NaslovnaForumKazinaGGBet Casino - opšta diskusija

GGBet Casino - opšta diskusija (strana 16)

 od Vova1983
71.948 pregleda 326 odgovora |
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Pokušao sam sa bankovnim transferom i povlačenje je odbijeno. Banka je rekla da je bankovni transfer u redu i GGBET tvrdi da sam imao pogrešne informacije. Razmotriću to malo dublje zajedno sa svojom bankom. Kada sam napravio depozite na GGBET-u, transfer je otišao na Cherishhates com. Kada tražim to ime, dolazim do stranice za upoznavanje. Veoma čudno i mislim da je moja banka pomalo radoznala u vezi sa ovim.

Automatski prevedeno:

I understand, but it is good if the bank warns you if the transactions go to some fraudulent places. It's probably an indication that all may not be in order. 

Anyway, to jump to the positive side, I see that another player is trying to help you with the information you need to enter, so I hope that your next withdrawal attempt will be successful. 

I'll wait for the answer. 😉


Hvala ti dragi Jaro.

Banke u Švedskoj imaju veliku sigurnost. Ja sarađujem sa bankom jer imam račun kod njih i ne želim da mi zatvore račun.

Da, to je drugi igrač koji pokušava da mi pomogne. Ja sam strpljiv i samo želim da GGBET zna da imaju obavezu i pravo.

Automatski prevedeno:

Okay then, I'm curious if you'll be able to withdraw with help. I'll be here if anything. 🙂


Hvala za pomoć. Da li na vašim isplatama piše odakle dolazi novac? Da li piše ggbet ili čudne kompanije. Ne morate da odgovarate ako ne želite.

Automatski prevedeno:

Ne piše ggbet, ali to nije tako čudno jer to imaju mnoga kazina.

Automatski prevedeno:

Hello, may I suggest using the reply button every time you wish to respond to a specific post, please? It's quite practical.

In any event, I concur that casinos—or perhaps their payment processors—frequently use other companies as originators or partial recipients.

There has actually been quite a hot discussion on that subject in this thread 👈

Just so you know, you may find it interesting at some point.

Ažurirano od strane autora

I don't want to step in, just want to know how it goes with the casino.

Respond, if you don't mind.


Zdravo Radka!

Hvala na pitanju.

Juče sam napravio dva mala podizanja, jedno od 1.200 SEK i jedno od 2.300 SEK bankovnim transferom, i to je odmah krenulo. Do danas nisam dobio ni peni od ggbet-a.☺

Ažurirano od strane autora
Automatski prevedeno:

I would say, but it's also a good shift when you got two withdrawals. The next one hasn't come yet according to your words, but you could probably expect it based on recent events. 

However, did you ask the casino if something happened with the next withdrawal ? 🙂


Zdravo Jaro

Danas, posle mesec dana, dobio sam prvo povlačenje. Bankovni transfer je radio tako da nije bila greška moje banke. Morate samo da napravite mala povlačenja koja ne prelaze 4.000 SEK, mislim. Nisam dobio potvrdu od GGBET-a jer kada odem na svoju stranicu još uvek piše u toku. Nadam se da sledeće povlačenje neće potrajati još mesec dana 😉

Automatski prevedeno:

Good news finally. Do you also have another withdrawal via bank transfer ? I also firmly believe that it will not take so long. So when you get your withdrawal again, be sure to let me know. 

I'll be glad if you get everything as soon as possible. ☘️


Zdravo Jaro! Koristim istu Mastercard i bankovni transfer, ali sam napravio mala povlačenja koja ne prelaze 4000 i do sada dolaze dva povlačenja. Biće potrebno neko vreme da se dobije sav novac, ali ipak je dobra vest da ide napred 😉

Automatski prevedeno:

U petak sam položio 10 evra na GGBet plus 50 igara po 20 centi svaka u big bass ektremu. 12 utakmica odigrano noću, zatim čekić: 221 evro, 6800 evra. Plasirao sam 221 evro sa 50 centi, dobio sam 2 remija po 31 i 19 evra sa ulogom 221, hamer, kako možeš da dobiješ tamo?

Automatski prevedeno:

Hi, from what I read I understand that you didn't manage to win on something, but it would be good to describe it a bit more in detail what was the game, what was your bet and what seems to be the problem if you have one. Or did you just want to share your experience? 

It's written in a pretty rough and I'm a bit lost, so I would need a little help from you in explaining the system to me better, thank you. 

Ne preporučujem igranje u ggbet kazinu od 26.10.2024. oni ne isplaćuju dobitke navodeći tehničke probleme

Automatski prevedeno:

Učitavam mnogo novca na GG opkladu i ako uložim hiljadu poljskih zlota za nedelju dana imam 0

Automatski prevedeno:

Možda će ipak uspeti file

Automatski prevedeno:

Could you please tell us if you experience some kind of issue at that casino we could perhaps help you with?

Hello, I had 70€ on website and made it to around 398€ with esports betting. Today I wanted to process withdraw and later on I get an email that my request has been denied and when I checked my balance all of the money has been gone and I'm left with nothing. When I checked my betting history all my winning bets have been denied and my losing bets are approved. I don't know what to do now since they aren't responding to emails.


The casino didn't explain to you at all what is behind the fact that they took your money? That's obviously not the way it should be and if they don't reply to your emails, you may not find out more. 

I'll give you links where you can make a complaint and I hope they can help you somehow. 

You can find them here:

Could you let me know if anything changes please? 

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