Pokušajte da koristite dugme za ponavljanje. Meni je, na primer, prilično teško da pratim razmenu postova. Verujem da je ovo za kazino, međutim, kao što sam već govorio o delu; važno je napomenuti da u pritužbi.
Samo da budemo precizni: administratori foruma ne potvrđuju ispravnost kazina ili prilagođavanje indeksa bezbednosti. U tu svrhu pružamo funkciju ažuriranja ili žalbe. Samo da znaš.
Ipak, verujem da bi bilo koja funkcija kazina mogla da pokvari, na primer. Veoma je žalosno ako se to desi sa sigurnijim alatima za kockanje. Međutim, renomirani kazino bi cenio direktne povratne informacije i rešio bi problem, rekao bih.
Mogu reagovati samo na informacije koje mi date jer nisam predstavnik kazina i nemam pristup njihovom sistemu. Zato mislim da je bio mudar potez da ih obavestim o nefunkcionalnim granicama, kao što ste rekli da jeste. Iskreno, sa moje strane nema mnogo više da se doda.
Please try to use the replay button. I, for instance, find it quite difficult to follow the exchange of the posts. I believe this is for the casino, though, as I already addressed the part; it is important to mention that in the complaint.
Just to be precise: Forum admins do not validate the casino's fairness or Safety Index adjustment. We provide the update us feature or complaints for that purpose. Just so you know.
Nevertheless, I believe that any casino feature could malfunction, for example. It is very regrettable if this happens with safer gambling tools. However, a reputable casino would value direct feedback and address the issue, I'd say.
I can only react to the information you provide because I am not the casino representative and do not have access to their system. Therefore, I think it was a wise move to let them know about the non-functional limits, as you said that you did. Frankly, not much else to add, from my side.
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