NaslovnaForumKazinaCBet Casino - opšta diskusija

CBet Casino - opšta diskusija

 od Maurizio97
23.579 pregleda 134 odgovora |
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Ako želite da diskutujete bilo šta vezano za CBet Casino, kao što su igre, bonusi, metode plaćanja, problemi sa nalogom, odgovorno kockanje ili bilo šta drugo, možete to učiniti ovde.

Dobio sam svoj povlačenje sada. Hvala u svakom slučaju na vašoj dostupnosti

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello and congratulations.

May I know how long did it take in total, please?

I'm sure the others would like to know.

12 dana od kada sam zatražio povlačenje, 10 dana od kada su ga pokrenuli

Automatski prevedeno:

Thank you.

I can see this one provides live games as well, so I wonder have you tried any of those? 🙂

Anyway, have a nice Sunday.

Igre uživo su iste kao i druge kockarnice, na kraju računi nisu loša grafika i sve, ali što se isplata tiče mi smo u lošem stanju, iz tog razloga to nikada ne bih preporučio. Sada imam još jedno prilično veliko povlačenje na Mystakeu. Nadam se da te neću morati ponovo kontaktirati za pomoć hahahah čak i ako nikada nisam osvojio ovakvu cifru u kazinu koji nije amms pa vidim da je pomalo tragično gledajući prošlost. U svakom slučaju ponovo šaljemo. Srećna nedjelja i hvala vam na onome što radite

Automatski prevedeno:

Fair enough.

Share your progress in Mystake here, please.

Hope it will be alright 🙂!

Pozdrav. Zanima me samo jedna stvar, kao vjerovatno većinu igrača. Kako i zašto daješ tako visoku ocjenu kazinu koji ima toliko pritužbi i pritužbi kako na vašoj tako i na drugim stranicama. Ne razumijem kako možete takvom očigledno lopovskom i lažnom kasinu dati istu ocjenu kao nekim zaista poštenim i dobrim kockarnicama. Zaista svakodnevno koristim Vašu stranicu kao neku vrstu vodiča, tj. pokazatelja koja kazina su ispravna i dobra, a koja da izbjegavam. Želim da se i dalje oslanjam na vašu stranicu i vaše iskustvo i znanje, ali ako takvim kazinima date takve ocjene, bojim se da ću i ja morati početi izbjegavati korištenje vaše stranice. Pročitao sam i znam koji su vaši kriteriji za procjenu kazina, ali mislim da vi i ja i ostali igrači znamo da to nije tačno u slučaju ovog kazina. Ovo je prvi kazino o kojem sam napisao komentar prije dva mjeseca, a ovo pišem tek sada jer se slična situacija desila i mom prijatelju, samo što se u njegovom slučaju radilo o mnogo više novca. Žao mi je što ne želi pisati komentar i žaliti se, pa ovo pišem u njegovo ime, ali mislim da zaista nije fer prema drugim kockarnicama, kao ni prema drugim igračima da očigledne lopove ocjenjujete vrlo dobro. Izvinjavam se na komentaru, ali ovo je istina o ovom kazinu jer sam se u to uvjerio i vidio svojim očima.

Automatski prevedeno:


to learn why the casino earned such a rating, simply visit the tab called "reputation explained" as the name suggests, the reputation is explained there - for every single casino listed on the website.

You can also go through the complaint section to learn how many complaints have been submitted so far, how many are resolved, and unresolved. An unresolved complaint means a black point for the casino, go ahead and see for yourself. Kindly note that we review casinos differently and only rely on our reviewing process - which can be checked here

Seems like you've aready done so, hence you knw that we only consider information we were able to evaluate.

No need to apologize 🙂.

Feel free to submit your own complaints against every casino that treated you unfairly and we will investigate.



I have a problem with these bookmaker. They just close my account withtout any obvious reason.

IS there someone with same problem here?


Hi, it's always hard to guess what happened there. I suppose your account haven't been verified yet? Have you contacted their customer support regarding it?


