u isto vrijeme ili ih još uvijek imam.

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina


yes - I do. And I still think you should submit your complaint. Honestly, there is no point in constantly complaining here, if we have no chance to check what has happened. Don't you think?

Just submit the complaint here (as I already sent to you earlier):

Only after that, we can start with the investigation.

Thank you.

pre 2 godina

Zašto ovaj kazino još uvijek ima dobru reputaciju? Ako niste u mogućnosti da objavite ispravnu reputaciju i nije vam stalo do mnogih negativnih recenzija, onda ne biste trebali pokretati ovu web stranicu! Ovaj prljavi kazino me bombarduje reklamama i odbija da se samoisključi iako posluje ilegalno na austrijskom tržištu!

Automatski prevedeno:
pre 2 godina

Hello there.

This casino has a good overall score based on our internal review. Plus there has been only 1 complaint submitted against this casino so far:


This leads to the second point, submit the complaint so we shall see what has happened.

If you do not submit the complaint it is not fair to question our methods because we can't investigate your issue and find out any problems hidden from us.

Feel free to check complaints and preferably submit your own:

Thank you.

Post od alexdossantos2220 je obrisan od Radka
Razlog: Spam
pre 1 godinu

I hereby inform that casinozer and its partner and sister casinos (Altacore N.V.) reject any kind of complaint (regardless of the content). According to its statements, the casino also sees itself not responsible for taking and complying with any measures against gambling addiction. The casino always justifies this with the article from the T&C that the player agreed to when registering:

"By creating your account, you guarantee the following: You understand and accept the existing risks of losing your money by using the services of the Website"

So if you want a fair complaints procedure and some player protection, I advise against doing so at Altacore N.V. casinos to play.

pre 1 godinu

I guess that's why we reviewed the responsible gambling tools as "bad".


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