My sports bet was taken as "lost" when I actually won the bet, until now they have not given me a solution from Cbet support, what can I do?


Hello there.

Could you provide more details, please? Like:

How long have you been waiting for a resolution?

Is this issue related to sports betting or casino bet?

What exactly did the casino tell you the last time you were in touch?

Thank you for helping me understand the context. 🙏


I've been waiting for a solution for less than a week. The problem was in a sports bet, it is in a match where a team scores a goal, but on the cbet page they score the goal for the opposing team and not for the one who scored, for example, team 2 scores a goal and in cbet It turns out that team 1 scored a goal. The casino has been telling me the same answer as always, that the case is still being analyzed but they don't give me any more information than that, and I'm sure I'll be waiting a long time for them to give me a solution.


Thanks for updating your issue and I’m sorry to hear that you have this kind of problem.

Unfortunately, since we are not dealing with sports betting at Casino Guru, I can suggest you to visit these sites where you can find help.


If you will do so, you can let us know about result. 😊

Molim za pomoć u slučaju da mi neko može pomoći da vidim šta se radi u ovim slučajevima, jer mi je zaista teško da poverujem da je u pitanju prevara.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, I'm sorry you're going through this situation. May I ask if you played with the bonus ? I see that you write that your account is fully verified and if I understand correctly, you have had successful withdrawals. In addition, what anomaly was discovered by the casino security system mentioned in the screenshot ?

Anyway, in this case I would suggest you to file a complaint, because I find it strange that nobody has explained anything to you. Click here to open one and I've also included a link if you need help on how to proceed:

Our team will look at your situation and try to help you as much as they can.

Keep us updated as your situation progresses.

Zdravo Jaro, hvala ti na odgovoru.

Žalosno je da se ovakve stvari dešavaju.

Stavio sam poruku u link koji mi kažete, mislio sam da je gore, dobio sam ID zahteva 75682 ali ne mogu da ga nađem, ne znam da li sam nešto pogrešio.

Odgovarajući na vaša pitanja:

1) Nisam koristio nikakav bonus, čak ni dan pre blokade sam napravio povlačenje.

2) Od prvog dana su mi zadavali probleme da dobijem $. Igrao sam i u većini kladionica i moj bilans je mnogo više negativan nego pozitivan, zato ne razumem razlog blokiranja. Ono što kažu je da po njima igram metodom koji podiže opkladu dok gubim, što je zabranjeno, ali ne razumem šta misle. Moji dobici su bili u sportovima uživo i kazinu uživo. Igrao sam sve, čak i slotove.

Poslao sam nove e-poruke u oblast podrške za cbet i ne odgovaraju, svuda je to prevara veća od 4.000 USD.

Malo je nade da mi možete pomoći, pošto sam video da su uspeli da reše nekoliko slučajeva.

Molim vas da mi kažete da li je moj slučaj otvoren ili sam uradio nešto pogrešno u procesu, gde sam čak priložio mejlove koji su mi poslati i sve ostalo.

Hvala Vam mnogo,

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, according to my information you have done everything right and you have submitted the complaint correctly. However, in the process of resolving, our team overlooked important information that you provided and therefore I ask you to open a new complaint with us once again. 

Our team will look into the issue and try to resolve your situation. 

However, in this particular case, I would like to point out that we specialize in online casinos, so if you have a problem with sports betting too, I would recommend that you also try to file a complaint here on one of the attached links:

I think your emails will be useful and our team will need them when they get to your complaint. Could you let us know if you file a complaint with us again please ? If anything is unclear or you have failed to see the complaint feel free to write and we will look on it. Also, I'd like to ask you if you still haven't managed to get a response from the casino ?

I hope your situation will be resolved as soon as possible and wish you the best of luck. 🤞

Zdravo, dobro, želim da uložim novac da počnem da igram u cbet kazinu, ali ne mogu da pronađem put, ja sam iz Argentine

Automatski prevedeno:
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